Weir State School Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8

Principal's Pen

WELCOME TO THIS EDITION – Seven weeks are now behind us and we are getting to the ‘business end’ of the term. I have noticed great enthusiasm and attitude with the students over the term with their attitude and behaviour. The kids are well and truly immersed within our high behaviour and learning expectations and this has shown with pleasing reading data and a sustained attitude in behaviour expectations. I would like to thank staff, parents and students for your support and the superb achievements made. It shows the community working together can achieve GREAT things at our great school.

RED TRACK SUCCESS – Congratulations to our Red Track team who claimed 2nd place for the Boys, Girls and Aggregate ….awesome effort!  Our team has been training hard and were well prepared for the event and this showed with some amazing displays of athleticism. Well done to Mrs Francis and the rest of our school support team  who have given their time to help our team’s success….you did us proud…..Go Weir !!!!

LUNCHES – What kids bring to school to eat for lunches is of HIGH importance. We are all time poor however it takes the same time to put an apple or banana in a lunchbox as it does a packet of chips or a sugary snack. The perfect lunch is sandwich, yoghurt, fruit, nuts or salad. Please also remind your children if they have forgotten their lunch they are to get a sandwich from the office and not to take or ask for other student’s food.

BREAKFAST CLUB – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and unfortunately 1 in every 5 students have little or no ‘brekky’ before coming to school. We have a breakfast club that is run most mornings by our wonderful local church group and staff so please remind your children that if they have missed their morning meal to visit ‘breakfast club’ which operates from 8am each day. Remember empty bellies makes it tough for kids to learn…….Brekky builds brains !!!!

END OF SEMESTER REPORT CARDS  -  Report cards are due in week 11 and teachers have been busy assessing and putting in long hours writing report cards. Please remember that a ‘C’ on a report card means the student is working and achieving at the required year level expectation. Report cards will be distributed the final Wednesday of this term. Please contact administration if you have any questions regarding the reporting process.

THE FOUR R’s OF EDUCATION - Traditionally there have been three R’s in education; reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. While I am sure that many people would agree these are extremely important, in fact essential to a great education, there is one R that is equally important and yet often not referred to; relationships.

School is about preparing children for an enriching and active life. This life comes from being part of and contributing to a community; whether that is the classroom community, school community or the wider community. Relationships are the ‘glue’ that bond us together, give us a sense of identity and provide us support and encouragement. While for many students forming friendships (relationships) comes naturally, for others it is equally as difficult. If children feel good about themselves and have positive relationships, research shows that it increases their ‘school connectedness’ and makes them feel better and more engaged at school. This can then result in better learning outcomes. Relationships can have a powerful effect on student happiness, well-being and learning outcomes.

Another related ‘R’ word often mentioned these days is resilience; how people can cope with or bounce back from difficult life events or circumstances. Research suggests that for young people, this ‘R’ also depends on relationships, because an ongoing, strong relationship with school, friends and significant adults can increase resilience.

Teaching about relationships is a valid part of the curriculum, and honing skills in such an area, are an important determinant of success in life. Weir State School offers the following programs, expectations and values to assist our young people in their individual success:

  • Student support programs and differentiated learning
  • Chaplaincy programs that build self esteem and connectedness
  • Clear and defined behaviour expectations and consequences
  • School specialists in the form of guidance, relationship and learning support
  • Committed and nurturing teachers that understand and assist in building the emotional and academic requirements of the students
  • Administration that strongly believes open communication and parent relationships and paramount to student success in both academic and social areas


THIS WEEKS PROVERB – “ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…”

Have a great week and GO THE COWBOYS

Mr B  -  Principal

                                                    Before/After School - Crossing Ross River Rd

                                                    Parents, please remind your child to use the available crossing at the lights to cross Ross River Road and also follow Crossing Supervisor instructions. 

                                                    Our friendly supervisors are there to keep students safe when crossing the road and want to see all students; get to their parents waiting across the road, and get home safely.

                                                    One of our Before/After School expectations is for students to... ‘Use the crossing and follow supervisor’s instructions’.

                                                    Thank you for your support in helping keep our students safe.

                                                    Student of the Week

                                                    Year 1
                                                    Year 2
                                                    Year 3
                                                    Year 4
                                                    Year 5
                                                    Year 6
                                                    PB: John
                                                    1B: Ethan
                                                    2B: Tyler
                                                    3B: Lucas
                                                    4B: Karter
                                                    5B: Chelsea
                                                    6B: Janayah
                                                    PR: Jai
                                                    1R: Harrold
                                                    2R: Rex
                                                    3R: Patrick
                                                    4R: Hunter-Jay
                                                    5R: Lyrhik
                                                    6R: Nur
                                                    PY: Liam
                                                    1Y: Kenndra
                                                    2Y: Harriet
                                                    3Y: Moses
                                                    4Y: Rubi

                                                    5Y: Amy

                                                    6Y: Nancelia
                                                    PG: Yhu'nique
                                                    1G: Wyatt
                                                    2G: Felicity
                                                    3G: Jane
                                                    4G: Tyrese
                                                    5G: Ava
                                                    5/6M: Ella

                                                    2S: Lila

                                                    3S: Sienna

                                                    Inclusion Award:  1B: Jessi

                                                    The Arts


                                                    1B: Cooper


                                                    5B: Chelsea



                                                    3S: Thomas



                                                    6R: Linda

                                                    Instrumental Music


                                                    3S: Hailey

                                                    Brass, Woodwind & Percussion

                                                    6B: Jessica

                                                    Weir Wonder

                                                    PB: Ruby-Rose

                                                    1Y: Tanis, Jimi

                                                    1G: Zephaniah

                                                    2G: Stephanie

                                                    2S: George

                                                    3Y: Nate, Dalilah

                                                    3S: Isabel

                                                    4B: Keegan

                                                    5B: Bella

                                                    News from The Arts

                                                    PE News

                                                    Season 2 Interschool Sport – Soccer, Tennis, Touch, Rugby Union

                                                    Competition starts this Thursday.  Please return permission notes as soon as possible.

                                                    It is not too late to join.             

                                                    Mia Murray with Townsville Fire players will visit our school in Week 10.

                                                    Chappy News - Entertainment Books & Pie Drive

                                                    Support Our Chaplaincy service: buy an entertainment book.  Please click on the link below

                                           or donate direct to

                                                    Our Chap-PIE Drive order form is attached below.

                                                    Thank-you for your support


                                                    Townsville Shell Club


                                                    Free Holiday Activity

                                                    Townsville Shell Club will be hosting its 50th annual Shell Show on the weekend of July 7th and 8th. We invite all students to come along to the Orchid Society Hall on the corner of Charles Street and Bamford Lane, Kirwan (opposite the Red Rooster) and be amazed at the wondrous world of shells in the displays and on the sales tables. Experts are available to answer any questions students may have about their own shells. The displays reinforce many STEM concepts taught in schools by providing concrete examples that will focus on improving performance of students of any age but are so interesting the kids will never know it’s learning!

                                                    There are age-appropriate activities organised for children. All children who attend will be given a free bag of shells. The Shell Show will also provide parents with a quiet sanctuary away from the roar of V8 engines while they view the exhibits.

                                                    Visitors are welcome on Saturday from 10am to 4pm and on Sunday from 10am to 2pm. Entry is FREE for students and adults only have to pay $2.00.

                                                    For further enquiries: call Marian on 4723 4925 or find The Townsville Shell Club on Facebook