ZIG ZAG Public School

May Term 2 Newsletter

Principals report

Welcome back to the beginning of Term 2 2023.

Term 2 is shaping up to being a very busy term.

It has already been busy with a gorgeous day for our Athletics Carnival last week and the Cross Country carnival yesterday.

In addition, the girls have a netball game against Lithgow Public School and we are hoping to travel to Bathurst for a soccer gala day.

Not to forget that in Term 2 and Term 3 we apply for the Sporting Schools grant. We were once again successful, so this 4 week program will begin next week- with swimming, gymnastics, hockey and bushwalking as choices for the students.

Other events planned are as follows:

· An environmental education incursion

· Footsteps Dance program with a mid week disco.

· 10 very lucky students will begin their instrument lessons

· Term two is our Assessment and Reporting term – with reports going home on 29th June and this will be followed up by “three-way Parent/Teacher/Student interviews in the second week of Term 3.

Teacher Professional Learning

· School Development Day

The school development day on the 24th April had a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, their communities and their educational outcomes.

Schools play a vital role in the day-to-day educational experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The commitment of teachers and school leaders to sustain positive change is a critical factor in ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have access to high-quality learning environments.

ZZPS had a very successful day of planning and have begun to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan, which we will be sharing with our school community in the near future.

· Curriculum Reform

Staff will be participating in the second round of our professional learning days with a focus on supporting the implementation of the English and Mathematics syllabus. This time is ensuring our staff are supported and ready to implement the new syllabi

A focus for Early Stage One this week was to evaluate the success of Component A (the skill and explicit instruction area of the syllabus) and Component B ( the language/literature unit).


Student attendance is a school improvement area for our school and we need your help to improve and meet our targets.

Regular attendance at school is essential for students to achieve quality life outcomes. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.

Compulsory Schooling

Parents or carers of children of compulsory school age are responsible for ensuring their child attends school every day

Attendance and Absences

Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 12 must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

· being sick or having an infectious disease

· having an unavoidable medical appointment

· being required to attend a recognised religious holiday

· exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.

Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record.


It was wonderful to see a few new faces at the P & C Meeting last term and yesterday. It seems that the Zig Zag P & C Face Book group is working; enabling a more people to offer to help/be involved- when they can.

Have you joined this group? If not, its not too late?

Term 2 Fundraising includes:

  • CANTEEN will be operating 2 days this term.

-Monday and Thursdays.

-As well as being open for second lunch sales or orders.

  • Mother’s day stall- Friday 12th May
  • Mother’s day raffle drawn- Friday 12th May
  • Mother’s day Breakfast – a chance for Mum’s to meet at school and have a cuppa and a chat. Friday 12th May 8.30am to 9.15am

Anzac Day 25th April 2023


Lest We Forget

It was wonderful to see so many of our students representing our school in the local Anzac Day March for 2023.

Anzac Day School Service 2023

School Anzac Service led by Year Six.

Aboriginal Dance Workshop

On Wednesday, four of our students attended the Aboriginal Dance workshop held at Blackheath PS.

It was a great day of learning led by teachers from the Brolga Dance Academy.

Students learnt traditional and contemporary dance steps and the stories associated with different dances.

It was a wonderful opportunity for our students and they are enthusiastic to share some of this new knowledge with their peers and teachers.

Easter Hat Parade

Zig Zag Easter Celebrations

Thank you to our Zig Zag community for ending Term One with such a wonderful celebration!

Look at all these AMAZING Easter Hats made with families.

Parent & Carers Group

Welcome to our Zig Zag Parent and Carers Group 2023.

Please click on the link below.

This group is to support the parents and carers of Zig Zag Public School students with student learning and wellbeing.

The purpose of this group is to support you as a partner with us in your child's education

Please click on the link below


P and C News

Next P & C Meeting

Our next P & C Meeting will be held on Wednesday 7th June.

All welcome

Mothers Day

Our Mothers Day Stall and Raffle notes have gone home.

Gifts at our Mothers day stall will be $5. Students are to bring money in on the day.

Our Mothers Day Raffle will be drawn on Friday 12th May. All tickets must be returned sold or unsold by Thursday 11th May.

Mothers Day Breakfast - Come for a cuppa and a chat 12th May 8.30am - 9.15am.

Thank you for your continued support of Zig Zag Public School P & C 

P & C Facebook Group

We welcome all members of our school community to join this group.

The group will be managed by Zig Zag P&C committee.

The purpose of the group is to provide open communication to our school community regarding P&C activity.

Please note that this a closed group.

Please click on the link below to see what is happening in the P & C


Follow Our Facebook Page

To view more photos from our Activities at Zig Zag Public School please visit our facebook page on the link below.



Thursday 11th May 

-PSSA Netball - Wallerawang Indoor Sports Stadium

Friday 12th May
-Sporting Schools 
-Mothers Day Stall
- Mothers Day Breakfast 
Thursday 18th May
- PSSA Soccer Gala Day
Friday 19th May
- Sporting Schools
Thursday 25th May
- Long Neck Environment Incursion
Friday 26th May 
- Sporting Schools
Friday 2nd June
- Sporting Schools
Wednesday 7th June
- P & C Meeting 3pm
Monday 12th June
- Public Holiday - Kings Birthday
Thursday 15th June
- LHS Science Visit
Monday 19th June - Friday 23rd June
- Footsteps Dance Program
Wednesday 21st June
- Disco 5pm - 7pm
Friday 30th June
- Last Day of Term 2