WEEK 6 | WEEK 7 |
We Welcome Mrs Reshma Kerai to our St Andrew’s Family.
On Monday the 16th of September, we welcome our new Senior Finance Officer, Mrs Reshma Kerai to our staff. Mrs Kerai currently works for Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta and is very familiar with school expectations, policy and procedures of our Diocese.
I wish to sincerely thank Mrs Anne King who has been caretaker of the Finance role this year. Mrs King has done an outstanding job as Senior Finance Officer and will return to her original role as Senior Admin officer on Monday.
Discos - another successful fundraiser for Term 3
I wish to thank the P&F for organising our Term 3 fundraiser especially the many parents who gave up their time so generously to pack the gift bags. It was wonderful to see both
Enrolments for 2020
We are at the business end of Kindergarten enrolments for 2020. If any parishioners or families of our school still need to enrol their child, I ask you to please lodge your application ASAP. We have been overwhelmed with many applications for 2020.
This week our NAPLAN results were released and our results were very strong across the testing domains. Our students have performed well above the CEC benchmark. Congratulations to our students and teachers.
Artist in Residence
Over the past few weeks our children have been working closely with our Artist in Residence Ms Margaret Lopez. Each grade are working on exciting projects that will be displayed around our school grounds. We are very lucky to have an opportunity to work with Margaret and I thank CEDP for funding this project.
Bathurst Excursion
Our Year 5 students visited the area of Bathurst on Friday to experience life on the gold fields as part of their HSIE studies. The children were amazed by what they experienced and some were even able to strike it rich during their gold panning experience. It was a long, cold, windy day, but that did not dampen the spirits of our children. A big thank you to the teachers for organising a great excursion, and to our families for supporting the event.
Staff Spirituality Day- Date for your diary
First day of next term, Monday the 14th of October will be a pupil free day. The children will return to school on Tuesday the 15th of October following the Term 3 student vacation.
The staff will be involved in a day of spiritual renewal and theological studies.
Change over from Winter to Summer uniform
It is very hard to predict the weather at the moment. Over the next few weeks I will leave it up to parents to decide what uniform to send your child in. Please note it is either full winter uniform or full summer uniform, I ask that parents do not combine the two.
Students return in Term 4 in full summer uniform.
I wish to thank the parents for supporting our haircut policy. During the holiday period, many students choose haircuts that are not supported by the school. I ask that on return to school all haircuts follow our school policy.