St John the Baptist Koo Wee Rup Newsletter

5 May 2021

From the Principal

Principals Report

Dear Parents & Guardians

Thank you to our School Captains, Hayley & Levi, who represented St John’s at the Koo Wee Rup RSL's Dawn Service on Sunday 25 April, it is lovely for our students to be able to attend events such as this again. 

Canteen: A reminder that the Canteen is closed tomorrow (Thursday 6 May).

Mother’s Day: This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. Importantly, this day provides us with an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to our mothers. The support, guidance, direction and love from our mothers is why we are who we are.

Mothers Day Breakfast: We are looking forward to Friday’s Mother’s Day Breakfast, we still have a very large number for the 7:45 - 8:30am session and cannot seat everyone in the hall due to this. If you are able to swap to the earlier time (7 - 7:45am) please email . We still need approximately 30 families to swap to the earlier time if possible. 

 Confirmation: We have 16 students preparing to make their Confirmation this year.  We ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks. A workshop for all confirmation candidates and parents will be held in the school hall this Thursday (tomorrow), 6th May at 7pm.

School Photos: 

  • School photos ordered by 22 April have been delivered to school and distributed this week. 

  • Any students who didn’t order by the cut off date for free delivery to school have received a reminder of their order information. 

  • Whole School and Miscellaneous Group photos (School Captains, House Captains etc) can now be ordered - see information below. 

  • If you have any queries in relation to photos please contact Schoolpix  on 1300 766 055.

Insight Parent Surveys: A reminder to parents who received these surveys that they are due this week, please ensure any paper surveys completed are handed in to the office by Thursday 6 May

NAPLAN: Next week, students in Grades 3 and 5 will be involved in NAPLAN testing. This is a nationwide assessment process covering the areas of Spelling and Grammar, Writing, Reading and Maths. Students taking part are encouraged to do their best and are reminded that there is no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. NAPLAN results will be made available to parents later in the year.

The School’s House Cross Country will be held on Friday the 14th May at St Johns. Children are to wear their sport uniform, and may choose to include their house colours.  We encourage children to bring a named drink bottle.


Chris Dortmans, Principal

Junior News

Over the last three weeks the Foundation, Grade One and Grade Two students have been busily working away on lots of different skills.

In Foundation students have been practising their reading skills by identifying the initial sounds in words or pictures. They have also learnt lots about the letters i, b, n, d, l & h. In writing students have been practising writing sentences independently using a picture prompt and forming their letters of the week on the solid line. In maths, Foundation students have been learning one new game each week to practise at the start of each lesson. They have practised counting forwards and backwards to and from 50, matching numbers to words, their friends of 10 and subtraction from 10.

In Grades One and Two students have been practising their reading skills by identifying new vocabulary in texts and improving their understanding of what they read by looking back through the text to help answer questions. In writing, students have been exploring persuasive texts. They have investigated what it means to be ‘persuasive’ or to ‘persuade’ and understanding different points of view. In maths, students in Grades one and two have been learning to divide/share a quantity equally. The strategies they have used have been to use equal groups, drawings, and objects to solve division problems.

Middle/Senior News

Classroom – We have been busy preparing for next week’s NAPLAN with our Grade 3 and 5 students who have had the opportunity to experience several practice tests over the past few weeks. Our focus in writing has been Persuasive and Narrative writing and in Maths we have begun our Fractions and Decimals unit.

Cyber Safety - We urge all parents to continue to be vigilant about your child’s online activity at home. At school, the 5/6 students are currently participating in the eSafety program to earn their digital licence. Unfortunately we are becoming aware time and time again of the dangers and problems caused by children being left to their own devices online.  This program attempts to teach them skills and strategies around the importance of being aware of cyber-bullying behaviours, their digital footprint and the information they give out to potential strangers.

ANZAC Day – We were very fortunate to have John Camilleri, the President of the Koo Wee Rup RSL come and speak to the 5/6 children about the significance of ANZAC Day. All students completed learning around ANZAC Day in the classroom and we had a lovely, reverent assembly item from 3/4K.

Lacrosse – All 3-6 students have been participating in a special Lacrosse program during their sport lessons. Thanks to Mrs Dennis for organising this – it as been a lot of fun!

Mary Mackillop Activity Day – Next week, our grade 6 students will go with Mr Stark and Wendy to Mary Mackillop in Leongatha. Whether your child will be attending this school or not for Year 7, it is a wonderful opportunity to experience a day in a high school and engage in some learning activities with students from others shools. 

School Photos - Whole School Photo is now available to order, see below for details.


Term 2 
Thu 6 May - CANTEEN CLOSED - No lunch orders
Thu 6 May - Confirmation Workshop, 7pm, St Johns Hall
Fri 7 May - Mother's Day Breakfast 
Tue 11 May - Grade 6 Activity Day at Mary MacKillop College, Leongatha
Thu 13 May - Class Mass - 9:15am - 1/2H & 1/2B
Fri 14 May - House Cross Country
Fri 21 May - District Cross Country (Qualified Competitors only) 
Fri 21 - Thur 27 May - Catholic Education Week 
Mon 24 - Fri 28 May - Swimming Lessons (Whole School) 
Thu 27 May - Class Mass - 9:15am - 3/4H & 3/4K 
Thu 3 June - Class Mass - 9:15am - FK & 5/6M
Thu 10 June - Class Mass - 9:15am - FD & 5/6S
Thu 28 October - Whole School Musical - Madagascar Jr

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop is open on Monday and Thursday 2:30 - 3:15pm, parents may attend the uniform shop in person, due to density limits only one person will be allowed in the shop at a time. 

Online is still the preferred method of purchasing uniform unless you need to check sizing. 

If you need to exchange an item please e-mail Belinda at with details and return the item via the office (please ensure it is unwashed with tags still attached) and your name is attached to the item returned. Exchanges will be processed on the next uniform shop day. 

For Uniform ordering through CDF pay—Visit  or scan QR Code. (Guidelines for setting up your CDFpay account can also be found on Skoolbag).

As we are a ‘Sun Smart School’ we also require the children to wear a school hat from September to April with the ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy strictly enforced during 1st and 4th terms.

School uniform guidelines are available in the Parent Information section of Skoolbag, on our website or a hard copy can be obtained from the office. 

School Banking

School Banking - Banking day is Wednesday's - banking should be handed in through the classroom and will be returned the same day.   

If you are wishing to set up a new school banking account please visit:

Birthdays - 21 April to 11 May 2021 - Pheobe Neill, Inay Chol, Timothy Williams, Sophie Daley, Indy Miller, Luca Chapman, Harley Stivey, Evie McSherry, Liam Peters, Imogen Mullen, Kaiden Evans, Samantha Mure.


Enrolments Year 7 2022

Due by 31 May 2021

Follow the link above to visit the Mary MacKillop College website for Application for Enrolment form and other information and videos.

Any questions, please contact the College Registrar 03 5662 4255 or

Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership

Including the communities of:  St Joseph’s Iona,  St James Nar Nar Goon,  Holy Family Maryknoll,  St John’s Koo Wee Rup and St Mary’s, Lang Lang

Administrator:  Fr. Peter Kooloos  Ph: 03 5997 1510   Fax: 03 5997 2220 Mob: 0438 622 766

Baptism Enquiries: Carmelina De Cesari   Mob: 0401 911 092


St Joseph's, Iona - Sunday 11am Holy Family, Maryknoll - 2nd Sunday, 8am 
St James, Nar Nar Goon - Saturday 6pmSt John's, Koo Wee Rup - Sunday 9:30am
St Mary's, Lang Lang - 3rd Sunday, 8am