Our vision is to teach our children an accurate history of this beautiful country. We aim to encourage trust, respect and acceptance between all Australians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We aspire to move forward from our harsh past, learn important lessons and evolve into a more respectful and empowered Australia. Our goal is to create opportunities to build meaningful and profound relationships between Katoomba Leura Preschool and our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, build trust, openness and truth in order to contribute to a united Australia. Through knowledge and education, we hope to create positivity, kindness and mutual respect. We aim to create reciprocal relationships that empower our children towards a united future.
We at Katoomba Leura Preschool are committed to this Reconciliation Action plan while understanding that resolution is a long journey in which we must all have a voice. We commit to embedding the culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples into our daily routines, educational programs and preschool environment. We ensure that all those involved are committed to ongoing professional development and collaboration with our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and families. We aspire to lend a voice to lore, culture and knowledge passed down throughout millennia whilst being respectful and collaborative with our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
Our Reconciliation Action Plan is a living document which we encourage our entire community to embrace. It will continue to grow, improve and evolve as we do, as we strive to achieve these outcomes for the mutual benefit of all Australians.