Woy Woy South Public School

Term 3 Week 9 - Thursday, 15th September

Respect | Responsibility | Relationships

A message from our Principal.


Last week was SASS (School Administrative and Support Staff) week, recognising the amazing work our support staff do to keep WWS running smoothly every day. Our office staff, our support teachers and our grounds staff do brilliant job of making WWS a great place to work and learn. On behalf of all the teaching staff and the school community, thankyou for your incredible contribution to our school.

Class Dojo and See Saw Communication

As you know, in recent years our school has moved to using Class Dojo and Seesaw as a communication platform to help parents stay connected with what is happening in the school and classroom. The aim of this approach is to provide parents with an avenue for communicating essential and appropriate information about teaching and learning.

Today, for a matter unrelated to WWSPS, the Seesaw platform messaging system was temporarily shut down due to a security breach involving inappropriate content. Previously, we have released guidelines for the appropriate use of these platforms at WWS, and I have again included it in this newsletter as a reminder.

Please remember that these platforms are in place for appropriate and respectful communication about student learning and are not for urgent or emergency matters. Matters in the urgent or emergency category should be directed to the school office. Additionally, Class Dojo and Seesaw are not ‘chat’ platforms.

Our staff are asked to respond to examples of appropriate and respectful communication within 24-48 hours.

As a school, we see the use of these platforms as a positive step in maintaining good communication and strong relationships with our community. Please assist us by ensuring that it is used correctly so that our children can continue to benefit from its positive aspects.

Tell Them From Me Survey

The Tell Them From Me survey for parents is open for 2022. This survey gives the school important information about what we are doing well, as well as providing valuable constructive feedback on ideas to make our school even better. The more responses we get the better our ability to make change. To access the survey please visit the following link -


As in previous years, we will be running a competition for the K-2 and 3-6 classes with the highest percentage of parent responses. Your help with this is much appreciated. A note will soon be sent home with your child with details about the survey. If you complete the survey, please return the slip at the bottom of the form to your child’s classroom teacher.

Kindergarten 2023

The second of our Kindergarten open days was held last Wednesday and it was great to see a big turnout from our new families. We are looking forward to the commencement of our Ready 4 School (R4S) program in Term 4. If you are interested in Kindergarten enrolment for 2023 or know anyone locally who is, please contact the school office for more information.

Have a great week everyone,

Matt Barr


For the latest information, 'Make a Payment' link and NSW Department of Education news, please go to our website.

Upcoming events

 Like us on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPublicSchool/

Like Woy Woy South Public School P&C https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPandC/

Wednesday, 21st SeptemberBluey's Rewards Day
Wednesday, 21st September

P&C "Halloween" School Disco

K-2: 4pm-5.30pm

3-6: 5.45pm-7.15pm 

Friday, 23rd SeptemberLast Day - Term 3
Monday, 10th OctoberStudents return - Term 4 
Saturday, 15th OctoberTwilight Spring Fair 

Administration News

At times your child may require medication such as antibiotics or daily prescribed medication for a medical condition whilst they are at school.

If you require support for your child to be administered prescribed medication (not over the counter medications) by volunteering school staff, you will need to ensure you complete the 'Request for support at school of a student’s health condition' form and supply the medication in a 'Webster Pack' for daily scheduled medication. If it is antibiotics etc. and only required for a short period of time, you will need to supply the medication in it's original box/bottle with the dosage information.

The form is available from the front office. If at any time there are any changes to this arrangement, you will need to notify the school and adjust the form. 

Panadol and Nurofen are non prescribed medications and schools don’t administer this. In special circumstances a doctor may prescribe these over the counter medications, however parents will still need to complete the 'request for support at school' form in these instances with the dosage requirements.

Please note that children are not to be self-administering any medications at school. 

Thank you for your cooperation - WWS Office Staff 

Thank you!

Thank you to all the wonderful blokes that came along to our Blokes Brekky in week 7. It was a fabulous morning celebrating the special men in our lives. The coin toss game raised $315.00 in coins and went to Men’s line charity, which is a fantastic contribution. Thanks again to all the teachers involved for putting this event together for the fathers in our community. 

PBL - Positive Behaviour for Learning

PBL “Positive Behavioural Learning” Focus – Week 9

This week, our focus is 'Canteen’. At the Canteen it is important to use nice words and our manners by saying please and thank you. We also need to line up, wait quietly and only buy items for ourselves. Showing respect for Canteen workers is important as they are valuable members of our school community.

The PBL Team

PBL “Positive Behavioural Learning” Focus – Week 10

Next week our focus for 3-6 is ‘Basketball Courts’ and for our K-2 it is ‘The New playground’ Some of the ways students show the 3Rs in the playground and on the Basketball courts are:


•Share the space


• Wear your hat


 •Play fairly

Following these simple guidelines will make sure that everyone can stay safe and enjoy Woy Woy South’s outdoor play areas.

The PBL Team


Library News

QuickCliq ordering for lunch orders and uniform purchases - How to Guide

P&C News

Next P&C Meeting

Thursday 20th October at 7:00pm at the school.

We would love to see you there and remember, everyone is welcome. You don’t need to be a member to attend.

Halloween Disco - Wednesday 21st September

Years K-2 from 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Years 3-6 from 5:45pm - 7:15pm

Tickets are $5.00, including a packet of chips and a drink, and are on sale from 8:30am – 9:00am outside the canteen on the 19th, 20th & 21st of September. A signed permission slip is required to buy a ticket and EFTPOS payment is preferred. If you would like to help with ticket sales and/or assist at the disco, please get in touch with the P&C by emailing: admin@wwspandc.org

The Saucy Spice Company Fundraiser

We are raising money for a portable set of soccer goals with The Saucy Spice Company. You can buy spice mixes for simple healthy meals, inspired by traditional cuisines from all over the world for $7.00 per pack. Each pack contains a mixed sachet of spices, an easy to follow recipe and a list of the fresh ingredients that you will need to make the dish. Order online at https://wwspandc.square.site/ by Friday 23rd September. Please nominate a student and their classroom when ordering as your items will be delivered to those students early term 4.

Twilight Spring Fair - 15th October 2022

Join us at Woy Woy South Public School on Saturday 15th of October from 3:00pm for our Twilight Spring Fair. We’ll have:

➔   Food Trucks

➔   Market Stalls

➔   Free Mini Kindi Farm

➔   Games & Entertainment

➔   Mechanical Bull Ride

➔   Jumping Castle

➔   Dancing Showcases

➔   9D Mobile Cinema

➔   Face Painting

★    Plus our free Outdoor Cinema from 7:30pm, proudly sponsored by Featon Locksmiths.

Greater Bank #GreaterCentralCoast voting -  3rd-26th October

We’ve been nominated for October’s voting round of #GreaterCentralCoast. We’ll be vying for a share of $3,000, with the winner being determined by a public vote. The organisation with the most votes at the end of the month will receive $2,000 and the two runners up will receive $500 each.  Voting opens on the 3rd of October - please watch our social pages for the link.

Bluey’s Snack Shack

We’d love to get some more helpers in the canteen next term as it keeps getting busier and busier. Please pop by the canteen and let Jacqui know if you have any days you can help. The kids love seeing you there and we are always happy to teach new helpers what to do.

We’ve got a new item in the canteen that the kids will love: low fat ice-cream cups for just $1.50. These are to replace Moosies that we have had ongoing supply issues with. And just to let you know, on Fridays we have had to put a maximum of 30 online orders for slushies so the machine can keep up. Keep an eye out for our upcoming Halloween Specials on Monday 31st October.

Uniform Shop

Next Open Day: 8:30am - 9:00am Tuesday 11th October 2022

Excess Stock Sale

We’re having an excess stock clearance on X-Small Wide Brim Hats - now just $8.00 while stocks last.  Available to order through your online quickcliq account now.

Stocktake Volunteers Needed

It's time for stocktake in the Uniform Shop. We are seeking helpers who can lend a hand for an hour or so after school drop off, the more the merrier.  All assistance is greatly appreciated. If you are available on Monday 19th or Tuesday 20th September to help, please get in touch with us at: uniformshop@wwspandc.org 

Want to get involved or need to get in touch with the P&C?

Email us: admin@wwspandc.org  Canteen phone: 4341 7798  Follow us: Facebook & Instagram



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