Yesterday Wooli Public School hosted its’ Annual Mini Athletics Traditional Games Day at the Wooli Sports Ground. The event coincided with National Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The Day was a fantastic success with students from seven other schools from the Clarence Valley area from grades K-2 engaging in and learning about Traditional Aboriginal Games and the stories they entail. Students from South Grafton High School created a wonderful peer learning environment and we appreciate their tremendous efforts. Our students who participated as group leaders are to be commended for their outstanding leadership skills and the way they conducted themselves. Thank you to all the staff and parent helpers who made the success of the day possible. A special thank you to all of the parents involved in the P&C for their organisation and running of the canteen - Mrs Essex.
We would also like to thank Mrs Essex for everything she has done to make this day such a success. So much to co-ordinate on the day but also many hours of her own time behind the scenes to bring it all together. This has developed into a wonderful annual event enjoyed by all involved.