eNewsletter Term 4 Week 10

From The Principal

Dear Members of the St Andrews College Community,

We come to the end of a wonderful year. It has been eventful and hectic but very satisfying. I have developed a real love of this community and have felt very welcome. Now that I have had a chance to look at the College for a year I have many more ideas for 2020 and beyond that I cannot wait to share with you in the new year. Have a very safe, happy and holy Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all again in 2020.

 ‘It’s All About Learning’

Christmas Reflection:

To bring good news to the poor…. 

God sent a ‘present’ into the world, the gift of a loving presence named Jesus. The gospel stories indicate that Jesus gave few material things to people.  What he gave most was his personal presence, gifts that were treasures of the heart: belief in self, inner healing, peace of mind, compassion, forgiveness, dignity, and justice. This loving presence lives on in us and is the central focus of Christmas gift-giving.

Sharing the gift of personal presence means that we see ourselves as a gift holding the goodness of Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us. Like Jesus, we can give from our inner abundance, gifts from the heart.  Moments lovingly spent with another and/or for another through prayer (what we call intercessory prayer) or through personal presence, carry more beauty and have more endurance than anything material we could give. What greater gifts could we share than ones that reflect the Great Love we have known in the person of Jesus: our care and concern, our hope, our joy, our understanding and forgiveness, our kindness, our patience, our acceptance of how things and people are?

When we think of our hurried pace of life, we see how Advent gets lost in “the Christmas rush.” The messages are all around us: “Buy this and you will be happy; buy that and you will prove your love.” Sharing presence is hard to do in a culture that keeps promoting material things as a sign of how much we love others. Sharing presence is difficult in an environment that encourages us to be as busy as possible so that we will be rich, successful, and important-and able to buy more things.

When we are busy, rushed, and pressed it is easy to miss awareness and communion with those around us and with those in our larger world. Advent is a good season to be more deliberate in sharing ‘the present of our presence’ every day. It may be through a phone call, a letter, a visit, or through the bonding of prayer as we focus love and attention toward those who need the strength of God to be with them.

The following are suggestions for “being with” others during Advent. We may think of other ways to share our presence in order to deliberately choose “being” over “doing” When the feast of Christmas arrives may we be more aware of the power of Emmanuel’s presence within us and our ability to warm the lives of others because of this Gift of Love

Suggestions for Giving the Present of Presence

Be physically present with another

or present “in spirit” by deliberately sending prayer,

compassionate thoughts,

and kind feelings toward another person or group.

Be with someone who needs you.

Be with a person who gives you hope.

Be with those who live in terror and fear.

Be with an older person.

Be with someone who has helped you to grow.

Be with one who is in pain.

Be with someone who grieves.

Be with a war-torn country.

Be with yourself.

Be with someone who has written to you.

Be with a child, be with a youth.

Be with a refugee who is fleeing from harm.

Be with an enemy or someone you dislike.

Be with a farmer losing his or her land.

Be with someone who has terminal/chronic illness 

Be with the homeless.

Be with those who suffer from substance abuse or addiction.

Be with hungry children.

Be with a co-worker.

Be with those whose hope is faint.

Be with world leaders.

Be with someone in your family.

Be with men and women in prison.

Be with someone working for justice.

Be with those who are abused and neglected.

Be with your loved and not so loved ones.

Be with someone who is alone.


Gemma and Teaghan from Year 10 gave testimonies about their faith experiences from the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Perth. In all my time as a teacher and Principal I have never heard young women talk so openly and honestly about their faith. It was inspirational. I hope the experience and testimonies will help others to open themselves to faith experiences such as World Youth Day and ACYF in the future. A more detailed collection of experiences and photos can be found later in this Newsletter. 

Christmas Carols

This was a wonderful way to  experience community and the Christmas spirit. The number of students from right across the year groups that participated was amazing. Over 30 performances with more than 200 people attending. What a great start to what will be a tradition for the College. I am sure that with the feedback people will get, it will be even bigger in 2020.

Thank you to Mr Chiappetta and Mr Alata for their organisation of the performances, to Mrs Welch for her organisation of food vans and lights, and to Ms McKechnie for our booklet. Our student support crew from the Entertainment class were amazing.

PISA Results

You may have heard the media hype surrounding the 2018 PISA test results and Australia’s poor performance in it. Our College was selected as one of the 773 schools who were randomly selected. Year 9 students (15 years old) are the target group. 30 students were sampled across Reading Literacy, Mathematical Literacy, Scientific Literacy and School Climate that includes the classroom experience, discipline, school resourcing, student behaviour, teacher effectiveness, and sense of belonging. It was very pleasing to note that St Andrews College achieved well above national standards in every domain. The students also reported a very high level of satisfaction regarding the school climate. It was well above national average again.

It is important to note that PISA, like NAPLAN and HSC data, is only one measure of learning and teaching, and it, like other measures, has its limitations. That being said the results are very pleasing for us as a community.

HSC and ATAR’s 2019

Congratulations to all of the Year 12 Graduating Class 2019. The College is very proud of your efforts and we will recognise this at the High Achievers Assembly on Monday 3rd of February. With the HSC Data Analysis coming out in January we will get a better picture of the significant learning gains that our students experienced and I look forward to reporting on that. 

In summary though the College had:

  • 21 student records in the HSC Distinguished Achievers List

  • Physics and Industrial Technology again our best performing subjects (well above the State average)

  •  Other Subject areas performing well above State average included: Mathematics Extension 1, Ancient History, Science Extension, Legal Studies, Investigating Science, Modern History, Studies of Religion 2 unit, Community and Family Studies, Hospitality, Food Technology, and Mathematics Standard.

We are currently getting ATAR’S from students and then we will publish them via the College social media platforms. 

Year 7 Swim School

Congratulations to all Year 7 students for the way they participated in the Swim School initiative. From the photos I saw it looked like they had a good time. Thank you to Mr Weaver who organised the program and to the staff who helped supervise. In Australia with the abundance of water and ocean surrounding us it is essential that people know how to swim. The College will continue to promote and support this initiative.

Renovations and upgrades to the College

We are ordering new furniture for a number of classrooms in order to assist in the learning. This should be arriving in the new year. Plans for the refurbishment of the Gym and Hall will start in the new year.

Thank you to the students who have been giving us feedback on the renovations across the College as well as ideas. We welcome this initiative as well as parent ideas if you have some. Please contact me if you wish to discuss ideas you have.

Our focus at St Andrews College is to develop each student using the SPIRE Framework.

Fidem in Christo
Stephen Kennaugh

From the Assistant Principal Students

End of 2019 school year

2019 has been a wonderful year at St Andrews College. The year has been full of wonderful activities and learning which has helped our community grow. Each person in our community needs to be thanked for making this a wonderfully successful year.

The College provides many activities for students to get involved in and this is because the teachers give their time and experience to make them happen. Thanks to all the teachers and the work they have done this year.

Thank you to the many families for their support throughout the year. We are blessed to have wonderful caring families that support their children and the College. Without the parents efforts many events would not take place.

 A big thank you needs to go out to our fantastic students at the College. Your enthusiasm and kindness helps make St Andrews College a wonderful place.

Thanks to everyone for your continual support of the College and I look forward to a fantastic 2019.

Reminder about uniform on the first day back

While on holidays, many students grow their hair, put in earrings etc.  Just a reminder that when students return in 2020, all College Summer uniform policies are in place.

Please ensure the students uniforms fit and are worn appropriately, their hair styles are in accordance with the College policy and that jewelry is worn according to policy. The girl’s kilts must be to the knees and the boy’s pants to their shoes.

It is important that every student is dressed ready to learn as of day one 2020.

Please remember that all uniforms are ordered online and can be picked up from the College office.

Enjoy Christmas and your holiday.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of the St Andrews College community a Holy Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday. May God bless you all and keep you safe. I look forward to you all returning in 2020 refreshed and ready to learn

God Bless
Mr Nick Thrum
Assistant Principal Students

From the Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning

Semester 2 Reports Received - What now..

It is important after receiving any feedback, for each student to formulate goals for their future learning. The Christmas break is a good time to consider the feedback in your reports, and formulate goals for 2020. Therefore when students recommence school, their goals will be at the forefront of their mind as they commence the new learning in each class. It is also good practice to look back at your feedback in any task students completed in Term 4. How can the feedback also inform student personal goals for learning and achievement in 2020.

Year 12 2020, completed assessment tasks in Term 4. It is important now to ensure that students consider the feedback given to them for each task in order to set goals and demonstrate improvement in the following assessment tasks in Term 2. 

Leisurely Learning in the Holidays

Remember to take the time in the holidays to read some good books. In particular read for enjoyment. Is there a topic you would love to investigate, or a hobby? 

Remember reading and writing is about thinking. The more you read the better your writing will be in 2020.

Prayer for Students for the Holidays

We thank you Lord, for this term. 

For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. 

Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends. 

Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. 

Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. 

To be peacemakers in our family. 

Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun. 

Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. 

We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents 

And a community that cares for us. 

From the Religion Education Coordinator

living Laudato si’ at Christmas

In 2015, Pope Francis wrote a letter to the whole world called Laudato si’ about the need for us to care for creation. He says that we need to change our ‘throwaway culture’.

Each Christmas we see such a focus on consumerism in the media; the newest gadget, the latest toy, the best ham. But all these things come at a cost to the environment and a cost to people.

So here are some simple ways you can live Laudato si’ at Christmas.


Use containers to buy bulk dry goods and meat – this minimises single use plastic waste. Some butchers will also take containers for meat and often source their meat locally. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Buy naked and ugly – ugly fruit and vegetables often get thrown out despite tasting the same. Try and bring a reusable fresh produce bag.

Cook a vegetarian meal – meat products on average produce more CO2 emissions than fruit and vegetables.

Use leftovers – try and use beeswax wraps or containers instead of cling wrap or aluminium foil.

Compost your food scraps – try not to add too much meat and dairy to the compost though.

Buy in cardboard, tin and glass – instead of single use plastics, cardboard, tin and glass are much more easily recycled, or can be reused before they are recycled.

Buy fruit and vegetables from the local market – by buying from local markets we are also reducing the food mileage and supporting local business.

Bake and make what you can – try experimenting this year with homemade condiments.

Use a bread-bag – bread-bags can fit bread rolls, loaves and breadsticks. You can buy ones from Onya or any clean calico or cotton bags are great too.


Buy fair trade – Buying fair trade ensures that all workers have fair working conditions and have fair wages.

Buy second hand – op-shops have many hidden gems. Also, don’t forget to take any old toys or unused gadgets to the op-shops before Christmas. The funds raised by many op shops help the homeless.

Regift – it saves perfectly good items going to landfill.

Shop local – support your locals instead of the large corporations.

Give gift cards or experiences – sometimes creating memories with experiences is better than a toy used for a week or two. Gift cards also reduce waste because the person can choose what they need.

Wrap in clothes – most of the waste produced at Christmas is from wrapping paper; but wrapping in a clothing is like wrapping your gift in a gift.

Reuse wrapping paper - you can reuse wrapping paper or bags for other gifts, cards or craft, and keep the paper and bags you get.

Hand-make cards from old cards – this is a great activity for kids to make cards out of old cards. Sometimes, you don’t even need a card.

DIY– let your creative juices flow with crafting presents. Sewing, knitting, painting, five-minute Facebook crafts that recycle objects.

Permission to publish has been granted by the Australian Catholic Magazine

Kellie Robinson
Leader of Learning Religious Education

Year 7 to Year 11 Major Prize Giving

On Monday the 16th of December the St Andrews College community celebrated the wonderful academic, sporting and cultural achievements of our students.

Year 7

The St Andrews Award
Joshua Sammut

Ella Calura

Overall 2nd Place
Emma Croser

Overall 3rd Place
Jeremy Delfino

Best All Rounder 
Brooke Robinson

Most Outstanding Academic Improvement
Timothy Okot

Outstanding School Service
Euleila  Barret

Outstanding Commitment to Study
Emma Croser

Sportsman of the Year
Antoni Arshilo

Sportswomen of the Year
Marley Kozak

Academic Excellence 
Cate Astillo
Ella Calura
Emma Croser
Jericho De Leon
Jeremy Delfino
Frienczel Espino
Chloe Francesca Garcia
Adya Hegde
Cooper Ison
Jade Lumayno
Patrica Tuazon
Sinali Weerasinghe

First in Course

English     Emma Croser
Geography  Chloe Francesca Garcia
History      Ella Calura
Mathematics Moses Badelles
Music  Jericho De Leon
PDHPE Jeda Osorio
Religion Emma Croser
Science Jeremy Delfino
Technology Angelo Sayas             
Visual Arts Jeremy Delfino

Year 8

The St Andrews Award
Ayush Goyal

The Victor Chang Trophy

Josiah Prasad

Overall 2nd Place
Ayush Goyal

Overall 3rd Place
Theresia Purwadi

Best All Rounder 
Bianca Infante

Most Outstanding Academic Improvement
Annabelle Johnson

Outstanding School Service
Josiah Prasad

Outstanding Commitment to Study 
Charlise Kenny

Sportsman of the Year
Nicholas Boustani

Sportswomen of the Year
Ava Alley

Academic Excellence
Ava Alley
Caitlyn Dela Cruz
Malay Doshi
Catriona Forneste
Nicola Gerardis
Loudonald Go
Ayush Goyal
Dominique Grepo
Niamh Healy
Georgene Hipolito
Biance Infante
Shaniya Lal
Nikshay Nand
Keya Pandya
Diana Park
Josiah Prasad
Rikhil Prasad
Theresia Purwadi
John Roxas

First in Course

Drama  Josiah Prasad
English Niamh Healy
Geography Josiah Prasad
Geography Sabrina Tomas
HistoryAva Alley
HistoryRikhil Prasad
HistoryJohn Roxas
Japanese Theresia Purwadi
Mathematics Ayush Goyal
MusicCharlise Kenny
PDHPECaitlyn Dela Cruz
ReligionRikhil Prasad
Science Ayush Goyal
Technology  Josiah Prasad
Nina Szarek Trophy for Visual Arts John Roxas

Year 9

The St Andrews Award
Wasim Rahman

Arnav Prasad

Overall 2nd Place
Pankti Patel

Overall 3rd Place
Yuvraj Thind

Best All Rounder 
Hayley O’Connor

Most Outstanding Academic Improvement
Carlo Tagat

Outstanding School Service
Mark Carpio

Outstanding Commitment to Study 
Katelyn Calima

Sportsman of the Year
Arnav Prasad

Sportswomen of the Year
Viktoria Vidovic

Academic Excellence
Janella Canete
Tara Flores
Ethan France
Rana Khalil
Ryan Laycock
Aya Madronero
Hayley O’Connor
Pankti Patel
Ishaan Pathak
Crystal Phung
Arnav Prasad
Nicole Suarez
Czarina Sulapat
Stephen Sumilang
Yuvraj Thind
Viktoria Vidovic
Jasmine Zolerick

First in Course

CommerceArnav Prasad
Design & Technology Rana Khalil


Amelia Zarzycki
English Hayley O’Connor

Food Technology 

Aya Madronero
Geography Stephen Sumilang
History Nicole Suarez


Stephen Sumilang
History Elective Wasim Rahman

Industrial Technology - Timber 

Eric Modaffari
Industrial Technology - Engineering Henry Wu
Information & Software Technology Pankti Patel

Yuvraj Thind

Japanese Czarina Sulapat
Mathematics 5.3 Ishaan Pathak
Mathematics 5.2Aya Madronero
Mathematics 5.1Veronica Burchmore
MusicAmelia Zarzycki
PDHPE Janella Canete
Physical Activity & Sports StudiesArnav Prasad
Religion Pankti Patel
Science Arnav Prasad
Visual Arts Crystal Phung

Year 10

The St Andrews Award
Teghan McHugh

Trisha Pathak

Overall 2nd Place
Shanelle Silva

Overall 3rd Place
Khushi Gupta

Best All Rounder 
Miguel Tuazon

Most Outstanding Academic Improvement
Pouriel Magol

Outstanding School Service
Angelo Marasigan

Outstanding Commitment to Study 
The Reuben F Scarf Award
Ella Smith

Long Tan Award for Leadership & Teamwork
Geneva Valencia

Rotary Award for Citizenship
Charisse De Mesa

Sportsman of the Year
Elijah Barret

Sportswomen of the Year
Georgia Green

Leadership Trophy
Maiah Lazaro & Angelo Marasigan

Academic Excellence
Isabella Budod
Alyanna Louise Castaneda
Francine Dequina
Arya Gaurkhede
Khushi Gupta
Mohika Jhamat
Georgia Kocsis
Julie Nguyen
Trisha Pathak
Shanelle Silva
Ella Smith

First in Course

Drama Jessica Hallatt
English Geneva Valencia
Commerce Riya Chauhan
Food Technology Alyanna Louise Castaneda
Geography Trisha Pathak
History Nestor Batoon
Industrial Technology - Timber 

Patryk Lipka

Industrial Technology - Engineering Nestor Batoon
Industrial Technology - Multimedia Raphael Hourani
Information & Software Technology Trisha Pathak
iSTEMRaphael Hourani
Japanese  Alyssa Gerardis
Mathematics 5.3Khushi Gupta
Mathematics 5.2  Jerome Yabut
Mathematics 5.1 Lachlan Rafidi
Music Samson Tessema
PDHPE Julie Nguyen
Physical Activity & Sports Studies Elijah Barret
Religion Michaela Sabio
Science Shanelle Silva
Visual ArtsIsabella Budod


Year 11

The St Andrews Award
Zodiac Prasad

Parachi Goyal

Overall 2nd Place
Maheka Karunaratne

Overall 3rd Place
Isabella Kershaw

Best All Rounder 
Michelle Fu

Most Outstanding Academic Improvement
Samuel Horsley

Outstanding School Service
Hashwitaa Maynoor

Outstanding Commitment to Study 
Parachi Goyal

Macquarie University Leadership Award
Lance Despi
Michelle Fu

Chifley Science & Technology Prize
Andrew Azzi

Sportsman of the Year
Armaan Dosanjh

Sportswoman of the Year
Isabella Carter

Academic Excellence
Tolu Ajayi
Shreya Bhaskar
Jania Dizon
Michelle Fu
Kathryn Garcia
Mikayla Garland
Parachi Goyal
Joshua Hewitt
Maheka Karunaratne
Isabella Kershaw
Moura Mikaheal
Royce Padua
Zodiac Prasad

First in Course

Ancient History Isabella Kershaw
Biology Parachi Goyal
Business StudiesTolu Ajayi
Catholic Studies Chloe Leibeck
ChemistryParachi Goyal
Community & Family StudiesNatasha Ciappara
Design & TechnologyJerica Cabanit
DramaLarysa Trotnar
Economics Joshua Hewitt
Engineering Studies Andrew Azzi
English Advanced Maheka Karunaratne
English Standard Daenya Simpson
English Studies Owen Walker
English Extension 1 Isabella Kershaw
Food Technology Madeleine Alforque
GeographyJerica Cabanit
Industrial Technology Jerica Cabanit
Information Processes & Technology Vidura Weerasinghe
Investigating Science Hushiti Raikar
Japanese Continuers Michelle Fu
Legal Studies  Joshua Hewitt
Mathematics Advanced Parachi Goyal
Mathematics Extension 1 Parachi Goyal
Mathematics Standard Allyssa Perez
Modern History Maheka Karunaratne
Music (Course 1) Chloe Leibeck
PDHPE Kual Deng
Physics Andrew Azzi
Photography, Video & Digital Imagery Kristelle Sangalang
Society & Culture Isabella Kershaw
Sport, Lifestyle & RecreationIsabella Carter
Studies of Religion I Parachi Goyal
Studies of Religion II Maheka Karunaratne
VET Business Services Mikayla Garland
VET Construction Maximilian Cyreszko
VET Entertainment Larysa Trotnar
VET Hospitality Operations Lousie Sullivan
Visual ArtsMaheka Karunaratne


Christmas Carols at St Andrews

The weather was perfect, our stage was set, decorations in place and the food trucks ready to serve refreshments.

It was a day filled with Christmas cheer as students and their families gathered on the multipurpose court on the senior campus for the inaugural St Andrews Christmas concert.

Students from Years 7 to 12 performed over 30 songs live. There were well known sing a longs such as “Silent Night”, “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer” and “Jingle bells” as well as students performing classic tunes with a modern twist from Artists such as Busta Rhymes, Justin Beiber and Chris Brown.

Some highlights of the afternoon were when Santa and his crew arrived to take some photos with the kids and when Mr Kennaugh and Mr Culbert joined Mr Chiappetta and Mr Alata on stage for the staff act.

The crowd went absolutely crazy when THE CALL ( student band ) performed a rocked - out version of “Santa Claus is coming to town”. There was something for everybody as students performed in many different musical styles within the theme of Christmas.

Mr Chiappetta would like to thank Mr Alata for his assistance with some of the musical acts and general set up. A big thank you to all staff who contributed to making the Carols a huge success by either dressing up, programming, organising, attending or performing. The students enjoyed the experience as did the St Andrews College community. This was a fantastic way to bring families together to celebrate in the Christmas Spirit. See you in December 2020 for the 2nd annual SAC Christmas Concert.

Year 7 Swim Day

Year 7 were given the opportunity to go to Ripples Swimming Centre St Mary’s on Monday 9th of December and Tuesday 10th of December. We have been learning to be safe when around water during our PDHPE classes. On the day, we learnt how to swim, how to rescue someone in the water, CPR and how to enter the water safely. We were split up into groups depending on our current ability. We got to learn life saving skills and procedures but also had bonding time. Though the day it was smokey and hot, we made the most of this day and had a lot of fun with each other. Advanced swimmers were given a challenge to swim 400 metres of four different strokes in the time of 14 minutes. Congratulations to the swimmers who attempted this difficult challenge. As Year 7 students, we are extremely lucky to be provided with education that we will need in future years when we are in an emergency. 

“It was fun and should be continued throughout the future years.” , said Jillyza Aldana

“I believe that it was a wonderful opportunity to teach the students safety procedures so that they are prepared for emergencies occurring in the water.”, said Rochelle Pereyra

“I think this event is very important for us to attend as we will be able to use these skills in an emergency in order to save lives. I really hope everyone will get this opportunity.”, said Patricia Tuazon.

Patricia Tuazon
Year 7

Coming Events

Calendar Dates

Thursday 30th January 2020
Year 7, 10, 11 and 12 Return to School

Friday 31st January 2020
Year 8 and 9 Return to School
Student ID Photos both Campuses

Monday 10th February 2020
Year 11 Information Evening

Leadership Teams 2019

College Leadership Team

PrincipalStephen Kennaugh
Assistant Principal Staff and InnovationMrs Gabriela Osterlund
Assistant Principal Teaching and LearningMs Michelle Deschamps
Assistant Principal StudentsMr Nick Thrum
Leader of Learning Religious EducationMrs Kellie Robinson
Leader of Learning Religious Education (Acting)Mrs Theresa Ciantar
Business ManagerMrs Melissa Welch
Principal's Secretary and College RegistrarMrs Julie Sabine

College Leaders of Learning - KLA

Leader of Learning EnglishMrs Marsha Edwards
Assistant Leader of Learning EnglishMr Travis Kolek
Leader of Learning Creative and Performing ArtsMrs Pauline Ryan
Leader of Learning HSIEMr Daniel Camilleri
Assistant Leader of Learning HSIEMr Jarryd Leaves
Leader of Learning LOTEMs Mariko Mizukami

College Leaders of Learning

Leader of Learning DiversityMrs Pauline Xuereb
Leader of Learning TechnologiesMrs Sarah Anzellotti
Leader of Learning SportMr Martin Gillogly

Senior Campus Leaders of Learning - KLA

Leader of Learning MathematicsMs Tracey Thomson
Leader of Learning PDHPE (Acting)Ms Dominique Goldie
Leader of Learning ScienceMrs Caroline O'Hare
Leader of Learning TASMr Bill Robson

Junior Campus Leaders of Learning - KLA

Leader of Learning MathematicsMrs Gilda De Guzman
Leader of Learning PDHPEMr Nathan Weaver
Leader of Learning ScienceMrs Wendy Rudman
Leader of Learning TAS

Mr Michael Said

Leaders of Learning - Pastoral Care

Leader of Learning Pastoral CareMrs Sue Cooper
Leader of Learning Year 7Mr Martin Gillogly
Leader of Learning Year 8Mr David Frankham
Leader of Learning Year 9Ms Melissa Blackwell
Leader of Learning Year 10 (Acting)Mr Rick Lopez
Leader of Learning Year 11 (Acting)Mrs Cassandra Carlos
Leader of Learning Year 12Miss Emily Pett
Careers Counsellor and Publicity OfficerMs Therese May
School CounsellorMs Kerrie Castle

College Administration Coordinator Ms Simone McKechnie

Contact Details

Junior Campus

116 Quakers Road

Marayong NSW 2148

Senior Campus

50 Breakfast Road

Marayong  NSW 2148

PHONE:   (02) 9626 4000

