Hallett Cove East Primary School

Keeping you in the loop ....

We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Kaurna people, the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we gather on. We acknowledge the deep feelings of attachment and relationship of the Kaurna people to country and we respect and value their past, present and ongoing connection to the land and cultural beliefs. 


  • Friday 27th & Monday 28th October - Canteen Closed
  • Thursday 2nd November - School Disco
  • Friday 3rd November - Pupil Free Day
  • Wednesday 15th November - Year 6 Wirraway Camp


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

We are currently determining our class structure for 2024 based on a range of factors. These include: 

  •  the estimated numbers of students in each year level
  •  staff and team teaching arrangements
  •  the learning needs of all students
  •  class locations and more. 

This also involves knowing about who will be teaching at Hallett Cove East Primary School in 2024 and the year levels each teacher will be taking, usually not fully confirmed until closer to the end of the school year.  Typically, there are changes to staffing each year, including teachers leaving, teachers returning from or taking leave, and teachers increasing / decreasing their fraction of time. A number of teachers will be working in part-time capacity where classes are shared over the school week.

Each year, class groupings are configured based on student numbers across all year levels. Schools are funded on the basis of 26 students per class in Reception to Year 2 and 30 students per class in Years 3 to 6. As is the case in most schools, composite classes will be formed along with straight year level classes. Composite classes are no different to straight year level classes where a range of student abilities and learning dispositions exist. Teachers work closely in professional learning teams to plan learning programs catering for a range of ages and abilities in every class, composite and straight year levels.

In placing students in classes there are many factors to consider, including; learner achievement, the social and emotional needs of students, behaviour, gender, special needs and friendships. 


Every effort is made to place students with at least one friend. Teachers will be inviting students to complete a confidential friendship survey where they will be asked to nominate 5 students with whom they would like to learn next year.

  • Friendships often change for many students from year to year. Students are encouraged to develop new friendships each year, which is a life skill and helps build resilience.
  •  In some cases it is advantageous for some students to be placed in separate classes.
  • Friendships across classes and year levels are supported and encouraged at play times. Good friendships thrive and grow in these times and beyond school times. Parents are well placed to support these friendships beyond the school day.

 Parent Input 

As part of the process for establishing classes for 2024, parents and caregivers may wish to share any important information which they believe should be considered in the placement of their child/children. To streamline parent input, a ‘Student Placement Parent Input Form’ has been developed which can be accessed either through Audiri or at the front office. Parents can provide information which will be considered by the school when determining class groups. The ‘Student Placement Parent Input Form’ must be completed and returned to the front office, marked ‘ATTENTION MATTHEW CHAPMAN - CLASS PLACEMENT PROCESS’ by no later than Wednesday 8th November. Information will only be considered if in writing and received by the due date. 

 Please note:

  • Requests for/not for specific teachers will not be considered in the placement process.
  • Specific requests to be / not to be in a composite class will not be considered.
  • Teachers are in the best position to place students, according to the factors outlined.

A great deal of thought, planning and time goes into forming new classes. It is the responsibility of the Principal to make the final decision on class structures and the placement of students. We respectfully ask that you trust us in making these important decisions. We expect to be able to share 2024 class placements with students and families during week 9 of this school term. 

With regards

Matthew Chapman



Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Wow, what a time to step into the acting Deputy Principal position here at Hallett Cove East PS. There is so much to look forward to over the next 7 weeks. We have the school disco happening on Thursday 2nd November followed by a Pupil free day on Friday 3rd November. On the pupil free day teachers are looking at student achievement data in reading, the Australian Curriculum and moderating student work, across year levels, in preparation for Semester 2 reports.

Our 2024 reception students will begin the transition from kindy process during weeks 4, 5, 6 and 7 where we are starting with a parents only visit on Wednesday 8th November and then we host the kindy children for the following 3 Wednesday’s.

Classes are going on numerous different excursions this term, 6W and 3S are presenting the Bee Musical in week 6, our Year 5 and 6 students have camp in week 5 and Aquatics in week 7. Then in week 8 we are holding our whole school concert where the preparation of class items are already in full swing.

However, our busiest students of all are our graduating year 6 students who, including most of the activities listed above, have transition to high school visits, Japanese dinner and graduation to look forward to.

I’m tired just thinking about all of that. A big thank you must go to all of our teachers, SSOs, admin staff and leaders who have a very busy time ahead ensuring that all these experiences are memorable for our students.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone from the Hallett Cove East PS community who has supported and welcomed me into my term 4 role.


Aaron Charlton


I am excited to introduce myself to all of you as a new addition to the Hallett Cove East Primary School community. My name is Robyn Physick, and I am looking forward to this exciting journey with you all starting in 2024 as the Deputy Principal.

A strong belief of mine is that every child has the ability to learn and grow. I am truly excited about being able to work alongside the staff, students, and the community at Hallett Cove East Primary School working together to help our students reach their full potential.

Previously I have worked in various leadership and teaching roles during the last 20 years including Assistant Principal roles, Head of Early Years, Literacy Coordinator and teaching across R-6 classes. I am currently the Assistant Principal at Vale Park Primary School.

I have a passion for Literacy and Intervention, particularly analysing student data and supporting both teachers and students to establish their next steps for learning and teaching. As a leader I then use the student data to establish site goals and work alongside staff to monitor, track and modify teaching and learning to accelerate student growth.

On a personal note, I am a mother of a teenage son who will be going into year 10 in 2024 and a fur baby ‘Bella’ a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I thoroughly enjoy my live sport and am a devoted Crows supporter. You will often find me at the Adelaide United games, 36er’s and Crows games.

As I look ahead to 2024, I am genuinely excited about the opportunity to work with all of you to create a nurturing and supportive environment for our students. I am grateful for the opportunity to become a part of this exceptional school.

Early this term I will be visiting to introduce myself to staff and students. I look forward to meeting you all soon.


Hi Everyone,

I hope you have had a great first two weeks back at school! It has been a good start to the term. I have been running a couple of Friendship Groups, running the Kimochis program in a class, meeting one-on-one with students and generally visiting classrooms.

This week, I undertook a refresher in esafety training. It was helpful to refresh my knowledge of what to do if a student is being bullied or hurt online. Safety online is such a vital part of children’s lives in this current age we live in. It was helpful to hear updated information on online trends and terms. This allowed me to have an updated understanding of what to be aware of in conversations with students. This can be a hard topic, but so important. If you would like to learn more about eSafety, or access resources, you can access this information online at Online eSafety here.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Erin Finch

HCEPS Year 5/6 Hiragana Fun Challenge.

On Thursday 26th of October, House 9 students participated in our annual HCEPS Hiragana Fun Challenge. In teams of 4, students demonstrated persistence and resilience as they endeavored to call out the Hiragana characters quickly! It was wonderful to see the students encouraging their peers and supporting each other. In the lead up to the day, students worked collaboratively to create a variety of fun and challenging Hiragana games which teams played during intervals.

Congratulations ‘omedeto’ to the following teams who made it to the finals.

1st place - Shining Hoshis- Alex, Alice, Olivia, Zoe

2nd place -Killer Gorillas- Sage, Evie, Cooper, Malika

3rd place - Makkurokurosuke- Raya, Abigail, You

4th place - Basukettoborus- Mitchell, Jarvis Seb, Blake

Kirsten Wallis and Kirsty Gray

Teachers of Japanese


Well done to 3 North who had the most nude food in weeks 1 & 2 this term. They enjoyed brownies this week and will receive a fruit platter next week as their reward.

We would love to see more students bringing nude food to school. Can you help us?

Who will win next week and what prize will they choose? There will be a nude food day each week this term so lots of prizes to be won.

Good luck!

Mr Marks & the Waste Warriors

School Disco - Tickets available Monday on QKr!


Volunteers Wanted !!

Volunteers are important to our school community. Our canteen relies on help from volunteers to deliver a meal service to our pupils.

To enable us to provide a varied recess and lunch menu offer to our pupils we really do need your help.   

If you have a spare hour or more we would welcome your support.

Not registered with the school as a volunteer?  Volunteer application packs are available from the front office containing all the information you need to submit your registration as a volunteer...... WE NEED YOU


Open every Monday & Wednesday 8:30-9am and 3:00-3:30pm in House 1 - (music) closest to the drop off/pick up zone. Entrance faces Forresters Rd.  

The shop is stocked with a variety of second hand uniform items. The money raised is given back to the school and utilised in fundraising projects.

Remember that if you have any unused uniform items in good clean condition, we'd love to receive them.  They can be left at the office anytime. Thank you.




Amanda Rishworth's office is again collecting donations for those in need over the Christmas period.

They will be collecting new:

  • Toys and Gifts    
  •  Non-perishable food items
  • Toiletries and Pet Food

Please note that all donations must be new and unused. Charities have asked that food items be non-perishable and gift be wrapped. 

Please deliver donations to Amanda Rishworth's office at 232 Main South Road, Morphett Vale Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Donations will be received until Friday, 8th December.


Southern suburbs school students FREE tennis lessons held at Reynella East College courts, 63 Malbeck Drive, Reynella.  Ages 4 to 12 years.

Give tennis a go and come along on Wednesday, 1st November - 3:30 - 4:15 pm, 4:15 - 5:00 pm. Equipment provided and music.

Visit: www.tennismasters.com.au/freelessons 


SWIM and SURVIVE program. Enrolments Open Now! Many locations around SA.

December 2023 / January 2024 Summer Holidays. Holiday Swim is a Royal Life Saving Society SA initiative bringing affordable and education swimming and water safety lessons to pools and inland waterway locations. The aim of the program is to teach children critical life saving skills and basic swimming skills, to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe in, on and around the water.

Visit: www.holidayswim.com.au or email: holidayswim@royallifesavingsa.com.au  


Resilience, Confidence, Discipline, Fitness

  • Children can start at the age of 5
  • Self defence and anti bullying program
  • Non-Contact Training
  • Experienced WWCC Instructors
  • Sports Voucher approved provider
  • Olympic Sport

Beginners welcome anytime. Enquiries: infor@worldtaekwondo.com.au Website: www.worldtaekwondo.com.au  Ph: 0412 909 500



Hallett Cove East Primary School:

  • Learning for tomorrow’s world
  • Working together
  • Valuing each other and our future

Our Mission is to ensure that our students are able to successfully interact and achieve within andbeyond their own community, now and in the future.

This may be evidenced by:

A Strong Sense of Identity
  • Students will be resilient and reflective, confident in their own opinions and provide leadership.
Creative Thinking
  • Students will be creative and critical thinkers who draw upon a range of strategies to deal with new situations or information.
Success in Interactions
  • Students will value diversity and successfully interact with others within and beyond their community in a collaborative manner.
Preparedness for the Future
  • Students will demonstrate initiative, enterprise and adaptability and will be able to successfully manage change within their own lives and as part of a global community.
Skill in Communication
  • Students will be able to successfully communicate in a range of settings within and beyond their own community.
Success in Learning
  • Students will develop and apply knowledge, competencies and skills, which enable them to be successful now and in the future.
Self-Directed Learners
  • Students will be able to initiate and implement their own learning plans. Based on constructivist theory, students will be supported in self-assessment procedures in order to reflect on and guide future learning.

The school Values identified by the school community are reflected in the everyday language atschool by staff, parents, students and community members. The Values are

  • Excellence
  • Fairness
  • Respect
  • Responsibility

Our ongoing commitment to our Values is reflected in our Student and Staff Wellbeing programs including the Year 7 Student Leaders program, Buddy and assembly programs.

QKR APP (Quicker)

Qkr App (pronounced quicker) is Hallett Cove East Primary School and Out of School Hours/Vacation Care preferred form of payment. 

Please click for more details Qkr App

Download on the App Store or Get it on Google Play

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