Well week three has been another fantastic week at Robbo Public School. Our students have settled in well and are approaching their learning in a positive and impressive manner. Its great walking around the school going from class to class seeing some many happy faces, eagerly engaged in what is happening in their classroom.
If you need to speak to me at an time please feel free to contact me through the office on 48851284 or email me at gordon.parrish@det.nsw.edu.au, if you have an issues or concerns, or would just like to chat, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
Very shortly you will receive an invoice from us, included on this statement are up coming excursions and sporting events. If you know that you have already paid these in the last two week, please ignore those amounts. The other amounts help us to provide your children with valuable resources, prompt payment of these accounts is greatly appreciated.
Last week we had our Swimming Carnival at Bowral Pool, it was a great day and I would like to thank all the parents and carers who volunteered on the day to help. A big thank you also goes to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Norton for their organisation of the day. The results and a report by our boy school captain Josh Barton are posted below.
We had our first P&C meeting on Tuesday evening, thanks goes to everyone who came along to take part. Some of the items that were discussed included the construction of a covered walk way to the side entrance of the school; fund raising opportunities for the year; minor changes to our uniform; the Breakfast Club; and a proposed working bee for the school gardens. Minutes of the meeting will be posted soon. Don't forget to complete the survey about homework on our school app, its your chance to be part of the decision making processes here at RPS.
Last Saturday I attended a P&C fundraising BBQ at a clearing sale along Belmore Falls road, despite the flies it was a great morning and I would like to thank the following families - the Daxners, the Warner-Hidasis, the Gairs, the Leiths, the Harts and the McCulloughs for their efforts and support. Jodi Hidasi did a great job organising the event. Please see a more detailed report by our girl school captain Kasey Daxner below.
The NSW Department of Education has introduced a School Community Charter for all members of NSW Public School communities. It has been developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.The School Community Charter outlines the responsibilities of parents, carers, educators and school staff in NSW public schools to ensure our learning environments are collaborative, supportive and cohesive. The Charter can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Kind Regards
Mr Gordon Parrish