St Pat's News

August 5, 2020

At St Patrick’s Parish Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school.

From The RE Leader - Annie Forrest

From The Principal - Peter Sanderson

Dear Parents, Parishioners, Carers, Staff & Students,


Congratulations to The Little Lowes (Bella Little,Yr 6, and Jorja Lowe, Yr 5,) and to past student Evie Dalton on their performances in the Level Up Online Busking Festival last Friday evening. 

Remote Learning

Thank you for your patience and perseverance as you reacquaint yourselves to remote learning. Again, there have been frustrations but hopefully we have been able to resolve most issues.

  • Access to learning programs will be available through the school’s Home Learning Portal. A button for the Home Learning Portal has been placed on the homepage of our school website. You will need to be logged into your child’s Google account to access materials. Class teachers will provide this information.

  • Any video conferences between teachers, learning support officers and students cannot be 1:1, that is, if there is only one student involved, there will need to be another adult present.

  • Teachers may not always be available for immediate response to messages, for example, they may be rostered to supervise at school. Another teacher from that team may respond. Please remember our Communication Guidelines for Parents (available on the school website) and only contact teachers between 8.00am and 5.00pm.

  • As in Term 2, we are required to mark the attendance roll each day for all students, whether they are learning from home or being supervised at school. All students will be marked present each day but, if your child is not going to be engaged in the remote learning program on any day, could you please contact the school so we can mark them as being absent.

  • If there are resources to collect, teachers will inform you and these can be collected from the hall.

Onsite Supervision

Please remember that we can only offer supervision to children whose parents cannot provide this at home due to work requirements or exceptional cases. If your child needs to be supervised at school, please register them by calling the school office, giving at least 2 days notice so that adequate supervision can be arranged. Children attending school are doing the same work as they would be doing at home under the supervision of school staff (teachers and/or Learning Support Officers). If we are required to roster on more staff, it means those teachers are not available for contact with their students on those days. As part of Stage 3 restrictions, staff who can work from home MUST work from home, so we are trying to limit the number of staff we call in. I thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Temperature Checks

We have been advised by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria and Catholic Education Ballarat that we are to check temperatures of students attending for onsite supervision. This will be done as students arrive and enter through the front door. Students who record a reading equal to above 37.5℃ will be given a second check after 15 minutes. Should they record a temperature of 37.5℃ or above a second time, parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child from school.

Child Safety

I remind parents and carers that, with the increased use of online platforms during this period of remote learning, it is important that we monitor our children’s engagement with technology. As part of meeting the Child Safe Standards, I again direct parents to the eSafety Commissioner’s website where there is advice for parents on how to navigate this ever-changing environment.

Student / Parent Support

Our Family School Support Worker, Melissa Lesu, has taken leave. Centacare, Melissa’s employer, has provided us with access to another worker in an effort to provide support to students and parents who may need wellbeing support during this period of remote learning. This support will be via video conference or phone call. Please contact me if you feel you need to access this service.

Kind regards,

Peter Sanderson


Wellbeing News - Antonia Balmer

School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix

As we enter Remote Learning 2, we all come armed with a toolbox of strategies that we picked up from our last experience. I am sure there are a lot of  implementations that you have all made to make the transitioning from school to home learning is less stressful this time around. Some of the key strategies that may assist you and your children are:

  • Have a visual timetable up and visible for your whole family

  • Stick to a routine

  • Plan something fun each day

  • Allow for exercise each day

  • Have meal breaks at designated times

In line with our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix, in my own home, we have implemented a game called Target 100. Each day we give one tick to all the positive behaviours we have displayed. Once we earn 100 points we earn a prize! Some of our categories are:

Drank water

Ate fruit

Walked the dog

Made your bed

Paid a compliment to someone

Played a board game with someone

Did 20 push ups

Made a hot drink for someone else

You can make up as many categories as you like. Have fun playing.

Triple P Parenting Guide - Parenting during COVID19

As so many families are experiencing new challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis, you may be concerned about the physical and emotional wellbeing and safety of your children. It’s also very important to look after yourself as a parent. We have some practical tips and strategies that will help.

P & F News

Anthony Leddin is offering a free, 'Almost everything you need to know about growing vegetables' course, for anyone who is buying our seedlings. This will be online on Thursday August 20th at 8.30pm. So get your orders in and and let us know if you would like us to add you to our list for the online course.

Seedling orders can be dropped in at the office by Monday August 31.

Seedling Fundraiser Order Form

Order can be made using this order form or through CDFpay.

School News

School Uniform

Just a reminder to check that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Runners are not part of the uniform, black school shoes should be worn with the regular uniform. Runners are to be worn on sports days only. 

Sporting Schools will not run during our Stage 3 Lockdown.

Friday September 18 @ 2.20pm - End of Term 3

Monday October 5 - Term 4 commences

Uniform Orders

If you require uniform items for your child,  please order through CDFpay and when your order is ready it will be sent home with your child.

We have new items in stock: knee high navy socks in all sizes and15-16 yrs tights.

This button takes you directly to PAM for Absences, School Activities, Reports, Learning Conversations, Numeracy & Literacy Interviews

School Community News

Port Fairy Consolidated School - Before and After School Care

The Port Fairy Consolidated School will NOT be providing before or after school care for St Patrick's students for Term 3 at this stage. They will notify you once it is operational again.

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