Lowood State School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8

Welcome to Week 8 - Term 2

From the Principal

What a wonderful fortnight we have had at Lowood State School, with our P&C Colour Run last Friday and our Under 8's Day on Friday. What wonderful opportunities for our students to participate in enjoyable activities that build their sense of school community. 

These events were well attended and it was wonderful to have the support from outside agencies such as PCYC Fernvale and Scouts Lowood. Our P&C and parent volunteers did an amazing job with this years Colour Run, obstacles, bubbles and plenty of colour helped to make it a memorable experience for all. Thank you to everyone involved. 

Inside the classrooms it is great to see our students focussed on their work and continuing to engage in their learning as we lead into the final few weeks of school for Term 2.  

Our teachers are working over the coming weeks to finalise their units of work for this term, complete reporting for Semester One and engage in Planning Days to help support them to best provide high quality learning for Term 3.   We look forward to sharing with families our Academic Reporting for Semester One, emails with report cards will be sent in the final week of school  - Week 10. If you do not have your details up to date with the school, please contact the office to ensure they are accurate.  

Parent teacher Interviews - Given our Parent Teacher Interviews were postponed recently due to severe weather conditions, teachers are currently re-scheduling these with families to provide the opportunity to meet. Please keep a look out on Class Dojo for information from classroom teachers. 

Thank you again for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to reach out or make contact if you have questions, comments or concerns. 

Tiffany Rigby

Wonderful Work from Year 1!

It has been another busy term with lots of excitement and fun in year 1. The students have really enjoyed learning about alliteration, onomatopoeia and repetition in their poetry unit. They have been enjoying listening to different poems and understanding them. Each child chose a poem to draw an illustration for and present to the class. Here are some examples of their wonderful work! 

In art the year 1 students have been exploring emotions and self-portraits. They took photographs of themselves displaying an emotion and then used paints, oil pastels and collage to bring it to life. This was a really fun unit where the students got to explore different ways to create art. 

Year Four

This term year 4 have been focusing on our school community and how we can be sustainable within our school and home. We had Somerset Councillor Bob Whalley come and discuss how the community manages waste. We then looked at our own waste in our school and how we can recycle. 

Breakfast Club

We are lucky enough to have support from local services and groups to assist in providing breakfast club for our students 5 mornings per week. 

Our breakfast club which is coordinated by Deb Byram one of our wonderful Teacher Aides and consists of cereal, toast (2 mornings)  and fruit which is provided to students, served by our senior students. 

This is a terrific support for our students and helps to ensure they are ready to learn when arriving for class. 

We would like to thank the many supporters of Lowood State School's Breakfast club, as this would not be viable without their assistance. 

Thank you to:

Trax Church

Club Hotel Social Club 

Rod McConachie

Paul Roberts

Chappy Nell

Harvest Angels


School Photos

Tuesday 21st June 2022

Report Cards - Sent to Parents

Thursday 23rd June 2022

Last Day for Term 2

Friday 24th June 2022

Postponed Events - TBA

Junior Cross Country  

New dates and information will be provided as soon as possible. 

Uniform Reminder

Jackets - With the change in weather, we have many students arriving with jackets to school. Please ensure your child has a school jacket so that they are in uniform for school. We have spare jackets that the staff can issue to students who are out of uniform. The school will launder these however if one arrives home to you, please wash and return to the office.  Bottle Green Pullovers are also acceptable. 

Hats - School hats are to be worn within the school grounds. No caps are to be worn at school. 

As per our uniform policy, students out of uniform will be asked to follow  the uniform policy, parents can be notified  and a loan uniform issued. A meeting with the parents may be required if students continually do not abide by the uniform policy. 

Thank you for supporting the school expectations by sending your child to school in uniform.  

Lowood SS Uniform Policy

Lowood State School

Please contact the school directly or utilise our Skoolbag app or Class Dojo. 

We encourage families to keep in close contact with their child's classroom teacher and if you have any concerns please let us know. 

Your support is always appreciated.