
31 July 2019

From the Deputy Principal

This is a reminder that it is important to advise the school if your child will be late to school or needs to depart early.

It is important for the following reasons:

  • Child safety
  • Evacuation and lockdown/lockout procedures
  • Accurate recording of reasons for partial absence

Late to School

  • If you know your child is going to be late you need to inform the school via Skoolbag using the Late Arrival Form
  • All Junior and Senior students that are late to school must sign in at Reception before going to class.
  • Junior parents may need to walk with their child to Reception before student goes to class.
  • A late slip will be given to the student at Reception which needs to be given to the class teacher on entry to the classroom.
  • The late slip confirms to the teacher that the child has signed in at Reception.
  • When student signs in at Reception all absences for missed periods are automatically updated in Edumate with reason provided by parent.
  • If student does not sign in, absences for missed periods are not updated on Edumate and will remain absent without reason.

Early Departure: 

  • All students that need to leave early must complete an Early Departure Skoolbag form before 9.00am. 
  • This allows staff time to process your request and arrange for your child to be ready at reception for signing out.   
  • All Junior and Senior students that are departing school early must sign out at Reception before leaving campus.
  • Junior school parents are required to come to reception and meet their child there for sign out. 
  • Please note: Parents are not to collect their child from any classroom or other locations in the school (i.e. band, oval, hall, sport centre etc).

Please refer to the Attendance page on the School Portal for further information and the following links for Pittwater House Attendance process:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Mr James Walmsley,
Deputy Principal

From the Business Manager

Big Improvements in Car Park Flow – Thank you to all

A big thank you to parents who are observing the No Right Turn notices when exiting the South Creek Road car park.  There has been a dramatic reduction in time taken for cars to leave the car park since these notices have been in place.  This has a positive impact for those entering the car park which in turn reduces the hold ups for traffic in the streets around the school.  Your cooperation by turning left onto South Creek Road is having a noticeable impact on both wait times in the car park and road safety all around.  Thank you once more to those observing the signs, your cooperation is helping everyone.

Ms Lynn Phelan,
Business Manager

Book Week Events 2019

Matt Stanton, author of the 'Funny Kid' series and many more hilarious picture books, will be visiting Pittwater House in the lead up to Book Week on Wednesday 14 August. He will be holding sessions with students from Years K-6 throughout that day.

This year our annual Book Character Parade will be held on Wednesday 21 August (Week 5) from 9am to approximately 10:30am in the Great Hall. We would love to share this experience with our families, so please join us to help celebrate Book Week! There will also be a book stall and morning tea available after the parade. The Children’s Book Council of Australia establish a theme every year and this year it is ‘Reading is My Super Power’. Detailed information can be found on Skoolbag. Hope to see you there!

Senior Creative Arts Night 2019

The Senior Creative Arts Night will be held on Thursday 5 September 2019.

What's On - Events and Excursions


PHPA Updates

'Comedy for a Cause'

The PHPA and World Challenge Teachers invite you to join them on Saturday 24 August  for a night of fun and laughter at our fundraiser event, ‘Comedy for a Cause’. We also ask all families whether they may have any items (big or small) that may be suitable to donate to either a raffle or silent auction. Proceeds will go to the children and communities students will visit and work with in Nepal on their World Challenge Expedition in September 2020. 

PHPA Fathers' Day Breakfast

A fun morning for students and Dads/Carers to come together for breakfast before getting on with the day.  

Bacon and Egg rolls, Pastries, Hot Chocolate, Coffee and Juice will be on offer, alongside the Book Fair and our first ever Fathers' Day Raffle. 

We look forward to seeing you there! For tickets, go to:

Mum-unteers, it’s our turn to show up and help make Fathers’ Day Breakfast a success. It’s short and sweet, please sign up to help out here:

Canteen Volunteer Roster

Each week is allocated to different year groups however you can still volunteer for any shift during the year regardless of which year your children are in.

To volunteer for a slot, please visit and put your name next to the time/date that suits you best.

Canteen Manager is Amanda Corbett - Phone 9972 5718 after 8.00am

Thank you for your support!

Canteen Menu

For the latest menu and to find out the weekly specials visit the Canteen folder on the Skoolbag app.

Clothing Pool Opening Hours

Tuesdays from 8am-9.15am and Thursday from 2pm-3.15pm

Located next to the School Uniform shop the Clothing Pool is run by volunteer parents.

Please Note: Purchases cannot be charged to your School Account.

The Clothing Pool has a 7 day Return/Refund Policy.

To Notify the School of Student Absences

Please download and use the Skoolbag app or Log in to the Edumate Portal or email

Term Dates
