Mount Ousley Public School News

A small school with big opportunities.

Term 4 Week 9, Wednesday 7 December 2022

Principal's Report

WOW, what a busy time of year it is. With so many exciting things happening, I would like to pause to thank our community for attending yesterday's Presentation Day assemblies. It was an absolute delight to see so many families join us to celebrate the learning, creative and sporting achievements of our students. It was my absolute pleasure to announce the 2023 school captains, Mara Benuik and Penelope Thompson and Vice Captains Phoenix Bull and Amber Hurry. I am looking forward to working with these young leaders to build their skills and create an even more amazing school. Congratulations to you all. 

Tomorrow evening we will be celebrating the end of the year with the Twilight Concert. I am really looking forward to being able to have this concert in person for the first time since I began as Principal here. The food trucks will be here ready to serve dinner from 5pm, we will have the picnic rugs out and can't wait to enjoy the evening with you all. The first act will be on stage at 6:30pm with the show lasting approximately 1 hour. It is extremely important that all children attend to participate in the item they have been practising throughout the term.  

Next week we will celebrate the 7 years of primary education for our year 6 students. The farewell dinner and disco will be held on Wednesday night with students in year 5 and 6 attending. On Friday at 2:40pm we will have our traditional clap-out ceremony in the main quadrangle before heading home. Friday is also the last day of term for all students. 

All families will receive the end of year reports next week. We will send a SeeSaw message letting you know that they are in your child's bag to ensure you get them on the day they are sent home. 

Bake Sale

Thank you to all the very generous donations of baked goods for today's bake sale. Events like this cannot happen without your support. The year 6 students and teachers really appreciate the time and effort that you put in to support us. So far we have raised $611.40. There are plenty of treats still to be sold, so students can once again bring coins to purchase a cupcake at recess tomorrow. 

Proceeds from the sale contribute to the cost of the year 6 farewell and the year 6 gift to the school. This year, the students have decided to purchase a 'Buddy Bench' this seat will be made from 100% recycled materials. The purpose of the bench is to have a place for students who are feeling a little lost in the playground, to go and sit. Our leaders and other caring students will then invite them to play. 

Thank you also goes to every family who found their gold coins to support this fundraising effort. 

Presentation Day

Giving Tree

Thank you for all the donations we have received so far. If you would like to donate to this wonderful cause, could you please send gifts to the office unwrapped and clearly marked with giving tree. The final day for donations is Friday 9th December.

Koolyangarra Yearbook

Every year, we produce a yearbook called Koolyangarra. It is an 80 page, full colour magazine containing a piece of work from each student in the school, along with photographs of school events. The magazine is now available to be ordered at a cost of $20 per copy. If you would like one, please fill the relevant details onto the Google Doc here:  

Orders will be accepted until 10th February 2023, as delivery will not be until early March. If your child will not be attending our school in 2023, please indicate on the form how you would like to receive your copy.

There is also a competition for students to design either the front or back cover of Koolyangarra 2022. Entry forms can be collected from Mrs Hamers in the library. The 2 winning designers will receive a free copy of the yearbook. Cover designs will be accepted until Friday 9th December. 


Outstanding Fees

It is imperative that all band, stage 3 camp, incursions and excursions are paid for prior to the end of the school year. If you receive a statement of accounts please contact the office to make a payment or log onto our website and make your payment through there. If you require financial assistance please let us know and we can work out a payment plan. 

Mobile phones

If your child needs to bring a mobile phone to school, please remind them to hand it in at the office on arrival. They can pick it up at the end of the day. No student needs a phone while at school. All messages to students need to go through the office or the class teacher using our regular communication channels. 

Term 4 Calendar

Please see below our list of school events for the upcoming months:

Twilight concert - food from 5pm, performance from 6:30pm

Year 6 Farewell

15Semester 2 reports sent home

16Last day of Term 4 - year 6 clap out
31Term 1 begins for students


Mount Ousley Public School is a very tech savvy school with so much to celebrate and share. To make sure you are always well-informed and up to date please like our Facebook page, visit our website and stay in touch through SeeSaw and of course Skoolbag.

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Proudly opened in 1959, Mount Ousley Public School has a long history of providing high quality education to the children of Fairy Meadow. With a unique setting and innovative classrooms, along side the integration of technology, Mount Ousley is a small school creating big opportunities for your students.