St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2022 Term 1 Week 4


Dear families of St Bernadette's

Welcome to Week 4!

My goodness the weeks are flying by. Thank you to all of our parents for your patience as we support some of our new students in navigating our drop off and pick up routines.

A gentle reminder for those who park in the parish car park…..

  • Please remember NOT to park in the spaces in the middle of the car park. While using these spots is fine for weekend services, it creates an unnecessary risk to student safety. 

  • Please ensure that you are holding your child’s hand or that they are walking alongside you to the car. Allowing children to play or run to the car unsupervised is unsafe. 

Teachers have been put on duty to ensure that students are safe while in their duty of care. I have asked staff to let me know if any parents are unable to comply with these requests and you will be contacted to make other pick up arrangements. 

The safety of your children is paramount and something we take very seriously.

Thanking you in advance for your ongoing support,

Love & Light  

Lisa Gerrard

(on behalf of the St Bernadette’s staff & students)


Starting school is a big event in the lives of our little people. Coming back to school for a new year is also a big event in the lives of all students. Starting routines off well early in the year is very important, as is the development of independence in all our students. 

Here are some tasks and routines that should be firmly established early on in the school year that will set our students up for success. 

  • Have a firm bedtime that is early enough so they have some wind down time before needing to go to sleep.

  • Make sure they have a good breakfast each morning.

  • Getting dressed independently each morning (especially getting jackets on and off)

  • Carrying their own school bag to and from school.

  • Be able to tie their own shoelaces.

  • Ensure they know what is in their lunchbox and what to eat at recess and what should be kept for lunch. 

  • All children should be responsible for making sure their hat is in their bag.

Good routines set our students up for success, academically and socially. 

Have a wonderful week, 

Jackie Willard

Assistant Principal


Sunday 20 February 2022

REFLECTION by Dianne Bergant CSA

Perhaps one of the most difficult lessons to learn is forgiveness of those whom we consider our enemies, those who have wronged us. As challenging as this may be, the Gospel calls us to a very high standard: we must be merciful as God is merciful. If such perfection can become a reality in our lives, we will be able to forgive. Paul assures us that we can indeed attain such perfection, not by ourselves, but through the power of the risen Lord whose image we bear.

Paul plays with the theology of creation. In the beginning, we were made like the first Adam, earthly, limited, weak, concerned about the things of this world, and committed to our own well being. Through baptism we have been fashioned after the image of the second Adam, Christ the risen Lord. Being like Christ, we become godlike, empowered with his saving power, transformed with him into new beings. It is now in our power, which is really the power of the resurrection, to be merciful as God is merciful. In the risen Lord we experience a mystical transformation. From now on, all of our actions can flow from this new reality.

Transformed by the power of the resurrection, we are capable of unprecedented good works. We can live without retaliation; we can render good for evil. We can be prodigal in our generosity toward others; we can relinquish any rights of proprietorship that we might enjoy. We can live with others without unfairly judging them. We can be like God, boundless in our forgiveness.

Year 4 Religion

In Religious Education, Year 4 have been investigating 'faith'- what it is, different types of faith and the importance of faith. They have been reflecting on what they feel is important about faith. By creating a wordart image the students have been able to show what they see as important aspects of faith. Here are some examples of the wordart.

Sacramental Program

Term 1

Lessons : Weeks 4-10 inclusive.

Week 4 : 17th or 18th Feb

Week 5 : 24th or 25th Feb 

Week 6 : 3rd or 4th Mar

Week 7 : 10th or 11th  Mar

Week 8 : 17th or 18th Mar

Week 9 : 24th or 25th Mar

Week 10 : 31st Mar or 1st April.

Term 2

1st Practise – Sunday 29th May 3.30 – 5pm.(Please meet in the church – Compulsory)

Final Practise – Sunday 5th June 3.30 – 5pm.(Please meet in the Church- Compulsory)

 First Holy Communion – Sunday 19th June at 11.30am.


St Bernadette's Primary School Open Day

We are now beginning the enrolment process for 2023. If you have a child who you wish to enrol please download the enrolment form from our website or pop into our office to pick up one.

We are having an Open Day on Wednesday 9th March 2022, for new families looking at enrolling in 2023. If you know anyone looking at enrolling into our school for 2023 please let them know to register via our school website



Week 5:

Monday 21st Feb - Year 1 Parent information Evening via Zoom @ 5pm

                                - Year 2 Parent information evening via Zoom @ 5pm

                                - Year 4 Parent information evening via Zoom @ 6pm

                                - Year 6 Parent information evening via Zoom @ 6pm

Tuesday 22nd Feb - Year 3 Parent information evening via Zoom @ 5pm

                                 - Year 5 Parent information evening via Zoom @6pm

Wednesday 23rd Feb - Kindergarten Parent information evening via Zoom @ 5:30pm

Week 6 :

Friday 4th March -School Cross Country  (Years 2-6)

Community Of Learners

Our Year 6 students have had the opportunity to work with their Kindy Buddies. This week they were able to spend some time on creating amazing artwork. Our newest students also had the opportunity to listen to a story that their Year 6 buddy read. These times are so precious and demonstrate how important it is to build a sense of community early.

This term Stage 3 has been discussing the meaning of the words 'suffering' and 'hardship' which is part of the current Religion unit. These words are an integral part of the overarching driving question: How can we, as prophets of hope, respond with mercy to the suffering and hardship of others?Recently, Miss Steph shared one of her experiences about her eldest son who was diagnosed with 48XXYY Syndrome when he was little. 48XXYY Syndrome is a rare genetic disability affecting males. Miss Steph spoke about the difficulties that both she and her son have encountered over the years, however, she also spoke about the hope and love that has emerged as a result. XXYY Day is celebrated on the 17th February which is the 48th day of the year. This week the Year 5 and 6 children have been wearing XXYY armbands in an effort to raise awareness and understanding of this disability. Thank you Stage 3! Stage 3 also had a very special visitor called Mr Gary (who happens to be Miss Carly's Dad). Mr Gary talked about how he created the 'Disabled Surfers Association' after he endured an injury that prevented him from being able to surf competitively. Nowadays, the DSA assists children and adults with a variety of disabilities so they can experience the thrill of surfing. The DSA has branches all over Australia and New Zealand. The DSA is an amazing testament on how hardship can be turned into a truly positive experience. 

Representative Sport

Parramatta Diocesan Tennis Trials

Recently, Sofia  attended the Diocesan Tennis trials. This is a pathway where students of high ability try out to be selected for the Parramatta Team. Sofia was selected to represent The Parramatta Diocese and will now compete in the MacKillop Tennis Trials in Wollongong, 25th February.

Congratulations to Sofia on this outstanding achievement! We look forward to more news later this month.

Parramatta Diocesan AFL Trials

Yesterday Alex attended the Diocesan AFL Trials. Similar to tennis, this pathway selects a team to represent Parramatta schools at the MacKillop AFL trials. Alex was successfully selected to be a part of the Parramatta Team and will compete again on the 25th March in Wagga Wagga.

Congratulations to Alex on this outstanding achievement! We look forward to more news in March.

Lily-Rose’s Touch Football

Lily-Rose is currently on the way to compete in the Junior State Cup for Touch Football in Wagga Wagga. She is representing the Parramatta Eels under 10 girls in the world's largest touch tournament! Not only that, Lily-Rose has been selected to play in the first ever Rugby girls 7s side for Dundas Valley Rugby Club.

She has also recently attended the Parramatta Diocesan Touch Football trials, so we are hoping to hear more good news when she returns to school next week. Congratulations to Lily-Rose on all of her outstanding sporting achievements!

I have said it before and I will say it again - St Bernadette’s has talent!


Clothing Pool

If you wish to purchase any items from our clothing pool please email the school office via . The items are to be paid for via EFTPOS only in the school office. Another option is to order and pay via the QKR! app.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Lisa Hewitt who has volunteered to look after our clothing pool.


A Reminder that classes commence at 8:55am.

To help your child have a positive start to the school day it is important that they are at school on time.

Being at school a little before 8:55am allows them to have time to calm themselves and be confident in knowing they are prepared and ready to learn. It also gives them time to say hello to their friends and classmates.

Arriving late can cause stress to the child entering a class that is already working and it can cause disruption to the lesson that has started.

If we were 5 minutes late every day x 5 days = 25 minutes lost each week. 25 minutes x 10 weeks of each term = 250 minutes each term.

That adds up to a lot over the course of the year.

So please be mindful of what time your child  is arriving at school. It is important we establish good routines as it sets our children up for success.

If your child is late, they must come to the school office to be signed in by their parent or carer. They are not to be dropped late and left to run through the school gate unaccompanied.

Rapid Antigen Testing:

It is recommended that your child be tested twice a week. 

Should your child test positive here are your next steps:

  • Register the result with Service NSW.

  • Notify the school office via email or phone call

  • Isolate for 7 days. If your child has no symptoms (coughing, runny nose, sore throat or shortness of breath) on day 8 they may return to school. If symptoms persist then you must isolate until the symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.

It is important that we continue to work together to keep each other safe. Notifying Service NSW & the school is essential.

A gentle reminder

Also please be mindful when dropping off or picking up your children from school that you are considerate of other drivers when entering or leaving the Parish Car Park. During the week the centre 4 car spaces are NO PARKING spots and all other spots are REVERSE in spots. This ensures that cars can follow the arrows to keep everyone safe.

When using the Drive thru option before or after school please ensure that you do not leave your car as the Rangers will consider you parked which can secure a $340 fine. Also be mindful that queuing across the crossing or blocking Evan’s Road can also result in a fine. 

Principal Morning Tea & Assistant Principal Awards

For 2022 we will continue our Assistant Principal awards.  Mrs Willard will update our community on the upcoming events etc and present two students from each class with an award based on achieving a personal best.

Once a term a Principal’s Morning Tea will be held where two students from each class will be selected according to the nominated criteria.

Term 1 - Encouragement

Term 2 - Positive Behaviour

Term 3 - Christian Service 

Term 4 - Academic Excellence

These Principal Awards will be handed out at the second last assembly each term. Parents will be contacted for both of these awards as usual by our office staff.

Summer reading Challenge

All students are invited to enter online the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta Reading Challenge. Competition opens on the 1st Nov 2021 and closes at 5pm on 25th Feb 2022. Enter online at

For more information please look on the Parramatta Diocese website.

Book Club

If you are wishing to order from the latest Book Club magazine please make sure all orders are processed online via the Book Club website, before 5pm Friday 18th Feb. 

Any orders placed after that will not be delivered to the school.

Our Digital Sign

We would love to advertise events in our community so if you know of an upcoming event please email the details to

Don't forget to collect your Bread Tags!

Happy Birthday

  • Ethan L - 11/02
  • Sebastian - 14/02
  • Isaac L -14/02
  • Veronica M - 14/02
  • Azra - 16/02
  • Arya - 16/02
  • Angelena - 16/02

Just a reminder that any treats sent in are kept to a minimum and individual.


Community Health Advice

St Bernadettes Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.