Starting school is a big event in the lives of our little people. Coming back to school for a new year is also a big event in the lives of all students. Starting routines off well early in the year is very important, as is the development of independence in all our students.
Here are some tasks and routines that should be firmly established early on in the school year that will set our students up for success.
Have a firm bedtime that is early enough so they have some wind down time before needing to go to sleep.
Make sure they have a good breakfast each morning.
Getting dressed independently each morning (especially getting jackets on and off)
Carrying their own school bag to and from school.
Be able to tie their own shoelaces.
Ensure they know what is in their lunchbox and what to eat at recess and what should be kept for lunch.
All children should be responsible for making sure their hat is in their bag.
Good routines set our students up for success, academically and socially.
Have a wonderful week,
Jackie Willard
Assistant Principal