FCS Newsletter

2022 Term 1 Issue 2

From the Principal

Dear families & friends, 

We are well into term 1 now and back in the groove of learning. Classes have started our Inquiry unit ‘May the “FORCE” be with you’ and are all enjoying experimenting in this physical science focus unit about forces. Students are exploring ideas about forces through teacher and student designed experiments and critical thinking skills. We are working towards a ‘science fair’ style Learning expo this term and hoping that there are enough changes to restrictions that we may be able to invite families in. As always, we do have a ‘plan B’ for sharing student learning via an online forum as required.

COVID Update - We are still heavily guided by SAHealth and Department for Education directions and guidelines which are regularly being reviewed. We have, so far, been able to manage well within these requirements and have not been affected as significantly as some schools have been. I believe this is due to everyone taking responsibility and ensuring we each follow the guidelines as best we can. We thank everyone for being supportive of these and vigilant with student illnesses, even minor.

Skoolbag update - Thank you to everyone who has completed the process for Skoolbag. We have only a handful of family members now who are not connected. All school wide information will be delivered via Skoolbag now, with classroom based information to continue to be shared via SeeSaw. Absences can be reported to us via Skoolbag now as well by clicking on ‘Absences’ and completing the online form. Notices, updates and newsletters will all be sent via Skoolbag, so please make sure your notifications are on for the app to ensure you receive all information quickly.

Vacation Care update – As was mentioned at the end of last year, based on our Needs analysis survey,  Governing Council has approved to investigate and start the process of starting a Vacation Care service. Hannah, Gillian and I are working through this process and hope to see a program approved this year.

A.G.M. – The AGM has been set for Wednesday 6th April at 6pm. We are at this stage arranging it for people to come in and join us, however number will be restricted due to space so please email the school on dl.1228.info@schools.sa.edu.au if you plan on attending. Masks will need to be work while in attendance.

Governing Council Positions  - Governing council is a great way to get involved and hear more about what is happening ‘behind the scenes’ at school. This year we have four vacancies on Governing Council so if you are interested in nominating for a position please complete the nomination paperwork and return with your 200 word statement directly to me by April 4th 2022 on skye.vanheusden292@schools.sa.edu.au .

Photo Day -  photo day has been set for April 12th 2022. Information will be sent home shortly about how to order photos for your child.

PUPIL FREE DAYS & CLOSURE DAY 2022 - All Pupil Free Days and Closure Days have now been set and approved for 2022 by Governing Council as follows: 

  • Tuesday June 14th - Staff training New Pedagogies for Deep Learning 
  • Friday 9th September - School Closure (Royal Adelaide Show) 
  • Monday 12th September - Staff Professional Development and Planning day
  • Friday 25th November - 2022 review/2023 Planning 
  • Monday 28th November - Staff training - Berry St Education Model (BSEM) - whole staff Master Class Day with BSEM Facilitator

Cheers Skye 😊

Felixstow Notices


In P.E. for weeks 6-9 we will have Ruby joining us from Athletics Australia. The focus of these sessions will be on developing the fundamental skills that are transferable across all sports.


In art this term the primary students focused on weaving. Inspired by the tapestry of Tammy Kanat, the students investigated the process of weaving and how weaving is used in different cultures. Experimenting with different colours and texture, the students created their own circular weaving.

Felixstow Highlights


Fringe Excursion - Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers

This week the Primary students caught the bus into the Fringe for the Schools Day out. We were lucky enough to see the Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers show at Gluttony.


The show was about how Terry lost his memory so Brenda and the audience tried to help him by writing a new story and at the end he got his memory back. - India

The show was about 2 people and imaginary monsters that were called the Word Gobblers. The monsters steal worlds from Roald Dahl books but they can't steal words that are made up. - Kevin

Two people from a secret build called the Tale Tenders who were saving Roald Dahl books from Word Gobblers. The Word Gobblers were erasing the words of the books and we got to: tell stories, give suggestions and come on stage! - Jai

Would you recommend other children visit the show?

Yes because it is about Roald Dahl and his books and about that reading is very important. - Flora

Yes because it's funny, cool, and weird, so it's good for kids. - Aaron

I really do recommend the show, it was really funny especially the Tale Tenders. - Joelle

What wonderings do you now have about the show or Roald Dahl?

How he thought of all of his books. - Flora

How did they make words disappear? - Oliver

What was Roald Dahl's first book? - Jai

Your favourite part of the show:

I like how the words in the jar just disappeared. - Oliver

When they were imagining that they were fishing with the octopus, slime, and hot water. - Aaron

Telling the story about fishing in a slime lake with a purple octopus. - Jai

Hi from Primary 1!

This term the Primary Classes are focusing on Fantastic Mr. Fox for their novel study. Students as exploring the vocabulary in the text and unpacking each chapter.


Lauren's class have had to guess what the book was about when it was wrapped in brown paper with only selected words written on the paper. Once the book was revealed students had to visualise what the farmers looked like based on the words in the text, describe Mr. Fox and his family and compare this to how the farmers feel about the fox family and plan and film a video where they were reporting live from the chapter when the farmers shoot Mr. Fox. 


Hello from Tuula’s Juniors!

We have been exploring forces and movement for our science based inquiry unit 'May the force be with you'. We played a movement game that combined actions such as 'high push', a 'forward spin', and a 'slow slide'. It was lots of fun!

Nicole's 1/2s!

In Nicole's 1/2 class we have been learning how to skip count. Skip counting is important because it helps us to count quicker.  One group used counters on Thursday to help solve their problem, while the other group looked at arrays with Maxine.

Resource Hub

Dear Felixstow Students and Families

The last few weeks has seen the Junior classes commencing Library sessions on Friday mornings, 10 Primary students successfully applying to be Resource Hub monitors for semester 1, the first Scholastic Book Club issue for the year and a Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser date being offered by the Windsor store. 

Student Resource Hub Monitors

Congratulations to the 10 students who successfully applied for the role of Student Monitor and welcome to the team. The monitors will work in pairs one break time each per week. Their role and responsibilities include scanning borrowed and returned books, sorting books, shelving books in alphabetical and numerical order, clerical tasks, helping with displays and activities, assembly talks, and being ambassadors for the Resource Hub.

Our new student monitors are: Amelia, Chloe J, Elena, Hannah, India, Joelle, Niamat, Oliver, Raghuveer and Zahra and relief student monitor, Eva.

J2 Class (Nicole)

In addition, students in Nicole’s class applied to be Class Resource Hub Monitors. The role of successful students is to keep the class book display tidy, to bring returned books to the Resource Hub and to assist in the Resource Hub during their library session.  The successful applicants are Aaima, Harvey, Stella, Tori, Willa and Zofia.

Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic issue 8 catalogues per year (2 each term) with a variety of books (award winners, best sellers and old favourites) for sale, tailored for students of all ages and abilities. By downloading the Scholastic app or going to the Scholastic website; www.scholastic.com.su/LOOP, you can access the Loop platform where you can view the catalogue, place orders and make credit card payments. The school distributes the ordered books once we have received the delivery from Scholastic. Issue 2 will be given to students to take home this week. The last date for orders is Friday 25th March. Each order earns books and resources for the school.

Help Needed!

Volunteers are required to help with the covering of new books. So, if you have the time and would like to help please let me or Gillian know. Boxes of 10 -12 books and contact will be provided. Your help is really appreciated and allows me to attend to other Resource Hub tasks. 

Bunnings BBQ ‘Sausage Sizzle’ Fundraiser

After the success of the last Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser we have accepted Windsor Gardens offer of Sunday 27th March. We are asking our community (both families and staff) for any help you are able to give to make this another great fundraising day. We require both people to help at the event and any items from the attached list you may be able to donate.  We would like to thank those who have already come forward to help.

Last year we made a profit of $1100 and would like to do the same or better this time. Money raised will go towards the purchase of more furniture for the Resource Hub to make it an even more inviting and comfortable place for our students to read, gain knowledge and inspire their imagination and creativity.


If you have any questions or are able to help in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact me at; kelly.hunterwright778@schools.sa.edu.au


Kind regards


Resource Hub SSO

Important Dates

Updated: February

WeekTERM 1
1Wednesday 2 FebruaryFIRST DAY TERM 1
7Monday 14 MarchAdelaide Cup (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)
8Monday 21 March Harmony Day

Sunday 27 MarchBunnings BBQ
10Wednesday 6th AprilAGM - 6.00 - 6.30pm
11Tuesday 12th AprilPHOTO DAY
11Thursday 14 AprilLAST DAY TERM 1
11Friday 15 AprilGood Friday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)

1Monday 2 MayFIRST DAY TERM 2
7Monday 13 JuneQueen's Birthday (PUBLIC HOLDAY)
10Friday 8 JulyLAST DAY TERM 2

1Monday 25 JulyFIRST DAY TERM 3
8Monday 12th SeptemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
10Friday 30 SeptemberLAST DAY TERM 3

1Monday 17 OctoberFIRST DAY TERM 4
6Mon 21 to Wed 23 NovemberCamp
6Friday 25th NovemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
7Monday 28th NovemberPUPIL FREE DAY (NO SCHOOL)
9Friday 16 DecemberLAST DAY OF THE YEAR

Community Notices

Contact Information

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

A reminder that OSHC is available for families for before (BSC) and after school care (ASC).

BSC opens at 7:30am                                   ASC is open 3:10-6:00pm

Bookings are essential.

Hannah Gustard is our OSHC director and can be contacted on


Felixstow Community School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented and dedicated staff provides each student with rigorous care, challenge and support academically, socially and emotionally.

Respect | Responsibility | Compassion