Weir State School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 3

Principal's Pen


Welcome to this edition – Week 3 already and we are well and truly ‘neck deep’ in the term. Our teachers are working tirelessly to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities and engagement activities. I am continually amazed by the great things happening in our classrooms and the ‘can do’ attitude by our students.  All these things point to one thing and that is “great learning” and this can only happen when students are willing to engage with what’s being taught and how our great teachers deliver it. Our school really is a great place to be part of

New approach to reading  - Last week our PREPPIES began the new process within their reading of sequenced lessons to improve their levels. Our teachers and aides have been trained in this very precise and supported system in term 1 to ensure all students get a structured approach to learning ‘ how to’ read. We will be rolling this system out with the Year 1 and 2 students throughout the rest of term 2 and the process will become the ‘backbone’ of our reading system from the start of semester 2

Upcoming  NAPLAN – Next week our students from Year 3 and 5 will participate in the annual NAPLAN testing regime. Let me assure all parents that all steps have been taken to ensure all students taking the test are familiar with the format, timelines and rules. We will be supplying lunch and drinks for all Year 3 and 5 students and have taken a relaxed approach to the tests to ensure stress levels are minimised. We have done all we can to get ready…now it’s up to the most important people to see it through………..our great students …….. …..and remember the tests help us look at what we are doing as a school to help you learn….. Good luck kids

Parental  Involvement  - From the moment you enrol your child at Weir State School you are encouraged to develop a strong partnership with us. Research sends out a very clear message about the importance of partnerships in education. When parents express confidence in the school and teachers, and are involved in some way, their children are more likely to be happier and perform better academically.

At Weir State School we actively seek parent participation in the ‘life’ of the school. As a parent you can contribute and help your school in many different ways. We acknowledge that many parents have a host of other commitments and will find it difficult to help at school during the day. If this is the case, then don’t worry as there are many other ways that you can actively contribute. Here are some ideas to help your school, teacher and child before, during and after school!

* Help in the library                                                      * Help in the canteen

* Repair library books                                                   * Work as a classroom aide under teacher direction

* Help keep the school garden tidy                                 * Tidy up store cupboards

* Gather community resource information                  * Listen to children read   

* Help with supervision on excursions                          *Make classroom resources under teacher direction

* Repair broken school resources                                  * Join the fundraising committee                         

* Assist with the swimming program                           * Offer a skill you have. eg. pottery 

* Attend working bees                                                  * Attending and supporting school functions

 Now that you have dropped your child off at school…..follow them inside and join the fun……

THIS WEEKS PROVERB – “ Hope is not a strategy ”  

Thanks for reading and GO THE COWBOYS

Mr B  - Principal

Naplan 2019

NAPLAN 2019 – TEST DATES 14th – 16th May 2018

Parents, please be advised that Year 3 and Year 5 students will be sitting Naplan tests in May.  The NAPLAN tests are designed to assess the skills of Australian students in literacy and numeracy.

The following areas of literacy are assessed:

  • Language conventions - spelling, grammar and punctuation

  • Writing - knowledge and control of written language

    Reading - comprehension.

    In numeracy, the content areas assessed are:

  • Number

  • Measurement, chance and data


    Algebra, function and pattern (formal algebra for Year 9 only).

    Results from the tests will provide important information about children's progress in literacy and numeracy. Following the tests, schools and students will receive a statement of performance in relation to the national minimum standards.

    The program is conducted over the 3 days from 14th – 16th May 2018.

    For Years 3 and 5 there will be four (4) tests: Language conventions, Writing, Reading and Numeracy.

    For the Writing test, students will be given a stimulus and asked to write a response to the task in a maximum of three pages. There will be one Writing stimulus for students in Years 3 and 5; both will be of the same genre.

    The response formats for questions on all other test papers will be either multiple choice (shade a bubble to indicate the answer) or constructed response (write the answer in a box or on a line).

    Eligibility to sit the tests

    All eligible students in Years 3, 5, 7 or Year 9 enrolled at State, Catholic or Independent schools must sit the tests unless they are exempt or withdrawn by parents/carers.  For further information regarding exemption, withdrawal, or application for adjustments, please contact  your child’s teacher or the Principal.

    Information about the tests for parents and schools is available on the NAPLAN website -

Weir Wonder

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5

1B: Bianca
2B: Tia
3B: Marcus
4B: Kairua
5B: Kiara, Jean-Pierre

2R: Kacey
3Y: Denzel

5R: Khai

2Y: Koah, Wees
3S: Hayden, Tyhler, Thomas

5/6M: Neeka

2G: Makalani, Jacob, Jacob

The Arts

Pictured are our excited Junior Band! Early Friday morning they came together as a group with Ms Kelly Clarke-Flesser to start their musical journey. We look forward to watching them develop their skills on their instrument. We are practising pieces for our upcoming Music Showcase which is in Week 10. 


This year the Wakakirri Team will travel to Mackay on Friday August 16th. At the end of this term we will also be holding our Music Showcase. This will be held in our hall on Tuesday 25th June starting at 3.30pm. This is held for the families of our Choir and Instrumental Music students. It is a lovely afternoon to come and listen to the pieces that these students have been working on all Semester. We will also be running the Arties Music competition at this showcase. The Instrumental Music teachers will speak to their students about this competition.

Choral Camp for our Year 5 and 6 students is also coming up later this term.  Mrs Wilson will be looking for keen Senior Choir students to attend this magnificent 3 day camp. Carlyle Gardens RSL also sponsor 3 of our students to attend this event.

PE News


Mia Murray with Townsville Fire players will visit our school in Week 10.

Year 4, 5 and 6 classes will participate in a fully funded program by Brisbane Roar FC.  This program will consist of 3 X one hour lessons from a qualified soccer coach, Jenn Gulson.  This program will start in Week 5.

Season 1 Interschool Sport – Hockey, Rugby League and Netball. 

The final two games of this season will be played on the 2nd and 9th May. (Week 2 and 3).  Please ensure any outstanding bus payments have been paid to the office.

      Season 2 Interschool Sport – Soccer, Tennis, Touch, Rugby Union.

          Competition starts in Week 8 this term.  Trials for these sports will start in Week 4.

          Interschool Cross Country

          Congratulations to the following students for participating in yesterday’s event

          Clarvan, Lincoln, jean-Pierre, Kiara, Ashlan, Reginald, Luis, Ethan, Ella, Chelsea, Bella, Henry, Jackson, Hunter, Emma, Lola, Miki


          Weir Athletics Carnival

          Weir Athletics Carnival - Thursday, 9 May

          9:00 am – House Meetings in Hall.

          9:20 am – 200M and High Jump for 9, 10, 11 and 12 years olds.

            Weir Athletics Carnival – Sports Day – Friday, 10 May

          This year, our Sport Day is in Term 2, Week 3.  On this day, students will participate in running races, field events and novelty events.  Age champion medallions will be given to students who gain the most points in the 10, 11 and 12 year old events.

          • 9:00 am – Junior Sprints – C & K, Preps, 6, 7 and 8 years.

          • 9:00 am  - Senior Field Events – 9, 10, 11 and 12 years. (Long jump, high jump, ballgames and relays)

            9:45 am – Prep Ballgames.

            11:00 am – Lunch Break

            11:30 am – Senior Sprints - 9, 10, 11 and 12 years.

            11:30 am – Junior Ball Games and Novelty Events - 6, 7 and 8 years.

            1:00 pm – Lunch Break

            1:30 pm – 800M and Parent/Teacher versus Student Relay.

            2:15 pm – March Past, House and Age Champion Presentations.

          School Photos

          School Photos will be taken on Tuesday 28th May and Wednesday 29th May in the Hall

          Sibling photos are before school on both days.

          Timetables will be sent to teachers by the end of next week and published once finalised.

          Each student has been given an envelope. Office has some spares.


          Mother's Day Stall


          Our P&C Mother's Day Stall will be open Wednesday afternoon 2:00pm-3:00pm; Friday afternoon 1:30pm- 3:00pm; and next week Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am-8.30am and 1:30pm- 3:00pm.  Gift packs are available for $2, $5 & $15, and an Ultimate Pack for $30.  There will also be a Lucky Dip for $3.

          Tuckshop Volunteers


          There are many ways to "Volunteer at Weir" Whether it be Tuckshop, or our many Stalls throughout the year.

          Have a say, provide us with your ideas, whether it be fundraising or the multiple other events that often occur at our school or maybe come and be part of our great school P&C?  We need it all!!!

          Our school Tuckshop has been a great success due to the wonderful response from families who volunteer to assist in the day to day running of the Tuckshop.  We wish to provide your children with good food at reasonable prices and at the same time, raise funds which are needed for the school.  Our continued success is because of the wonderful people who give up part of their day to volunteer at Weir.

          Volunteering is a great way to be part of our Weir community, have a few laughs and make some new connections and great friends!  We realise that many parents  /grandparents / carers are busy, but we would appreciate any time  you could share with us.

          If you require further information please contact our office on 4726 1333

          Many Thanks

          "VOLUNTEERS ARE OUR V.I.P’s"

          Sun Bus Service & Timetable Advice


          From Monday, May 13 Townsville commuters will have access to a new-andimproved

          urban bus timetable as well as TransLink’s online journey planner and 24-

          hour public transport hotline.

          Please note, school bus services will not be affected by the changes.

          The new timetable will connect all routes with the soon-to-be-complete CBD bus

          hub. These services include:

          • Route 200 - Ferry terminal to Kelso

          • Route 201 - Ferry terminal to University

          • Route 202 - University to CBD

          • Route 203 - Kirwan to CBD

          • Route 204 - Stocklands to CBD

          • Route 205 - Stocklands (via Garbutt) to CBD

          • Route 206 - Pallarenda to CBD

          • Route 207 - Stuart to CBD

          • Route 208 - Willows to CBD

          • Route 209 - Stocklands (via Wulguru) to CBD

          • Route 210 - Willows to University

          • Route 215 - Stocklands (via Garbutt) to CBD

          • Route 233 - Stocklands to Bushland Beach (via North Shore)

          Changes to timetables are typically up to 5 minutes but can be up to 15 minutes.

          Printed timetables are available throughout Townsville at:

          • Visitor Information Centres

          • Stocklands, Willows and CastleTown shopping centres

          • Townsville City Libraries

          • Sealink Ferry Terminal

          • CQUniversity and James Cook University

          • On board Sunbus services

          To view the new services and timetables, visit the website

 (select a date from May 13 onwards in the

          timetable search) or call TransLink on 13 12 30.

          Kind regards,

          Daniel Palmer

          General Manager

          Sunbus Townsville

          Townsville Brass Festival Information Letter


          Constable Koala Naming Competition

          Good  Afternoon Everyone, 

            We are very excited to announce the arrival of a new Constable to the Townsville Policing District.  Unfortunately she doesn’t have a name as yet and that is why we are asking for your assistance.

           Can you please help us name our newest Koala Constable.

          We kindly ask that Entries be collated by each school and your top 5 “Names” sent through to  Closing date for Entries is Friday May 10th.


          And YES, there will be a prize for the winning School!!!!     

          Senior Sergeant Janelle Poole, APM

          Officer in Charge - Media & Crime Prevention Unit Coordinator

          District Media & Crime Prevention Unit | Capability & Development

          Townsville District | Northern Region | Queensland Police Service


          T:   4726 8656   I   M:   0417 070 532   I   E:

          Townsville District Police online:

             Click the QPS badge or HERE to SUBSCRIBE to our Townsville District community blogposts, crime news and media releases, DIRECT from OUR OFFICE to YOUR INBOX.