Dear parents and carers,
Kindy - 2022 finishing dates
Junior Kindy students will finish next Tuesday and Senior Kindy students will finish next Wednesday. There will be a short end-of-Kindy presentation (for Senior Kindy students) at 11.30am in the Kindy. There is no Kindy on Thursday 1st December. Please see Mrs Collins if you have any questions.
School Council
The annual General Meeting of the School Council will be held on Thursday, the 16th of February 2023. At this meeting, voting for vacant positions for Parent Representatives will occur in the undercover area from 6.00pm–6.20pm. Nomination forms are available from the school office and must be returned to the school office by Thursday the 19th February 2023. If you would like to know more about the functions of the School Council, please make an appointment to see the principal.
End of School Year and Resumption 2023
School finishes for 2022 next Thursday at 12.00pm. Please ensure that transport has been organised for students who live out of townsite. Reports and portfolios will be sent home on that day. Students resume classes on Monday the 30th January, 2023.
Year 10 Graduation
Next Monday, 28th November, our year 10 class, accompanied by their parents, guardians and teachers, will have their graduation dinner. This is a time for them to celebrate and recognise their time at LIS. We will farewell our wonderful year 10s as a school community at the Awards Night on Wednesday, 30th November.
Awards Night
Next week, Wednesday the 30th of November, the school will host its Awards Night in the Basketball Court, commencing at 6.00pm. The evening will consist of various awards for each class (Prep - year 10) and feature class concert items. We hope to see many parents in attendance to celebrate the successes of 2022.
Mr Greg Neville