St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2022 Term 2 Week 2


Dear Families of St Bernadette's

Welcome to our first newsletter for Term 2.

This fortnight has been busy and we are looking forward to our Mother’s Day celebrations. Our mothers are such an important part of our lives and no matter how old we are we still seek their advice. Being a mum has been one of the most important jobs I have ever undertaken. Seeing your child grow and excel makes your heart burst with pride and unconditional love. So I want to take this opportunity to wish all of our mums and mum figures in our lives a very happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Stay well and take care.

Love & Light  

Lisa Gerrard

(on behalf of the St Bernadette’s staff & students)


I had a great day this week out at the Diocesean Cross Country Carnival. The best part of the day was seeing the students give their best when they were racing. Sometimes it is easy to try hard and give it everything when you can see another person running next to you. It can be harder when you are trying to improve something like marks or grades in the classroom. This is when you are trying to beat yourself, always pushing yourself a bit harder to learn something new. 

This is what we call a growth mindset. We are always trying to encourage a growth mindset in our students, so that they know that if something is hard, we need to push ourselves to try hard and push ourselves to be our best. It’s just like a cross country race. Today was hot out on the track, but the runners just kept going. It can be hard learning new things, but we have to encourage our students to keep on trying, even when it’s hard. 

Our teachers are always encouraging students to try a little bit harder, learn something new and be their best!

Have a wonderful week, 

Jackie Willard

Assistant Principal


Sunday, 8th May 2022

REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA

This Sunday is traditionally referred to as Good Shepherd Sunday.  However, the readings for today focus more on the flock than on the shepherd.  The overarching theme appears to be unity in diversity.  Placing this theme within the context of the Easter season, we might refocus it slightly and suggest that today we celebrate the presence of the Risen Lord in communities of difference.

Unity in diversity is first found in the divine union of the Trinity.  All other models of unity flow from it.  Both the first and the second readings depict communities made up of people from every nation, race, people and tongue, Jews and Gentile alike.  This is precisely the makeup of most communities today.  Parishes and religious groups that were born with a particular cultural identity have changed in complexion and composition.  Despite the obvious differences, all are children of the one God, all are joined in their common confession of faith.

Not everyone is happy with diversity.  Some within the early community resented the success of Paul and Barnabas and they tried to turn the people against them.  This sounds strangely familiar to us.  Religious groups born out of struggle and hard work, that were lovingly nurtured and that grew strong, often resist what they perceived to be the invasion of foreigners.  If these people could only take as their model the company of the blessed revealed in John’s vision, they would see that those who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb come from every nation and race and people and tongue.

Mother's Day Liturgy & Morning Tea

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a day when we remember our mothers and other women who love us in a very special way. On Friday 6 May we will come together  to honour and give thanks for our mothers, grandmothers and those who care for us. We would like to say “Thank you” for all that they do for us. We will also take this opportunity to present our St Bernadette awards to one student in each grade who embodies the qualities of St Bernadette. We warmly invite mothers and mother figures to join us for this special liturgy at 10:15 am in the Hall, followed by Morning Tea.

Sacramental Program

Term 2

1st Practise – Sunday 29th May 3.30 – 5pm. (Please meet in the church – Compulsory)

Final Practise – Sunday 5th June 3.30 – 5pm. (Please meet in the Church- Compulsory)

 First Holy Communion – Sunday 19th June at 11.30am.


During the lead up to Holy Week, the children presented several re-enactments of the Holy Week events. Each stage prepared a short liturgy and these took place over three days during the final week of school, Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 presented Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Stage 2 presented the Last Supper and the Agony in the Garden. Stage 3 presented the Trial of Jesus, the Crucifixion and the Burial of Jesus. These were valuable experiences for the children in the lead up to Easter, broadening their understanding of the Easter events. It was a time where our school could come together in prayer and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Stage 3 Religion Work

This term in Religious Education the Stage 3 students are learning to be ‘Saints next door’. To answer the question: “How can we, as Imago Dei, answer the call to holiness, so that the human dignity of all may be upheld?” we are investigating the scriptural origin and the Church’s teaching of Imago Dei - Image of God. After reading Genesis 1:26-27, Year 5 analysed the Scripture using the Scripture Think board.


Social Emotional Learning

This term all students will be taking part in Social Emotional Learning (SEL). These lessons will be in Bernie Buddy groups (mixed groups of K-6 students). They will be assigned a teacher who will teach the weekly focus.

SEL assists students develop the competencies and skills that support their understanding of resilience and regulate emotions, behaviours and relationships with others. It explores: 

  • creating an understanding of, and managing their emotions

  • setting and achieving positive goals 

  • feeling and showing empathy 

  • developing and sustaining positive relationships

  • making responsible decisions

The SEL lessons will examine the following areas:


Self-awareness enables students to recognise the impact of emotions and thoughts on behaviour. It includes assessing strengths and weaknesses accurately, leading to a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism. 


Regulating emotions to handle stress, control impulses, and motivating oneself to persevere in overcoming obstacles, setting and monitoring progress toward the achievement of personal and academic goals; expressing emotions appropriately.

Social Awareness

Being able to take the perspective of and empathise with others; recognising and appreciating individual and group similarities and differences.

Social Management

Establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation and resistance to inappropriate social pressure, preventing, managing, and constructively resolving interpersonal conflict; seeking help when needed.

Problem Solving

Making decisions based on a consideration of all relevant factors, including applicable ethical standards, safety concerns, and social norms; the likely consequences of taking alternative courses of action; evaluation and reflection.​

Enrolment for 2023

We have now begun Kindergarten Enrolment interview process for 2023. If you have a child who you wish to enrol please download the enrolment form from our website or pop into our office to pick up one.


Week 2:

Friday 6th May : Mother's Day Liturgy & Morning Tea

Week 4:

Friday 20th May : Sausage Roll Meal Deal (Orders done via Qkr once the note is sent home)

Week 6:

Tuesday 31st May : Athletics Carnival ( At Barton Park)

Thursday 2nd June & Friday 3rd June : Stage 3 Canberra Excursion 

Week 7:

Friday 10th June : Staff Development Day (This is a pupil free day)

Mother's Day Stall

Mother’s Day Stall

Thank you to all of our families that have supported our Mother’s Day preparations this year. I know that the children will love to choose a special gift for their mum. We appreciate the support of the pre-purchasing via Qkr. It has been tricky to try to work within these new guidelines and we appreciate your patience.

Book Club

Book club magazines went home last week. If you are looking at ordering please do so before the closing date of Friday 13th May 2022.

All orders are to be processed by the parents or carers online. Payments in the office will not be taken.

A Gentle Reminder

Being situated in a very narrow street can pose a number of challenges when dropping off and picking up our children. Some of our smaller students are so full of news about their day that they take a little longer to get into the car and buckle up. Here are a few pointers that may make this process a little easier:

  • Ensure that the children enter from the footpath (passenger) side of the car.

  • Dont ask your children to put their bags in the boot.

  • Make sure that the children know how they are supposed to be going home.

A few issues to consider:

  • Be mindful of not blocking our priests or neighbours driveways. This can stop these people from entering or leaving their residence which can result in frustration and complaints.

  • Please don't block the pedestrian crossing as this can impede the view of other drivers so that they don't see people crossing.

  • Try to be patient and considerate and take turns in allowing people to turn onto Cox Crescent. This will alleviate congestion on Evans Road.

 Using the parish car park to pick students up from the back gate continues to be an issue. Last week a staff member approached a parent who was parked in the wrong spot to ask them to move their car to a designated spot and they were met with a verbal attack. The staff take their duty of care (the safety of your children) very seriously and do not deserve to be spoken to in a disrespectful manner. 

 A few pointers to consider:

  • Do not park in the centre 4 car spots as it is unsafe and blocks the flow of traffic.

  • Reverse park into the marked spaces.

  • Get out of the car to collect your child/ children, hold their hand or walk closely beside them until you reach your vehicle.

  • Do not allow children to run between the cars or play on the grass. The car park is not a place to gather as it is unsafe for children with so many cars moving around.

I hope that these ideas will resonate with you and that you will work with us to keep everyone safe.

Clothing Pool

If you wish to purchase any items from our clothing pool please email the school office via . The items are to be paid for via EFTPOS only in the school office. Another option is to order and pay via the QKR! app.


Attendance Rate: 69.9%  - To unpack this a little more, this means that 69.9%  of our students have an attendance rate of 90% -100%. 

A reminder that classes commence at 8:55am.

To help your child have a positive start to the school day it is important that they are at school on time.

Being at school a little before 8:55am allows them to have time to calm themselves and be confident in knowing they are prepared and ready to learn. It also gives them time to say hello to their friends and classmates.

Arriving late can cause stress to the child entering a class that is already working and it can cause disruption to the lesson that has started.

If we were 5 minutes late every day x 5 days = 25 minutes lost each week. 25 minutes x 10 weeks of each term = 250 minutes each term.

That adds up to a lot over the course of the year.

So please be mindful of what time your child  is arriving at school. It is important we establish good routines as it sets our children up for success.

If your child is late, they must come to the school office to be signed in by their parent or carer. They are not to be dropped late and left to run through the school gate unaccompanied.

Happy Birthday

Nicolas L - 07/04

Ivo - 07/04

Joshua - 08/04

Alex - 12/04

Sam - 12/04

Scarlet J - 12/04

Jackson - 14/04

Jessica - 16/04

Stevania - 20/04

Alvin - 22/04

Morton - 27/04

Jayvis - 28/04

Soane - 29/04

Jasmine - 30/04

Jayden L - 30/04

Daniel - 03/05

Ruby - 04/05

Terrence - 07/05

Just a reminder that any treats sent in are kept to a minimum and individual.

Our Digital Sign

We would love to advertise events in our community so if you know of an upcoming event please email the details to

Don't forget to collect your Bread Tags!


Community Health Advice

St Bernadettes Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.