Gatton State School Newsletter

Term 4 2020 / No 15 05th Nov 2020

Gatton State School

Gatton State School can trace its history down through two centuries and look back with pride at its contribution to education in the Lockyer Valley. Established in 1876 Gatton State School has a long and proud history in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

From the Principal's Desk

End of year activities and celebrations 2020 

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for every student and especially hard for the 2020 graduating class of high school seniors and our very own year six students. As restrictions continue to ease I’m pleased to advise parents and carers of year six students you will receive an invitation to this years graduation celebration to be held on Thursday 3rd of December from 1.45pm to 3.00pm. The invitation will contain details including two guests able to attend per student. This is great news for students and families whilst we continue to follow our school’s COVID safe plan. Other end of year celebrations are being finalised and will be communicated via Facebook, SMS and the school web site including: Senior School Concert on Tuesday 1st December and Junior School Concert on Wednesday 2nd December 1.45 to 3.00pm. Unfortunately the concerts will be closed to family members this year, however, there will be lots of photos available following the events. A full list of planned activities are available in this newsletter.

Does your child travel using public transport?

Travelling on public transport is an important part of school life for many students. A step-by-step guide helps you to plan the journey, choose the right student travel card or assistance, set up auto top-up on a go card, work out the fare based on zones and know about roles and responsibilities for safe travel. Try this link for further information or cut and paste into your browser:


For your calendar - Student free days on 10 and 11 December 2020

Please note the Queensland Government has declared the last two days of Term 4, 2020, Thursday 10 December and Friday 11 December, 2020, be allocated as student free days and schools will be closed on these days.   You can view the updated school holiday and term dates and download the calendar at

Kind regards,

Warren Merchant


Coming Events

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 17th November 9:00-10:00am – Year 6 High School transition

Tuesday 24th November 9:00-10:00am – Year 6 High School transition

Tuesday 1st December 9:00-10:00am – Year 6 High School transition

Tuesday 1st December 1:45 – 3:00pm – Senior School Concert (closed performance)

Wednesday 2nd December 9:00 – 10:00am – Junior School ‘A’ Behaviour Reward at pool

Wednesday 2nd December 12:00 – 1:00pm – Senior School ‘A’ Behaviour Reward at pool

Wednesday 2nd December 1:45pm – 3:00pm – Junior School Concert (closed performance)

Thursday 3rd December 8:00am – 1:15pm – Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) excursion

Thursday 3rd December 1:45-3:00pm – Year 6 Graduation (including parents/carers – 2 per student only)

Friday 4th December  9:00-3:00pm – Senior Swimming Carnival

Monday 7th December 9:00-3:00pm – Year 6 High School Orientation

Tuesday 8th December – Break up day for all students. Free swim for years 1 to 6 students

Wednesday 9th December – Last day of school for 2020!

Will your children be here in 2021?

Will your children be here in 2021?

Will you be with us in 2021?

In order to work out approximate class numbers for 2021, we would appreciate your advice as to whether your children will be leaving the school at the end of this year (not Year 6 students!).

This information is simply to assist the school in working out numbers and the best possible class for your child/ren for 2021. If you indicate that your children will probably be leaving and they end up staying, this will not be a problem - just advise us accordingly as soon as you know one way or the other.

If you think your child/ren will probably not be at GSS in 2021, would you please phone the office on 5466 3333 or email as soon as possible.

When we have 2021 enrolment forms for new students we can consider their class placement in our planning which is well and truly underway.

Much is taken into account when allocating students and teachers to classes. Whilst we cannot consider requests for a certain teacher, if parents / carers have ideas regarding including or not including their child with certain peers, twin situations etc please put your thoughts in a note or email to us ASAP and it will be taken into consideration.

Attendance is important in the last weeks of term.

As we reach the end of Term 4, parents and carers are reminded that children must attend school every school day unless they have a reasonable excuse for being away, such as illness. Visiting family, being tired, or starting holidays early are not good reasons to be away from school.

Behaviour of the Fortnight

“I walk quietly and safely around the school”

This week we are focusing on the behaviour “I walk quietly and safely around the school”. Students are being taught to ensure that when they are moving around the school to do so quietly so as not to disturb other classes. We will also have a special focus on walking on hard surfaces. If students forget and in their enthusiasm begin running on the paths and undercover areas, they may be asked to “Stop and give me 20!” We haven’t suddenly joined the military! This simply means the children must stop, sit or crouch and count to 20 to reinforce the safe walking message. This has been very successful and well done to all those safe walkers in our school.

Prep 2021

PREP 2021 – Enrol now 

Do you have a child or know of anyone who is born between, July 1 2015 and June 30 2016?

Gatton State School is now accepting enrolments for Prep 2021. Please contact the office if you would like any further information or would like to make a time to meet with the Deputy Principal to talk about prep for your child next year. Enrolment forms and information packs are available now. We look forward to meeting you and your children to start their exciting school journey with us.

Prep Transition Days

Due to an unprecedented year with covid-19 restrictions, prep transition activities will look a little different this year. To adhere to social distancing, we are still restricting large groups of adults entering our school grounds for the time being.

To make sure our new prep students are not disadvantaged, we are developing a virtual transition program to present to our prospective prep families for 2021.

We will be holding Prep Orientation for Prep 2021 students and their families. These Sessions will be held in Term 4 Weeks 7,8 and 9 after normal school hours. The children will spend time in a prep classroom with the Prep staff while parents/carers will be taken on a tour of the school with Deputy Principal Mr Jack Wright. Due to COVID-19 restrictions these sessions will be limited to 20 students per session with a maximum of 2 people (adults and children) per student to accompany them.

All families will be able to make a booking through our online booking system. Due to limited places please only select one session per student.


The sessions will be held on:

Wednesday 18th November 3:30pm to 4:00pm

Wednesday 25th November 3:30pm to 4:00pm

Tuesday 01st December 3:30pm to 4:00pm

To make a booking for one of the sessions provided please click on the following Link:

If you have any queries please contact our office on 54663333


Chappy's Chats

What is Bella Girls?

Who are Bella Girls?

Why do we have Bella Girls?

Bella Girls is an 11 week program that I have been running with a group of Year 5 girls.  We are almost at the end of their 11 weeks and their graduation is coming up fast – so I thought I’d ask them some questions about what they think of Bella Girls (BG).  Here’s how they answered the questions about Bella…

What is Bella Girls?

Bella Girls is a wonderful group where girls going through girl problems can chat with the exquisite Chappy Ness, and other girls who are experiencing the same thing. (Miss E)

It is an amazing place run by the Chappy. (Miss C)

It is learning about growing up and stuff. (Miss K)

It is a group where we learn about puberty, womanhood and tips! (Miss E/Garfield)

BG is where you learn about the things that girls go through. (Miss S)

Learning that we’re great and about growing up. It’s really good! (Miss R)

It’s somewhere you learn about being loyal and about growing. (Miss L)

It is where you learn about being a girl and learning to be crazy. (Miss B)

What have you learnt while doing BG?

Being loyal, humble, grateful (and puberty) (Miss L)

To be nice and go crazy (Miss B)

We have learnt how to deal with growing up and other nice things. (Miss C)

We’ve learnt how to be kind and love your family and friends. (Miss K)

I’ve learnt that I’m not alone when experiencing things. (Miss E)

What has been your favourite part of BG so far?

Everything! Learning more about life. All my friends and Chappy Ness. Talking to friends and talking to Chappy – giving her a smile. Being myself and learning my name is in the group! 

Have a great week everyone!

Chappy Ness


Book Fair and Book Week

Last week we had a very busy time in the Library with our annual Book Fair and Book Week. The 2020 Book Week theme was “Curious Creatures, Wild Minds”.

We had the fancy dress parade on Thursday. It was wonderful to see so many students and staff dress up and join in the fun. We thanked Mrs Scott for her fantastic video’s and contributions to book week since 2015 as she hands this role over.

Many children entered our Book Week colouring competitions.  This year’s winners were Ruby (PK), Nazar (1C), Jaxson (MM) Aaliyah (2M), Husan (3W), Benazir (4H), Zhivana (5J), Joanne (6F), Noel (MR) Special Mentions to Skylah (PM), Luijana (1/2A), Cameron (2W), Zainab (3S),  Riaz (4H), Hannah (5H), Brody (5F).

Classes visited the library and took the opportunity to purchase from a wide range of books and other items from the Book Fair.  Over $4 800 worth of books were sold and a percentage of these sales comes back to the library so that more resources can be purchased. Many thanks to the following for their generous donations; Belinda Fitzgerald, Mrs Sykes, Mrs Retschlag, Mrs Ruthenberg, Glover family, Scott family and Petrie family. Thanks also to the Year 6 student helpers.

Thank you to Mrs Clark the teachers, teacher aides, students and parents of our school for the time and effort for making Book week a success.

Colouring in competition winners

Fancy Dress Parade

“Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow”

Thanks to everyone involved, our Expo day was somewhat different this year due to covid 19. The students did a fantastic job. I could not be more proud of the Year 6 students. They invested a lot of time and energy into their projects and did a great job selling their ideas!

Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow

Sustainability Train

Sustainability Train

5c/10c Piece Donations to purchase outdoor seating for students.

If your child is asking for 5c/10c it is to add to their class’ Sustainability Change Train. This money will be going towards the purchase of outdoor tables and chairs for the students to sit at lunch times. Each table and chairs is approx. $1000 to purchase. Our goal is to collect enough 5c/10c pieces to purchase one table and chairs before the end of the school year.


Sustainability in Our School

Mr Reg’s Sustainability Talk  

Mr Reg came in and he talked to us about being sustainable at Gatton State School.  He answered our questions. First we asked him about how many red bins are in the School. The answer was 12 and there are 12 recycling bins in the school. The recycling bins are collected every 2 weeks on Tuesday and Friday. We recycle cardboard boxes and paper by putting them in the yellow Anuha bin which also gets collected on Fridays. They also recycle books. We asked him questions about our solar panels. He said we have new solar panels on our Gatton State School Hall. The power is monitored in Brisbane to keep a watch on their efficiency. Mr Reg helps to keep our School clean. The water is collected into 5 big underground tanks. This can be used to keep the grass green. He then mows. We gave him a thankyou card. It was fun. Mrs Stephan helps with the garden and she plants stuff like carrots, strawberries and watermelons. She is a big help to the school and she waters the garden so the plants keep growing. Mrs Nan asked a question about the rubbish. Nour asked about how many black rubbish bags are collected in a week and Mr Reg had a guess.  He collects rubbish from the floor because people leave rubbish on the floor and Mr Reg has to pick up the rubbish. You should pick up you own rubbish and put it in the correct bin so Mr Reg doesn’t have to pick your rubbish up.          Taj 4.11.20

Sporting News

Swimming Carnival

Year 4 -6 Swimming Carnival. 

Date:                           Friday 4th December

Time:                           9:15am (Start); 3:00pm (Finish)

Venue:                        Lockyer Valley Aquatic Centre

Cost:                            ALL children in year 4 - 6 pay $5 on Friday morning 4th December to their teacher. Children will walk to the pool in class groups.

Bathing Caps:           House coloured bathing caps are available from the office for $3.00 each (these are optional).

Programs:                  On sale for $3.00 from the school office on Thursday 3rd December. Children in 50 metre and 25 metre events have their name in the program.

Uniform:                    Children should wear their school uniform and a hat.  Bring; togs, towel, sunscreen. Don't wear togs to school in the morning. (Children will change into togs at the pool.)

Lunch:                        Children should bring a packed lunch. The pool canteen will be open during the day.

N.B:                             Every year children ask if they can stay behind at the pool after the carnival. No child will be permitted to remain behind at the pool after the carnival. Children may go home with their parents (volunteers) if the parent sees the class teacher.

COVID:                        As much as we would like parents, carers, grandparents and friends to come along and watch, the restrictions will still be such that, we will only be able to have students, staff and a handful of parent volunteers to attend the event.  We understand that this will be disappointing for many who love to attend and support our students and also appreciate that you understand the importance of the constraints which we must comply with under these unusual circumstances. 

Helpers:                     We will require a number of parents to assist as timekeepers. If you can help in this regard please contact Mrs Scott or register at the office.

Program overview:

Each child will swim up to five swims. One event from each block.

Champion Events - A trophy will be awarded to 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs champions for girls and boys with medals for 2nd place in each age group.

For 10-12 year olds, the fastest heat (last heat) of 50m events marked * below will be considered for Championship points.  For 9 year olds, the fastest (last heat) of 25m events marked # below will be considered for Championship points.


Age Level

Block A


Block B

Breaststroke, Relay

Block C

Backstroke/Back kick

Block D


Block E



Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Noodle kick

Short board Relay

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke #

25 metres Backstroke #

25 metres Freestyle #


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle


50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle


50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle

50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *

* Championship events for 11-12 years plus 50m Butterfly.  * Championship events for 10 years plus 25m Butterfly

# Championship events for 9 years plus 25m Butterfly.  

Please note the following swimming dates on your calendar:

  • Wednesday 2nd December – Behaviour Reward Day (swimming will be for ‘A’ behaviour students only.

  • Friday 4th December - Senior Swimming Carnival (postponed from Term 1)

    Tuesday 8th December – Break up day swimming for Year 1 – Year 6 classes


The Primary Prattle

The Primary Prattle (in full colour)


Yes it is in print again… 


The magazine that shows everyone what you have been doing all year.  Articles include class pages, sports pages, lots of photos, games and much more.   Approximately 120 colour pages of Gatton SS memories.


Order your copy by completing the form below or ask for a form at the office and handing it with your payment to the office by Friday 20th November. 

Delivery will be on Break Up Party Day – Tues, 8th December.


Cost: $20.00 (This covers costs only – no profit is made from these sales)


The Primary Prattle Order Form.


I would like to order ____ copies of the school magazine for 2020.  I have enclosed $20.00 per copy.








P&C News

P&C News


P&C Meeting

The final P&C meeting for 2020 will be held in the Gatton State School Hall on Tuesday 10th November at 2pm. Please return to the office or email ( all agenda items by Monday 9th November 12pm. All are welcome to attend.



Tuckshop now have a full supply of uniforms ready for purchase or layby for 2021.

TUCKSHOP DAY - November 6th 2020

The ongoing efforts of our tuckshop convenor and the volunteers who support our students and our school have been tremendous this year.  

We should remember to say please and thank you every day, but in honour of Tuckshop Day on Friday 6th of November, we’d like to say a very special thank you to this wonderful team.

Our tuckshop volunteers provide a great service that helps out families who have to juggle many different tasks at the start of each day and some good food helps the students study and play through the day.

We don’t take their hard work for granted and it is great to see parents putting up their hands and getting involved with our school too. Thank you everyone!!