St Pat's News

August 26, 2020

At St Patrick’s Parish Primary School we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school.

From The RE Leader - Annie Forrest

From The Principal - Peter Sanderson

Dear Parents, Parishioners, Carers, Staff & Students,

Long Service Leave

Leanne Mahney will be taking Long Service Leave for the last three weeks of this term, starting Monday 31st August. We wish Leanne a restful break and welcome Clare Farley as her replacement.

Onsite Supervision

Please remember that we can only offer supervision to children whose parents cannot provide this at home due to work requirements or exceptional cases. If your child needs to be supervised at school, please register them by calling the school office, giving at least 2 days notice so that adequate supervision can be arranged. Children attending school are doing the same work as they would be doing at home under the supervision of school staff (teachers and/or Learning Support Officers). If we are required to roster on more staff, it means those teachers are not available for contact with their students on those days. As part of Stage 3 restrictions, staff who can work from home MUST work from home, so we are trying to limit the number of staff we call in. I thank you for your consideration of this matter.

School Maintenance

Thank you to Ash Cryer and Liam Murphy for repairing broken brickwork outside the hall and to Vin Parkinson for repairing the railing at the front of the school.

Power Outage

I remind parents and carers of a power outage scheduled for Friday 28th August from 9am to 1pm. This will make any online contact from school impossible and, obviously, we will be without lighting and heating. Parents who would be sending their children to be supervised at school on that day may wish to consider other options if available. Onsite supervision will still be available but we will be engaged in “screen free” activities and doing our best to stay warm.

Student Leaders’ Newsletter

I commend our student leaders on their Student Leaders’ Newsletter that they have put together. It has been a challenge for our student leaders to find opportunities to exercise their leadership skills during this interrupted year. Their newsletter appears below.

Seedling Drive

Orders for seedlings from our Seedling Drive are due by Friday 4th September. Please consider ordering and let friends and family know about it as well. We haven’t got many fundraising options available to us at the moment.

Brauer College Enrolments

Parents of students going into Year 7 at Brauer College in 2021 may be interested in the Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program, Sports Industry Program and scholarships that are on offer from the college. Information is available on the Brauer College website.

Free Activity Ideas

Please see the following notice and link from Outside School Hours Care for a range of activities you can do at home.

“ We are so excited to introduce to you our OSHC at Home program. With many families spending more time at home now than ever before, we understand that you may be looking for fun and innovative activities for your child. That's where OSHClub has got you covered.

Whether you're working (and schooling) from home or are after ideas for things to do on the weekend, this free program will give you the tools to keep your little one entertained in these challenging times.”

Kind regards,

Peter Sanderson


School Leaders News

Wellbeing News - Antonia Balmer

APBS - Association for Positive Behaviour Support

Ten Positive Behaviour Support Strategies to Support Families at Home

Class News

Japanese News - Anne Robertson

St. Patrick’s Spoonville!

Our students attending onsite learning have been busily creating their spoony people to build our St. Pat’s Spoonville community. Feel free to add to our Spoonville out the front of the school. All spoony people will be accepted, so if you want to be part of the biggest Spoonville in Port Fairy, drop in your spoony!

P & F News

Seedling Fundraiser Order Form

Order can be made using this order form or through CDFpay.

School News

School Uniform

Just a reminder to check that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Runners are not part of the uniform, black school shoes should be worn with the regular uniform. Runners are to be worn on sports days only. 

Sporting Schools will not run during our Stage 3 Lockdown.

Friday September 18 @ 2.20pm - End of Term 3

Monday October 5 - Term 4 commences

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