School Operations
School life is slowly beginning to feel a little more ‘normal’ as the term progresses. However, there are still protocols we need to follow to keep our students, staff and community safe. These include not assembling in the school grounds for non-educational related matters and ensuring children are kept home if they are unwell.
At this stage, we are still unable to host school assemblies, excursions or special events. We hope to be able to add these back into our school calendar soon.
Kindergarten 2021
A reminder that we are accepting applications for Kindergarten 2021. For those who reside within our zone, please make contact with our administrative staff to receive an enrolment form. If you live outside our zone and are seeking placement you will need to arrange to receive an Out of Area application form. This also applies to siblings of existing students who reside out of our zone. For all Out of Area applications, the placement panel will meet during Term 3 to determine the number of available places and assess the suitability for Out of Area applications.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require an information about the enrolment process.
Lost Property
Our lost property box is overflowing! If your child is missing an item of clothing, please check the lost property box which has been placed under the COLA during school hours.
Canberra Excursion
We are yet to receive advice as to whether or not our Stage 3 excursion to Canberra is able to proceed on Thursday 24 September to Friday 25 September, 2020. At this stage we are suggesting to parents that they put money aside and we will let you know if it will go ahead as soon as we are informed. The cost of the excursion is expected to be approximately $230 with a discount for families who will have two or more children attending. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $20 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion and has already been deducted from the excursion cost.
Have a great week,
Rod White