Sutton Public School

Week 8 Term 1 - 22nd March 2019

Principal's Welcome

Principal's Report

This week we acknowledged Wednesday 20th March as the International Day of Happiness.  This year's theme was 'happier together' - focusing on what we have in common, rather than what divides us.  We asked some of our students about ‘what makes them happy’ and share their responses with you in this edition of our newsletter.  You will notice a common theme: that connecting with peers, to laugh, talk, learn or play together makes them happy. 

The Wellbeing Framework for NSW Public Schools has an overarching Statement of Commitment to Wellbeing for our school to support students to connect, succeed and thrive at each stage of their development and learning.

Our PAVE program, underpinned by the theories of positive psychology, is an important way in which we work with our students to develop the values, qualities, habits, and practices that create a happy, meaningful life. Our lessons focus on positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment.  In the field of positive psychology and wellbeing, these five elements are recognised as the ‘building blocks’ to overall wellbeing. You can access the Wellbeing Framework for schools at 

Clare Pritchard 


What's Inside This Newsletter

  • Upcoming Events 
  • Learning and Wellbeing Evaluation Update
  • Year 6 - UC High School Kaleen Open Day
  • NAPLAN Online Information
  • Assembly Awards 
  • SRC News
  • Class of the Week
  • Sports News 
  • International Day of Happiness 
  • Canteen Order Form 
  • Other Notices 

Important Information

Upcoming Events at Sutton Public


27th - School Cross Country

27th - No Assembly


2nd - Musica Viva

3rd - Stage 3 Museum Excursion

5th - Disney Dress Up Fundraiser 

6th - School Fair 

10th - Infants Picnic 

12th - Last Day of Term 1

30th - First Day of Term 2

Learning and Wellbeing Evaluation Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our Learning and Wellbeing Evaluation this week. The feedback and input provided by parents, staff and students will now inform a written report to help guide us towards enhancing the quality of the learning experience for all students and working collaboratively and engaging positively with parents.  Preliminary findings will be shared next week, and the recommendations of that report shared once completed.  

Year 6 - UC High School Kaleen Open Day

Year 6 students from Sutton Public School who are interested in enrolling for Year 7 at UC High School Kaleen in 2020 are invited to attend a Year 6 open day on Wednesday 27th March from 9:30 to 2:30pm.

If your child attends this open day, you will be required to make your own arrangements for their transportation and supervision. Please ensure you notify our school office if your child will be absent from Sutton Public School to attend this event.  Please note that our School Cross Country Carnival will take place from 12:00 noon on the same day.

UC High School Kaleen requires you to RSVP to by Monday 25th March. Permission and medical notes provided by the high school must be completed, signed and presented to Mr Rolfe on the day. Notes can be found here. 

NAPLAN Online May 14 – 24th 2019: Important advice for parents.

This year our Year 3 and Year 5 students will participate in the NAPLAN Assessment Program Online.  Parents can view the clip Understanding NAPLAN Online: by using the following link Further information is included in the Fact Sheet attached.  Support for parents and demonstration tests can be accessed at

Any parent seeking consent for disability adjustments to support their child to participate in the program or parents seeking consent for exemption and withdrawal from the NAPLAN Assessment Program must contact the principal and complete the appropriate forms by Friday 5th April.       

Assembly Awards


Benjamin B - For using expression when reading.

Kai M - For using different strategies in the engine room to help to help him read words.


Nina G - For being focused and hard-working during independent activities. Well done!

Hunter S - For an amazing improvement in his tracing and colouring. Well done!


Lucinda F - Working hard to achieve quality outcomes.

Sid G - Excellent commitment to his work.


Gus M - For demonstrating a settled and focused approach to learning.

Anouk U - For adopting a tenacious approach to improvement in reading and writing.


Zoe A - For displaying responsibility in all she does.

Lachlan K - For consistent effort in science.


Olivia C - For her hard work in mathematics.

Tahlia C - For her outstanding work ethic and contribution to class.


Zachary C - For displaying the SPS value of responsibility

Selena T - For displaying the SPS value of integrity.


Molly E - For being a great class member and always being motivated.

Darnell O - For being a great learner in 3/4R.


Kayla B - Working hard and completing tasks.

Samuel L - Maintaining a positive attitude to all tasks.


Jessica F - For working hard to complete all her work on time.

Tayla P - For excellent artwork.


Moses B - For working hard to stick with one tense in his writing.

Lachlan G - For taking his time and producing a great artwork.

SRC News

The SRC has been organising some exciting fundraisers to raise money for our World Vision child from Cambodia, Varin. 

Jelly Bean Guessing Competition 

During weeks 9 and 10, there will be a jelly bean guessing competition at lunch time. It is $1 per guess. 

Disney Dress Up Day 

On Friday, 5th April children can come to school dressed as their favourite Disney character (or any movie character). Children are asked to make a gold coin donation on the day if they are dressed up.

Class of the Week!

3/4 Kanbi - Fire

We have been exploring Digital Technologies in Science. 

Our inquiry and focus questions have been:

  • How do digital systems share information and instructions? 
  • Why do we present data in different ways?
  • How are algorithms used to develop digital systems?

We began by putting on our thinking hats to describe some ways Budd:e stays safe online. Next we learnt how to write an algorithm in Excel to add some numbers. In Creative Writing we are writing a narrative about Cyber safety.

Mrs Fitzsimons

Sports News

Cross Country Wednesday 27th March

Infants will run cross country between 12:10pm and 12:45pm.

Primary will run cross country from 1pm. 

We are looking for parents to help marshal at Cross Country, Wednesday 27th March from 12;45pm - about 2:30pm. If you can help please contact Denise Campbell or the front office.

International Day of Happiness

Wednesday was International Day of Happiness! ?☀️?

Some of the things Sutton students said make them happy are:

  • Playing with my friends
  • Fishing
  • When people are kind
  • Maths
  • Basketball
  • Playing with lego
  • Riding my horse 
  • Colouring in with my friends

Other Notices

Week 9 Canteen Order Form - Fried Rice (Meat or Vegetarian)


Whooping Cough

Whooping cough (also called pertussis) began increasing across NSW towards the end of 2018, especially in children between the ages of 5 and 14 years. NSW Health anticipates that this increase will continue into 2019.

School-aged children who are infected with whooping cough usually experience a troubling cough that can persist for months, but they rarely get severe illness. However they can spread the infection to younger siblings and other more vulnerable people, who are at higher risk of severe disease. Whooping cough can be a life threatening infection in babies.

What can you do to prevent whooping cough?

  • Make sure vaccinations are up to date for all family members
  • Be alert for symptoms of whooping cough
  • Keep coughing kids home, to prevent them spreading the infection to others, and see your GP to get them tested for whooping cough
  • For more information on Whooping Cough and vaccination, visit the NSW Health Website

    You can also find out about other infectious disease alerts by visiting the alerts page.

    Fair Wristband & Food Ticket Order Form


    Fair Volunteers 

    We still need lots of volunteers to ensure our Fair runs smoothly and everyone gets a chance to enjoy their day. Please consider signing up for a shift on one of the following stalls:

    • BBQ

    • Book Stall

    • Cake Stall

    • Craft Corner

    • Curry Stall

    • Devonshire Tea Stall

    • Harvest Stall

    • Lob-a-choc (Coordinator Role, day of Fair only)

    • Plant Stall

    • Toastie Stall

    • White Elephant Stall

    If you’d like to volunteer for any of these roles, please sign up via the link/address at the top of the page or email Linda at:

    Without volunteers our fair cannot run. All that is required is an hour or two of your time on the day. Currently we have 39% of roles filled. Please consider donating some of your time.


    The BOOK STALL will be taking donations on Tuesday and

    Thursday mornings between 8.45 and 9.15.

    We are looking for good quality books for all ages, CDs, DVDs and LPs.

    Please contact the Fair Organisers via the Facebook page:

    ( if you need to organise a different time.

    Please note: we cannot accept any damaged items or items that maybe be considered unsuitable for all ages.


    The WHITE ELEPHANT STALL will be taking donations on

    Thursday mornings between 8.45 and 9.15.

    We are looking for good quality pre loved items such as:

    • Clothing

    • Toys

    • Dress ups

    • Household items

    Please contact the Fair Organisers via the Facebook page:

    ( if you need to organise a different time.

    Please note: We would appreciate careful consideration made before you donate.

    Things like glassware does not sell very well, ripped or dirty clothing or toys cannot be resold. We cannot accept electrical goods or car seats.

    Anything unsold must be redistributed by the Fair Team and can create more work than it should.

    Sutton Playgroup

    Come along to Sutton Playgroup!

    When: Thursday Morning, except for school holidays

    Time: 9:30-11:30

    Where: Sutton Public School, Afties Building

    Please bring $2 per family & a piece of fruit/sandwich/crackers to share for morning tea (no nuts please)

    Contact: Belinda 0422 262 426