
Friday 17th March, 2023 - Week 8

Dates for Your Diary - What's Coming Up

Monday 20th - Monday 27th MarchNAPLAN Continues
Monday 20th MarchP&C Meeting
Tuesday 21st MarchHarmony Day
Monday 27th MarchStage 3  Solar Celebration/Lord Mayor
Wednesday 29th MarchSchool Photos

From the Principal

Dear Members of Dulwich Hill Public School

Families of Dulwich Hill Public School, you are invited to our Harmony Day Special Assembly next Tuesday. It will be wonderful to welcome you to be a part of this important recognition of diversity.

Students are invited to wear the national costume of an ancestral, former, birth country and so are you parents and carers.

For those of us who have settler/invader ancestry, the colour ORANGE is the Harmony Day colour – and I encourage students and family members to join me wearing orange.

There will be a morning tea for all family members in the Hall for about 40 minutes, following the assembly. Students with family member/s will be welcome too.

If you wish to donate a plate of something for the morning tea, you will be able to leave the plate (with a name on it if you want it returned) on the tables set up in the hall next Tuesday morning.

The school will host a separate Grandparents Day next term. Watch for that!

NAPLAN online for Years 3 and 5 began this week. Very few and very small, technical issues occurred, so all was able to proceed as planned. The organisation is always the most time consuming and thanks go out to the Stage 2 and 3 teachers, Ms Rhiannon Baker, Ms Elizabeta Angelkovik, Ms Kate Lutherborrow and Ms Melinda Nancarrow for leading the school through the sessions this week and next.

I hope you can take advantage of good weather this weekend to check on your worm farms, put something tasty to grow in a pot and then take your best animal friend/s out for a walk or a run or a ride in your pet back pack!

Linda Wickham

Principal's Awards

Three Merit Cards = One Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal's Award: Lenka 3/4T, Emerald 5/6L, Niden 1/2O, Ernie 1/2O, Max 1/2E, Anna 1/2O, Jibran 1/2M, Cantra 5/6L, Zaima 3/4T, Isla 1/2M, Aydin 1/2E and Oscar 3/4P.

Student Hall of Fame

Three Principal's Awards = One Blue Ribbon

Congratulations to the following students who received a Blue Ribbon: Oscar 3/4P, Max 1/2E, Eleanor 3/4B and Alice 5/6L.

DHPS Red Ribbon

Three Blue Ribbons = One Red Ribbon

Congratulations to Bianca 3/4T. Poppy 5/6A and Alice 5/6L who received a Red Ribbon this week. Well done guys. Keep up the great work!

Harmony Day

Upgraded School Finance System - NOW COMPLETED

We are excited to announce our school has transitioned to the upgraded School Bytes finance system.  A simplified finance system for both you and the school.

What this means for you:

  • Payments can now resume 
  • Any existing payment links that have been sent to you previously in emails can still be used after the transition and will automatically redirect to the new system
  • After the transition, a School Bytes portal will be available for you to register and begin using (Link: )
  • All previous payments have migrated to the new School Bytes finance system and portal

What is the School Bytes portal?

The School Bytes portal provides flexibility for you to conveniently:

  • Make school payments online (including paying for multiple siblings at once). Please note: Any payments that require parent permission eg. excursion, online consent must be given prior to making the payment
  • Use a family credit to pay for an activity or school contributions
  • Download a receipt for payments made
  • View all historical payments in one place
  • Complete and submit digital permission notes
  • View the status of all permission notes
  • Request a refund if required

This can be done where you want at any time: day or night.

Through the portal, you will easily be able to download a receipt once a payment has been made and have access to view all historical payments when needed. Online payments are processed in real-time and can be viewed by school staff immediately.

While our preference is for payments to be made via the portal, we will still accept payment via cash and cheque.

Please see the  School Bytes - The Parent Portal Flyer (DOWNLOAD).


Primary Ethics - Calling for Volunteers!

Come teach ethics at Dulwich Hill Public School

The Ethics program at Dulwich Hill Public School is delivered by Primary Ethics volunteers from the community. We have enough students for ten classes but only three instructors are currently available. 

In ethics, students explore everyday issues suitable for their age. They learn to listen closely to each other, to disagree without putdowns and to think carefully as they form their opinions.

We have children on waitlists and want to give them the opportunity to take part in ethics. To do that we need more volunteers to teach. 

You can teach ethics if:

  • You’re interested in what children think and you have an interest in learning
  • You’re willing to learn how to use our lesson scripts to ask children ethical questions
  • You can remain neutral and give the children space to think
  • You’re available each school week at 2.30pm on Wednesdays - you’ll need about an hour each week to prepare and give the scripted lesson
  • You complete our free training and pass background checks.

You will join a great community of Primary Ethics volunteers – at Dulwich Hill Public School and across NSW. You’ll have the rewarding opportunity of listening to the fantastic students at our school and helping them grow. You’ll develop new skills yourself – facilitation skills, plus skills in communication and active listening.

Primary Ethics provides free, comprehensive training with online self-paced learning plus trainer-led workshops (by Zoom or face-to-face).


 Visit or contact Feyza Tuncay


Music at Dulwich Hill Public School

Stage 1 Recorders

Stage 1 Recorders have been unleashed on our community this week! You may have noticed a recorder in your child’s bag if they are in Year 1 or 2. Please do your bit for communal peace and happiness and remind your child about respectful and responsible behaviour with their recorder. Eg no playing when walking around, use soft, quiet, warm breath, cover the holes completely to avoid squeaks and siblings don’t get a turn. Here are some links to songs we have played in class if your child is keen to show you what they can do. Happy practising!

Congratulations to the Students in Years 4 and 5 who performed in the Pulse Alive Concert on Tuesday. It was a great event, you sang beautifully and were a credit to our school! Thank you to the parents and families who supported their children’s participation by supervising in the break and attending the concert. Photos by Anna Warr of the event will be uploaded to this link as they become available.

The next Arts Event we plan to attend this year is the Boys Vocal Program from Wednesday 31 May to Friday 2 June. There is a limited number of ten places available in this program and preference is given to members of Stage 3 Choir.

Groups with a Google Classroom are all up to date for 2023. 

Google Classroom links are:

Stage 2 Choir - invite link, Classroom code - k2gsjui

Stage 3 Choir - invite link, Classroom code - 5hxaysq

Senior Recorders - invite link, Classroom code - tpnf7ct

Music Rehearsal Timetable - Term 1, 2023

School Photos - Whole School

School photos will be held on Wednesday 29th March (Week 10). Get your orders in now to avoid disappointment!

Music @ DHPS

P&C Meeting - Monday 20th March

Join us for the next P&C Meeting on Monday 20 March at 7:30pm in the staffroom (No zoom, real people!)

Please come and meet us in person, hear about what we do, and join us in our efforts to support the school, students and families! 

From the Canteen: Please remember to pay your child’s IOU's via Flexischools.

Dulwich Hill Public School P&C Association

Get Your Democracy Sausage (or Halloumi Roll) On!

School will be a voting centre on Saturday 25th March so please don’t pre-vote or vote online.

Come down and vote in person, enjoy your sausage sizzle, bacon & egg or halloumi roll, and fill up on beautiful cakes. We’ll have Dully Chill on sale and also be raffling a 3 month subscription to an e-bike.

It’s a big day for the P&C and a great fundraising opportunity – and we need plenty of volunteers to spread the load. Please sign up to help by clicking on the link below and putting your name to a task. 

We will also be seeking donations of baked goods for the cake stall too. Please just label with any allergens, and deliver to school on the morning. Political puns appreciated but not required if inspiration doesn’t strike. 😊

Team Kids

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