It is hard to believe we are already at the end of another school year. It has certainly been a year of many successes and highlights including excursions, incursions and celebrations.
This year we have introduced a new program Read Write Inc. into our early years classes, as well having some extra maths classes during terms 1-3, these were goals on our Site Improvement Plan. Staff have reflected on how far we have come and how we can continue to improve, leadership are now tweaking our 2020 goals based on this information - we look forward to continuing to support and challenge learners to be the best they can be!
According to the comments students have written in their reports, the events they enjoyed the most were Matsuri Festival, Colour Run, Casual Days and the opening of the Japanese Garden and Crows Nest.
We have been able to capture some of this which will be published in our 2019 Year Book.