St James School Yamba

Newsletter - Term 1 Week 9 - 27/03/2020

From Ann...

Dear Parents, 

Welcome to our first online newsletter.

The ideas you can see are all the lovely things our families have done at home and work students at school have contributed.

In these uncertain times we have four clear goals.

1. Keep all children connected with one another at this time.

2. Take the pressure off families by us working with the children.

3. Celebrate anything and everything with your children and you.

4. Set achievable amounts of work for all children.   

On Monday March 31st we will ask that all children pick a session.

They are only expected to work in  Session 1 or Session 2. (But they can come to 2 zooms). 

Session 1 is a morning session and Session 2 is an afternoon session. 

Less is more at this stage.

Do a little bit, have a break, do a little bit, have a break. 

Please let your teachers know which session you will do. 

For the older students, they are used to the way online looks and should be more able to work independently.

For the lower school, we will cut down again on the detail in our instructions and our communications back.

Some of our students are very keen but we want to look after them and not have them overwhelmed.

I am also aware that the staff at school are checking a lot of material. The staff have loaded heaps but the self paced nature of online learning means go steady. 

I expect that during this process we will see our students see the world in a very different way. I know that we will be much more confident on all sorts of online platforms.

Some children will take longer to adjust than others (remember when they started school?) The teachers will be ready when they are ready. 

We can say that because WE ARE READY!

Talk soon 


Early Stage 1 - Learning

Stage 1 - Learning

Stage 2 - Learning

Stage 3 - Learning


“Joe Wicks, a UK trainer, has pledged to do his part to help keep all children around the world healthy during this uncertain time, by uploading a 30 minute PE video each day for kids to participate in! We have started to incorporate it in the S3 classroom, as a ‘brain break’ from the screens. If you’re at home, the link will be posted in Classroom each morning! Enjoy!”


A message from the School Counsellor:

In times of uncertainty, it is natural to feel anxious and overwhelmed. There are some external supports that can lend a helping hand.

You can ring the numbers below anytime and talk to them about anything. They are friendly and are staffed by counsellors who can talk through any concerns.

Parentline: 1300 1300 52

Parentline is a free telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children aged 0 to 18 who live in NSW. Any parent/carer can ring with no question or query being too big or small.

They are open:

Weekdays: 9am to 9pm

Weekends: 9am to 4pm

Kids helpline: 1800 55 1800

Kids helpline is a free national telephone counselling service for kids 5 and older, which means kids can safely access it directly. We would suggest helping your child navigate it first to help them. Any parent/carer can also ring with any query. The service is open 24 hours and they can also do webchat and email counselling.

The school counsellor (Suzie Abrahms) will be offering a wellbeing check-in for children who are requiring additional support. The wellbeing check-in will be done through the Zoom platform and will be expected to run anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Communication with the parent/carer will happen via email. This email would include cc’ing the class teacher.

If you feel that your child would benefit from a wellbeing check-in, please contact the school through the school email:

 Suzie Abrahms - School Counsellor


Autumn Enns—1st April, Ms Birch—2nd April, Mrs Berman—4th April, Max Chenney—4th April,  Sailor Short—4th April