Dear Parents,
Welcome back to School for the start of the new year for 2023. I trust you and your families enjoyed the break over Summer and are refreshed and ready to take on the new year and what it has to offer. Thank you to our CTK teachers who have been back at school over the last fortnight preparing for classes and to welcome our cohort. We welcome our new staff members Miss Diana Al-Shammas [Yr 1], Mr Andrew Kennaugh, Mrs Ivana Algeri [Yr4], Miss Chole Whitla [Yr4], Mrs Jessica Mitchell [Yr5] and Mrs Nerida Samaha [Exec Release]. Welcome back also to Miss Courtney Milone [Yr 3] We also welcome our new students and their families, especially our new Kindergarten children who have commenced primary school for the very first time. We trust these children will enjoy the next seven years of learning and development in our school community. We ask our Lord’s blessing upon our school community for the upcoming year.
CTK Staff for 2023.
Kindergarten: Mrs Erin Wynne, Mr Aaron Debrincat & Mrs Patrice Hanna
Year 1: Mrs Alexandra Trethowan & Miss Diana Al-Shammas
Year 2: Mr Ben Kroon & Mr Andrew Kennaugh
Year 3: Miss Courtney Milone & Miss Shelja Chand
Year 4: Mrs Ivana Algeri, Mrs Monica Burley & Miss Chloe Whitla
Year 5: Mr Brad Mogan, Mrs Jessica Mitchell & Mrs Nerida Samaha
Year 6: Miss Venice Boules, Mrs Julianne Walshe & Mrs Nerida Samaha
PE / Sport: Mrs Lara Kelly-Hosking
Creative Arts: Mrs Danielle Atkinson
Today our Year 6 students and their parents gathered to celebrate the announcement of this year’s Student Leadership team. During our liturgy those gathered focused on the leadership role our senior students play in our school community asking God’s blessing for the year ahead. Father Ian blessed the leadership badges and our senior students as they begin their final year of primary school at CTK. Congratulations to the students on their leadership appointments for 2023.
A reminder that our Grade Parent Information Meetings will be held on site in Week 5 of this term. An email and skoolbag were sent out during the week with dates and times. It is imperative that parents attend these information meetings as teachers will provide information regarding homework, classroom protocols and curriculum matters. Please put these dates in your calendar. Please note that Kindergarten will not be holding a Parent Information evening. A second skoolbag reminder will be sent out next week regarding dates and times of each grades meetings.
Monday 20/2 Yr 6-6pm / Yr 5-7pm Tuesday 21/2 Yr4- 6pm / Yr 2-7pm
Wednesday 22/2 Yr1-6pm Thursday 23/2 Yr 3-6pm
Please be reminded that there are allocated parking spots adjacent to the church and library for disabled parking. These spaces are for vehicles that display a disabled pass or sticker only and are not to be used for abled bodied parking. Many of our elderly parishioners who attend weekday morning Mass require these spots with close access to the church. Your co-operation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please note also that there is NO RIGHT HAND turn out of the school driveway onto Statham Ave between 8:15-9:00am and 2:45-3:15pm. A reminder also that parents are not to get out of their vehicles during drop off or pick up at either of the Statham or Burradoo Drive throughs. It slows down the flow of traffic and is a safety concern. Please note that the teachers on the drive through Microphones will not commence calling children till the dismissal music finishes. You co-operation in these matters are appreciated and expected to insure the safety of all our school community members.
Thank you to the parents who booked, transported and waited for their children whilst they attended the student MAI assessment testing. This one on one teacher / student assessment gave the staff an opportunity to welcome the children back in a casual setting and enabled a head start on their learning.
A reminder that we will close the school perimeter gates at 9.15am and they will remain closed until they are re-opened at 2.55pm each afternoon when the bell goes. This will ensure the children’s safety and we can monitor the movement around the school grounds. Please take note of these times if you are parking in Bowral Street or Burradoo Close in the mornings.
As is tradition, we look forward to welcoming our Kindergarten children at our Kindergarten Families Welcoming Barbeque this afternoon at 5.00pm. We hope you can join us for this get together in the Kindergarten playground.
Join with us as we look forward to another exciting year, with quality teaching and learning taking place in our learning spaces working together as a community to provide our children with the best learning opportunities possible.
Have a great week
Tony Hughes