
8 June 2022

Year 10 Immunisation Consent Kits

From the Health Centre

Year 10 Immunisation Consent Kits are being sent home this week. Please read the information and return the consent card to your child’s Form Teacher if you would like your child to receive the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine at school. The clinic will be on Tuesday 26 July.

Reminder - No Nuts or Nut Products

From the Health Centre

We would like to remind the School community that no nuts or nut products are to be brought to school, this includes all variety of nuts, peanut butter, Nutella, nut milks or any other products containing nuts. We have many students across all year groups with severe life-threatening allergies and in order to protect them we ask that no nut products are brought to school.

Products that “may contain traces of nuts” are acceptable.

Thank you for your support.

Are You Smarter than a Year 6 Student? - Solution

From the Co-ordinator of Mathematics

So how did you go? If your answer to the Apartment Windows problem was 4, then you are correct.

The diagram below shows a solution with 4 gardens:

Thank you to everyone that emailed their responses into

A special mention to two of our P2 students, who were the first to submit their correct answer. Congratulations to Jack and Manning. This is an incredible achievement. Well done!

Maths Problem of the Week - Solutions


Green Solution: 210, 211, 230, 231

Red Solution:  The shaded area is r2


Maths Study Centre

On Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, Mrs Rouse and Mrs Tristram (respectively) offer their support in the Maths Study Centre directly after school till 4:20pm in the school Library. This provides an opportunity for students to work with our staff to address any concerns or problems with their mathematics

Years 11 and 12 - Senior Study Centre

This is a reminder that Mondays to Thursdays we have two Secondary Staff members in Rooms W12 and W13 supervising the Senior Study Centre for Years 11 and 12 students between 3.30 and 6.30pm.

Year 11 and 12 students seeking extra help or just a controlled and quiet study space should utilise this resource.

Junior School Code Camp

From the Head of Junior School

Click 'Download' to view the flyer.


K-12 Collaboration Competition

From the Co-ordinator of High Potential and Gifted Students

Click 'Download' to view the K-12 Collaboration Competition flyer.


Clothing Pool - Update


The Clothing Pool is run by volunteers.  The funds raised go directly back to the school.  If you would like to volunteer in the Clothing Pool please email  We need volunteers to be able to provide this service to the school community so any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • The Clothing Pool is open Mondays 12:45pm – 1:30pm, Tuesdays 8:30am – 10:00am and Thursdays 2:00pm – 3:15pm. 
  • Appointments are essential.  Please use the following link to book an appointment: Book Online
  • Only book an appointment if you would like to purchase clothes, not to drop off clothes to sell.

Selling Uniforms

If you would like to drop off clothes please do not book an appointment.  Please click on the following link and complete the Second Hand Clothing form found under the Selling Uniforms heading at the bottom of the web page, and bring to the Clothing Pool during opening times.


Donations do not require a form.  Please drop off donations during opening hours.


You may park in a visitor parking spot if there is one available.  If no visitor parking spots are available, please park on the surrounding streets.  Do not park in an ECC spot.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Program

The Duke of Edinburgh International Awards programs are available to all students 14 years and over.

Each activity is self-organised by the joining participants and the tracking of the progress is monitored by Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader Sarah Fonso:

If you wish to find out more information or to register, please visit

Duke of Edinburgh support sessions are held every Thursday Lunch in SG3.

U16 Rugby - Players Needed

We are needing more players for our U16 Rugby team. This is available to boys turning 15 and 16 this year. The competition takes place in Term 3, however, we would like to commence training. Please see form on Skoolbag.

Canteen Winter Menu - Terms 2 and 3

Click 'Download' to view Canteen Winter Menu

Term Dates 2022-2023

Click 'Download' to View Term Dates

2022 Pittwater House Calendar

Click 'Download' to view Pittwater House Calendar