Although the 2023 FPS staffing profile is yet to be finalised, I would like to share some of the staffing movements we know to date.
Zeb Overton
Mr O is leaving us at the end of the school year and will be taking up a new position at the Devonport Christian School in 2023. We wish Zeb all the best for his new role and thank him for his work at FPS over the past 2 years, and also his service to the Department across 15 years.
Genevieve Andrews
As you are aware, Ms Genevieve Andrews has won the permanent position of Principal of Wilmot Primary, and as such we have advertised the AST role she held. Gen worked at FPS for 4 years before going to WPS. This position is currently being back-filled by Mrs Erin Bonney. We will update as to the outcome of the substantive process once completed.
Jo Moon
Following a period of leave this year, Ms Jo Moon has made the decision not to return to Tasmania. Jo worked for 3 years at FPS and 13 years in the Department. We thank Jo for her service to our school and also to our Department, and wish her the very best for the next chapter.
Mandy Crawford
Our Library Technician, Mrs Mandy Crawford, finished her time at FPS earlier this term after over 12 years at Forth Primary School. We thank Mandy for her contribution to our school and wish her well for the future. We currently have Susan McEwen in our library for the remainder of the year.
Leoni Reyenga and Eryn Connell
We can excitedly announce that Mrs Leoni Reyenga and Miss Eryn Connell have been appointed as permanent staff members to FPS. We are all very excited to have two wonderful teachers join the Forth Team in a permanent capacity and look forward to them being part of Team Forth for the long term. Congratulations to both Eryn and Leoni.
Kimberley Parker
We welcome Mrs Kimberly Parker to the FPS teaching team, transferring in from Hillcrest Primary School. Kimberley is a teacher with 10 years’ experience and will be a welcome addition to our early childhood teaching team. Welcome Kimberly.