Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 2 Week 10, 1st July 2022

Key Dates

Monday, 18th JulyStaff Development Day
Tuesday 19th July1st Day For Students Term 3
21st - 22nd JulyYear 6 Excursion - Canberra
Tuesday 2nd August10am Grandparents Day Mass
Tuesday 16th August6.30pm P&F Meeting


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke (Shorter form)

The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit. He said to them, ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest. Start off now, but remember, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse, no haversack, no sandals. Salute no one on the road. Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, “Peace to this house!” And if a man of peace lives there, your peace will go and rest on him; if not, it will come back to you. Stay in the same house, taking what food and drink they have to offer, for the labourer deserves his wages; do not move from house to house. Whenever you go into a town where they make you welcome, eat what is set before you. Cure those in it who are sick, and say, “The kingdom of God is very near to you.”


Children’s Discussion Questions

In today’s gospel Jesus sent his followers out with his message of good news. What was the good news that they brought to the people they met?

We are also followers of Jesus who are sent out with the good news. How can we be Jesus’ messengers this week?

© Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd

Message from St Vincent de Paul- Baulkham Hills South Conference in regards to our Winter Woolies Fundraiser

“​​It was lovely to see all the children celebrate in such a reverent and meaningful manner and we were just blown away by the school community's overwhelming generosity in providing all those warm winter woolies which we have already started to distribute.  Each recipient has been overjoyed and so very grateful.  Please let the children know how much joy and comfort they have brought this winter, not only to people who live alone and who have no family to care for them, but also to whole families who are not as lucky as we are.”

We estimated the value of the donated items at $2,691, and you may be interested to know that there were -

41  x Scarves   136 x Beanies        62  x Pairs of single sox   
108 x Packs of sox60   x Pairs of gloves7   x Kids' Pyjamas

Thank You

Thank you to all the students and staff for all their hard work this term. We hope the students enjoy a well– earned rest over the next two weeks. We have a staff development day on Monday 18th July. 

School will recommence on Tuesday 19th July, 2022

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend parent teacher interviews. 

Thank you also to the teachers for their time and effort throughout the week.

Peer Support Program – Kindergarten to Year 6

Our school will be starting the Peer Support Program in Term 3 Week 2 and will continue for 8 sessions. This program provides students with the opportunity and environment to develop the understanding, attitudes and skills they need to live a safe and healthy lifestyle. This program helps students realise their potential and contribute positively to society. It is an important program for building self-esteem in students, skilling them to cope with the challenges of day to day life.

The Year 6 students will have the opportunity to develop and practice skills such as decision making, assertiveness and leadership. They learn how to support each other to make safe and healthy life decisions. The module for this year is  Relationships- Keeping Friends, this module supports students to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to cope more effectively with difficult and challenging experiences.

School Fees

Instalment 2 school fees are now overdue. Please check that your account is paid. The due date was 2nd June, 2022. Those on a a flexible payment plan, please check that your scheduled payments are up to date to avoid breaking your arrangement offer. If you are having any difficulties, please contact the school office. Your assistance in this matter is appreciated.

Thank You Year 2 Parents

Thank You, the staff would like to thank the Year 2 parents for their generosity and kind gesture of the food platters. It was very much appreciated.

Principal/ Citizenship Awards 2022

At the end of each term we hold an assembly to present the Principal and Citizenship Awards. Each class teacher selects one student from their class to receive a Principal’s Certificate and one student to receive a Citizenship Certificate. The criteria for selection is listed below.

Criteria for Principal’s Award

Students may have shown one or more of the following:

  • Achieved high standard results this term

  • Continually produced work of a high standard

  • Have shown outstanding effort in their school work

  • Participated most enthusiastically in all class activities

  • Made great improvement/progress in their school work

Criteria for Citizenship Award

Students may have shown one or more of the following:

  • Treated others with care and respect

  • Helped other students

  • Considered the feelings of others

  • Demonstrated the values taught in our school

  • Cared for the environment

  • Displayed skills taught in our Social Skills Program

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an independent skill-based assessment test of six competitions for primary and secondary school students.

This year we will be offering students from Year 3 to Year 6 the opportunity to sit the ICAS assessments. These are optional assessments that students can sit depending on their interest and ability.

To purchase one or more of these assessments, please see the payment details below. We will not be accepting any payment through the school, it is strictly through the ICAS Parent Payment Portal. Please see the closing dates indicated in the table below, these dates are set by ICAS and are not negotiable.

Parent Payment System

Your school access code:


Your parent page link is:


Social Skills

Responsibility through play -Peaceful playground people

  • Approaching a group/joining in
  • Including everyone

Compass Parent Portal

Sports News

Stage 3 Boys Soccer Gala Day

On Wednesday the 29th of June, 28 boys from Years 5 and 6 travelled to Jamison Park, Penrith to play in the Stage 3 Soccer Gala Day. 

All the boys played extremely well, showed wonderful sportsmanship in all their games and were great representatives for Our Lady of Lourdes. 

A big thank you to Mr Chevalier for coaching the Year 6 boys and also Mr T Fitzsimons and Mr J Fitzsimons for coaching the Year 5 and 6 combined team on the day. Thank you to Mrs Rawlings for her tireless work in organising the teams despite the difficulties faced due to the recent weather and lastly thank you to all the parents who came out to watch and cheer on the boys. 

Overall it was a great day for both teams and it was very pleasing to be able to see some amazing teamwork, support and enjoyment amongst the boys. 

Well Done :)

Skipping and Dance Fever Performances

Today we had the pleasure of having our parents come in to watch and participate in our Skipping and Dance Fever Lessons. 

Firstly, I would like to thank all the parents for coming along to watch and get involved. Secondly, thank you to Dance Fever MultiSport for their fantastic lessons and effort in making today enjoyable and entertaining for all! 

Lastly, thank you to all the students for their amazing energy and listening skills over the last Term. We hope you enjoyed learning new skills in both Skipping and Dancing. 

Below are some photos from today: 

Dance Fever Lessons:


P & F News

Movie Night

The wait is finally over!! 

It's Friday 1st July - Movie night time! 5pm for registration, snack bag collection and sausage sizzle at the undercover area in the Piazza 6pm kick off for the movies Sing 2 in the Open Learning Centre Bad Guys in the Library. Looking forward to seeing everyone who is attending and enjoying a crazy fun filled night for the kids! Thanks Bianca 

PF General News

A very big thank you goes to Bianca Pratt and her team for organising the movie night event for tonight. A lot of hard work has gone into making tonight’s event a success and it is really appreciated. A big thank you also goes to the families who have generously donated items and food for the event tonight. 

The next P&F meeting will be held next term on the 16th of August at 6.30pm. We hope to see many of you there. 

Thank you. OLOL P&F

Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

Ambrose Pupil Free Day Care

The attachment below is the information and application form about Pupil free day care ( Term 3 ) at Ambrose OLOLBH.