Monday 20th - Monday 27th March | NAPLAN Continues |
Monday 20th March | P&C Meeting |
Tuesday 21st March | Harmony Day |
Monday 27th March | Stage 3 Solar Celebration/Lord Mayor |
Wednesday 29th March | School Photos |
Dear Members of Dulwich Hill Public School
Families of Dulwich Hill Public School, you are invited to our Harmony Day Special Assembly next Tuesday. It will be wonderful to welcome you to be a part of this important recognition of diversity.
Students are invited to wear the national costume of an ancestral, former, birth country and so are you parents and carers.
For those of us who have settler/invader ancestry, the colour ORANGE is the Harmony Day colour – and I encourage students and family members to join me wearing orange.
There will be a morning tea for all family members in the Hall for about 40 minutes, following the assembly. Students with family member/s will be welcome too.
If you wish to donate a plate of something for the morning tea, you will be able to leave the plate (with a name on it if you want it returned) on the tables set up in the hall next Tuesday morning.
The school will host a separate Grandparents Day next term. Watch for that!
NAPLAN online for Years 3 and 5 began this week. Very few and very small, technical issues occurred, so all was able to proceed as planned. The organisation is always the most time consuming and thanks go out to the Stage 2 and 3 teachers, Ms Rhiannon Baker, Ms Elizabeta Angelkovik, Ms Kate Lutherborrow and Ms Melinda Nancarrow for leading the school through the sessions this week and next.
I hope you can take advantage of good weather this weekend to check on your worm farms, put something tasty to grow in a pot and then take your best animal friend/s out for a walk or a run or a ride in your pet back pack!
Linda Wickham