KNPS News 2020

Term 1 Week 5

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience


Welcome to the Kurrajong North Public School Newsletter. 

Our vision is to provide equitable opportunities for all students to enable them to become engaged and self-driven life-long learners, to value the opinions and belief of others, to show respect and to develop the core values which will enable them to be productive, responsible and respectful citizens.

Principal's Message

Welcome to 2020!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the Kurrajong North Public School community for the 2020 school year. A special welcome to our new Kindergarten students and their families. We have 14 Kindy students this year and they have all settled in well to their new class with Mrs Burgess. It has been lovely to have lots of smiling new faces in the playground to start the year :-)

We will continue to focus on providing our students with the  best possible education in 2020. Our teachers have already undertaken a number of professional learning sessions aimed at continuing to develop our understanding of quality instructional models. We are very luck to have an amazingly dedicated staff who are continually looking at ways to improve their practice. I am in awe of their work every single day. Make sure you let them know every now and then that they are appreciated. 

Be kind, be safe. Until next time...

Mr Carter

Bus Shelter

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Students and staff are loving the new bus bay area and shelter. We have already had some hot days and rainy days where the shelter provided a much needed area for students while waiting for their trips home. 

Thank you to the P&C for organising and paying for the materials that were not donated. Money very well spent!

Thank you to Colin Buckett for the earthworks and sandstone installation. A huge effort. Colin completed the work largely by himself with all labour costs being donated to the project. Thanks, Colin! 

Thank you to the Whitehurst family. The shelter cost the school and P&C absolutely nothing, with the Whitehurst's family business donating the materials and labour to complete the job. A massive contribution to our school and certainly very much appreciated. 

A huge community effort. Thank you so much to all involved. This sort of effort is what makes us such a special school community to be a part of. We now just need a special carport area for Mr Carter's car and that area of the school will be perfect...

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to the following students for the months of January and February:


2nd - William W                        16th - Jack H

3rd - Natanyah A                      24th - Tadhg J

6th - Amelia K                            29th - Eva C 

11th - Oliver O                         


1st - Samad R                                4th - Alexis H

2nd - Jackson R                              8th - Imogen M

2nd - Ciaran F                                16th - Oliver B

We hope you all have had, or are going to have an amazing Birthday, with loads of love and presents! 

Staff Professional Learning

During Term 4 2019 Mrs Burgess, Mrs Robinson and Mr Carter attended the GEMS (Getting Evidence Moving in Schools) conference in Week 7. At this conference we were required to present what we had learned and developed after much research and professional learning. The presentation of our work went very well and we were able to develop networking opportunities with other schools. This was really exciting for us as through these networks we will be able to view what other schools have implemented and have them work with us to further develop our systems and programs back at KNPS. Developing links with other schools will strengthen our knowledge and ability to apply this learning in the classroom to improve student learning outcomes. How exciting!!

Our teachers completed well over 100 hours of professional learning last year. They have worked extremely hard to develop their craft in order to be the best teacher possible for all of our students. I am very appreciative of their efforts and would like to publicly say a huge thank you. I wish my children were at KNPS receiving the amazing education provided by our superstar teachers!!!

Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox Snippets

We have included some healthy eating snippets below, provided by the Cancer Council. These may give you some inspiration when creating your child's healthy lunchbox. Enjoy! 

The simplest way to make healthy party food


The simplest way to pack a Christmas lunch box


The simplest way to pack a picnic


The simplest way to keep food safe in Summer


Assembly Award Winners - Term 1 Week 4

Here are our Assembly Award Winners for Term 1 Week 4 

KLawan F, James S, Harry A
1/2Zoe M, Laykin C, Imogen M
3/4Diyanah A, Hayden D, Blake H
5/6Amelia K, Bonny M, Nyssa H
Principal AwardHarry B
LibraryAnabelle D, Alice W, Jack H, Cooper C
CaptainsHolly B, Daniel F
Sports CaptainsHannah B, Oliver B, Austin K

Congratulations to all of our astonishing award winners. 

We have two assemblies remaining in Term 1. The dates for those assemblies are: 

- Friday 13 March @ 2.20pm

- Friday 3 April @ 2.20pm

We would love for you to share in the celebration of student success and achievement. We hope to see you there :-)

School Swimming Carnival

Congratulations to all competitors at our swimming carnival in Week 2. Everyone swam tremendously and cheered each other on as they made their way down the pool. Swimming ribbons were handed out at our Week 4 assembly. This year’s champions will be presented with their medallions at our Week 7 parent assembly.

Junior Girl Champion – Faith R

Junior Boy Champion - Oliver J

11 Years Girl Champion - Gypsy J

11 Years Boy Champion - Daniel F

Senior Girl Champion - Bonny M

House Champions - 

Well done to all students who competed. A lovely day with lots of student success!

Small Schools and Zone Swimming Carnival 2020

We congratulate our students who competed in the Small Schools’ Swimming Carnival in Week 5. it is always great to get together with the other small schools across the Hawkesbury. Students swam enthusiastically throughout the day and Gypsy was named 11 Years Girls’ Champion!

Students successful at this carnival represented the Small Schools team at the Zone carnival in Week 5. Students who progressed from KNPS to the Zone carnival were:  Ben F, Gypsy J, Oliver J, Jackson R and William W. 

Results for our competitors are listed below:

Ben F, William W, Jackson R and Oliver J - Junior Boys Freestyle Relay Team - 15th

Gypsy J - 100m 11yr Girls Freestyle - 1st

               - 50m 11yr Girls Breaststroke - 3rd

                -  11yr Girls 50m Backstroke - 2nd

                - 11yr Girls 50m Butterfly - 2nd

Oliver J - 9yr Boys 50m Freestyle - 1st

              - Junior Boys 50m Breaststroke - 3rd

              - Junior Boys 50m Backstroke - 3rd

               - 4 x 50m Individual Medley - 3rd

 William W - 10yr Boys 50m Freestyle - 3rd

Gypsy was the 11 Years Girls Champion at the Zone Carnival. What an amazing achievement, best 11 Years Girl in the Hawkesbury! We wish Gypsy, Oliver and William the best of luck at the Regional Carnival.

A huge thank you to Mrs Sewell, our sport organiser superstar! A lot of work goes into the organisation of carnivals, gala days, weekly sport etc. We couldn't do it without her!

Well done team!

Colo High School Information Evening

Colo High School information evening will take place between 6pm and 7:30pm on Monday 2 March in the school hall. This year the invitation is for both Year 5 and 6 students and their parents.

Opportunities to ask questions about the school and a school tour will form part of the evening. Year 6 students will also have opportunities later in the year to visit the school and learn about the programs at Colo High. 

Expression of Interest Year 7 Forms

Year 6 students have received an Expression of Interest for Placement in Year 7, 2021. The forms need to completed and handed into the school office to Mrs Cobcroft as soon as possible. If you are having difficulty fiolling out the form, please contact the office and arrange a time to see Mrs Sewell. 

P&C Meeting

Our next P&C Meeting will be held Thursday 5 March @ 6.30pm in the staffroom. As usual, all are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. P&C Meetings are agreat way to find out what's happening at the school and meet/mingle with the parent community. Babysitting will again be offered for school-aged children. We would love to see you there :-)

Pancake Day

Last week the P&C ran a pancake day as a fundraising event for the students. The morning was hugely successful with loads of yummy ice cream, maple syrup and pancakes lovingly prepared by parents for our students. One student remarked "What could be better than pancakes at school for lunch!". I think we can all agree that would be pretty hard to beat!

Thank you to the P&C, particularly those parents that attended to make the pancakes. Thank you also to those who purchased pancakes to support the P&C and the work they do for our school. A lovely experience to start the year. 

Origo One - teaching the Count-On Strategy for Addition

This ORIGO 1 series of videos shows you how to create light bulb moments for your children. These videos take a mathematics concept and break it into pieces that are easy to understand and only take a minute to watch. Watching these videos will help you to understand how mathematics is taught at school, making it easier for you to teach your children at home. Click on the link below for the Count-On Strategy video.


We try and keep the calendar in Sentral up-to-date. If you are unsure of what is happening, or when something is happening, head over to the parent page and find the calendar and stay informed. We are not perfect, so if there is something missing from the calendar, let us know. 

We also post events and pictures on Facebook. So make sure you head over to our page to see photos, events and general information. 

As a new addition to our school website, you will now see a box with the Skoolbag App homepage (located under the main header photo on the left hand side. Here you will find links to notices, events, newsletters and entering absences. The school calendar is also linked here too! If you  need to download the Skoolbag App, there is even a link to help you do this. We hope this helps you to stay informed about what is happening at the school.