Dear Parents and Carers,
Term 3 is certainly underway! Students have returned to school full of enthusiasm and eager to reconnect with friends and teachers. It was fabulous to gather as a school community in the hall for Assembly last week and welcome our new students, as well as, revisiting the 5 Respects that underpin all that we do at St Joseph’s.
Respect for Self, Others, Staff, Learning and the Environment.
I’m sure if you asked your child(ren) they could provide you with many examples of how respectful behaviour is evident throughout the school.
The staff and I are very grateful to all parents, grandparents and carers who have demonstrated care and respect to teachers and administration staff by maintaining social distancing requirements in classrooms, corridors, outdoor space, front office and outdoor areas. Thank you for demonstrating that you care for all staff! We really appreciate it!!
As we come to acknowledge and celebrate the Feast of Mary MacKillop next week let us ponder on the words of Micah: the verse of Micah is at the beginning of the Constitution of the Sisters of St Joseph and names values and relationships underpinning Josephite Spirituality.
This is what he Living God asks of you;
Only this,
To Act Justly,
To Love tenderly,
To Walk Humbly with your God –
With a grateful heart God Bless,
Maria D'Aloia & St Joseph's Staff