Marsden Road Public School Newsletter

May 2022

What's On

10th May - STEPS eye test for Kindergarten

10th May - NAPLAN begins

16th May - STEPS eye test for Kindergarten

17th May - Year 2 Incursion 

18th May - Year 1 Incursion 

19th May - School Photos

24th May - Liverpool zone cross country

31st May - Kindergarten Excursion - Calmsley Hill Farm

Principal's Report

Dear parents/carers,

Welcome back to Term 2. I would like to thank our parents and carers who attended the parent teacher interviews. I hope that you found meeting with your child’s teacher helpful to understand how they are performing at school, and how you can support them at home. Thank you also to those who participated in our parent survey on the night, we received some great feedback. It is pleasing to know that nearly 98% of our families who participated in the survey, find Marsden Road PS to be a warm and welcoming school, where everyone is respected and included.

We have a busy term ahead, with many activities returning to the school calendar. Student assemblies have started up again, with our first K-2 assembly for the year being held last week. NAPLAN for students in years 3 & 5 will start tomorrow, with our students participating in online assessments this year. There are also a few excursions and incursions planned already with the school covering all costs for these to support our families.

As the weather starts to get cooler, could I please remind you of our expectations for all students to attend school each day wearing full school uniform, this includes black shoes. If you child is wearing long pants and/or stockings, please remember that these are to be grey. If you need any support with providing your child with our school uniform, please contact the office.


Emma Meddows

Relieving Principal

NAPLAN Dates for year 3 and 5

Next week our year 3 and 5 students will begin their NAPLAN testing. It is advisable that students are at school and on time so they do not miss their NALAN test. The results help improve our schools understanding of each child and also improves our teaching practices.


Tuesday 10th May            -              Yr 3 and 5 Writing

Wednesday 11th May     -              Yr 3 and 5 Reading

Monday 16th May            -              Yr 3 and 5 Language Conventions

Tuesday 17th May            -              Year 3 Numeracy

Wednesday 18th May     -              Year 5 Numeracy

Our expectation is that all of our students will try their hardest.  Please talk to your child about NAPLAN if they have any concerns.                                                                                                                                     

School Photos

School  photos are on Thursday 19th May. Please ensure your child wears the full summer school uniform for photos.

All envelopes are to be returned to the office before photo day. If ordering online, please write your receipt number on the envelope and return your envelope to the office. 

If you wish for children to have a sibling photograph taken, these envelopes are available from the office.

Please note - a photo package needs to be ordered to be able to order keyring, drink bottle, mug or magnet.

2022 Student Leadership team

The Student Representative Council (SRC) for 2022

SRC is a leadership program for students which allows them to have a voice about what is happening in their school. The students are elected by their class to represent them. Students meet in their lunch time to discuss issues which affect them. This year Mrs Blanchard and Miss Amiet are co-ordinating SRC. Congratulations to the following students that have been elected by their class.

SRC badges will be given out at the 3-6 Assembly in Week 4.


Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Emilia and Kaden


Violet and Asmin


Ella and Teodor


Christine and Zvonimir


Maria and Haival


Bianca and Taha


Sofia and Pavle


Reem and Abbas


Kristina and Aarav


Rawan and Abhaya


Aliya and Neymar


Aidah and Andrew


Emily and Ishaan


Zabrine and Siam


Sienna and Aryan


Samara and Abdul


Liyanna and Sashe


Violet and Mikael


Semadra and Adrian



Juliana and Jerry






2022 School Representative Council (SRC)

Anzac Day 2022

Our school prefects lead our special Anzac Day Assembly in the hall at the end of last term. This commemoration was solemn and poignant, a chance for our students in Year 3 to 6 to remember the sacrifices of our young soldiers who died overseas as part of the Australian and New Zealander Army Corps (ANZAC). Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 were able to participate by watching the Assembly in their classrooms via Microsoft Teams.

Our school captains and vice-captains ensured that they spoke carefully and solemnly. They spoke with poise and clarity, reminding us not to forget the incredible bravery of young soldiers who died in battle. ‘Lest We Forget’ was sung by the whole assembly as grade representatives laid bouquets in front of the flags.

These vibrant bouquets were made using flowers so generously donated by our students. Later, we were able to deliver them to the residents of Summit Care, a local aged care facility.

Anzac Day photos

Year 2 Swim Scheme

Splish! Splash! Splosh! Swim Scheme had Stage 1 students dive straight into water safety. They learnt how to tread water, use swimming equipment correctly, and float on their back.

Even though we had some rainy days, students were excited to jump into the pool. With each passing day, they became more comfortable and confident in the water. They eventually became heroes, their nemesis being tiny droplets of rain on their already wet bodies.

They learned to rescue others and seek help when in danger and demonstrated each skill successfully. Students had a great time at Swim Scheme, and we’re sure they can’t wait to get back into the water soon!   

Year 2 Swim Scheme

Stage 2 Excursion - Symbio Wildlife Park

On the 4th and 5th of April, Stage 2 students and teachers went on their excursion to Symbio Wildlife Park in Helensburgh. The students were eager to finally go on an excursion after so long.

While at Symbio, students took part in an information session run by four rangers from Ranger Jamie Tours. Our four informative rangers then took us throughout the wildlife park introducing us to the many animals that are being cared for and answering any questions along the way.

There were so many great animals to see and learn about at Symbio. The students in Stage 2 enjoyed learning about Australian animals and where they may be found in our country.

Easter Hat Parade

On Wednesday 6th April 2022 the students at Marsden Road Public School participated in our annual Easter Hat Parade. Disappointingly, due to the continuing rain, the parade was split into K-2 and 3-6, so the students could sit inside the hall. Each class paraded around the stage to allow everyone to see their amazing hats.

The creativity shown by the students and parents gave us a variety of extraordinary hats, causing the stage judges a difficult job deciding the class winners.

It was exciting for students to have their parents attend a school event again, and the turn out for both K-2 and 3-6 parades was fantastic.

On behalf of the Easter Hat Parade Committee, we would like to thank the following people. Thank you to the teachers and students who set up and packed up the chairs, Mr Doyle for being a wonderful M.C, the Stage judges for their hard work choosing our class winners and finally a huge thank you to the parents and students for all your effort in creating awesome hats and attending the parade. We hope you enjoyed the day!

Easter Hat Parade Committee

Easter Hat Parade Photos

Applying for Year 5 entry to an Opportunity Class in 2023.

Last term all students in Year 4 received a note regarding (OC) Class Opportunity for 2023.

All applications must be completed online at

All applications are due by Friday 13th May at 5pm.  You must apply before this deadline.

You can also check the Department of Education Website for information regarding Opportunity Class Placements and information regarding this.

Sports report

Congratulations to Dusan in 6Z for being selected in the NSW Primary School Association Boys Tennis Team. Dusan has competed against the best tennis players across NSW over a 4 day carnival last week. Dusan was successful in winning all of his matches throughout the l 4 days and was selected as the 2nd seed for the NSW team.  What a fantastic effort.  We congratulate Dusan and wish him every success in the School Sport Australia Tennis Championship to be held later this term.

School Cross Country

Our annual school cross country has been postponed due to our oval not being completed at this stage. The students have participated in a voluntary fun time trial and based on those results we will be sending a team to the Liverpool Zone Cross Country in a few weeks time. Our annual school cross country will take place later in the term where we would love to see parents and community members attend.


Multisport brings a multitude of movement and music to Marsden Road! Our students have been honing their gross motor skills through a variety of activities. They balanced on beams, manoeuvred over obstacles, performed landing poses from trampolines and springboards, and practised throwing accuracy with rings and bean bags.

All these skills were used in conjunction with teamwork, where they faced off against each other in groups, earning points for demonstration of skill, sportsmanship, and the Marsden Way.

Each week built upon the previous, and stations would change, allowing students to apply skills in different situations. They are always excited for what’s to come and ready to compete against their peers.


Enrol Now for Kindergarten 2023

If your child is born between 1st August 2017 - 31st July 2018  your child can enrol for  Kindergarten 2023. Please refer to the link below to start the enrolment process.

Scholastic Book Club

All book club orders are due by 15th May.

Fresh Start Canteen

To order your child's lunch from Fresh Start Canteen go to  You can also use the Flexischools app to order. All you need to do is register and then follow the prompts to place an order.

Alternatively your child can order directly at the canteen before school (cash payments only).

Fresh Start Canteen Menu

Skoolbag app information

Before and After School Care

Marsden Road Public School has enlisted Kids United OSHC to run an Outside School Hours Care Program from the school hall. This includes before and after school care as well as vacation care.



Telephone:      0403 UNITED (0403 864833)


Mornings             6:30am – 8.30am

Afternoon            3:00pm – 6.00pm

Vacation Care      7:00am – 6.00pm

Please select the link below for further information about the service and enrolment procedures.