TIDINGS - Term 3 Week 3 . 2020


Encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone…

It is a blessing to look around the school and see our students continue to be so engaged with life and all it has to offer at the moment.

The athletics carnival was an amazing experience. To see all our students constantly giving their best was marvellous. 37 records were broken – what an amazing effort! What was more wonderful though, was the spirit of encouragement that pervaded the day. The way friends continually supported each other to give all they could and to do their best was incredible.

The beauty though is that this attitude was not limited to our Athletics carnival. As I watched the winners of the RCC Photography and Art competition be crowned or the Olympic House competition in action I saw the same spirit in our students. They were legitimately happy for their friends – congratulating and celebrating each other’s effort. Brilliant.

It is often humbling to be around children as they so easily live in truth and remind us of what is important in life; to be a community that genuinely looks beyond ourselves and encourages one another no matter what is going on around us.

The prefix ‘En’ means ‘to cause to’. Courage is defined as the ability to do something that is scary, painful or intimidating – the very opposite of cowardice, timidity, and ineffectuality. When we encourage someone, we cause them to face their fears, to face intimidation, to do hard things, to continue the journey.

What a powerful notion. A community that seeks to encourage others is a community that overcomes, and this is what I am continually inspired by in our students.

It then becomes critical for us to be model encouragers - each other’s greatest fans. As Aussies I think we can find this very difficult, but it is so empowering when we know people are in our corner, wanting us to succeed.

To do this in such a time can be quite difficult when perhaps what we know and fear corrupts our good intentions. Hence it is important to recognise that our strength comes from someone greater.

In the Bible we see moments where, when people encounter God, they become courageous to be who God created them to be. We all know the stories: Daniel faces the lions and becomes one of God’s greatest and most fearless prophets; Gideon goes from coward to one of God’s greatest warriors; David faces the giant and becomes God’s king. The list could go on.

In a world that is so uncertain, affording so many reasons to be faint hearted, our encounters must lead to encouragement. Encouragement to be who God has made us to be. Encouragement to look after those around us in need. Encouragement to have the faith that enables us to continue to learn and to grow to become who He purposed us to be.

We must persist amidst the uncertainty. We must be our children’s greatest fans – their greatest enablers of a life of purpose, hope and courage.

Join us.

Good Tidings!


From the School Counsellor

I prayed to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4. May we go confidently about our day knowing the peace of Jesus resides in our hearts, not in the state of the world. We can bring ourselves to Jesus and walk in His confidence and peace. Below are 3 small tips in supporting confidence in kids. You might like to apply one this coming week. 

1. Appreciate the effort they make, not the outcome of their effort. Such as "I see you're focused on your homework" rather than "you did a good job on your homework." 

2. Create family rituals where you and your children can enjoy relaxed and enjoyable moments together. Dinner, a walk, a family favourite show, a board game or cooking together. 

3. Create space and time to be in God's presence together. This might be before bedtime praying with God about your day, the things that went well and the things you struggled with, wisdom for the next day. Prayer before meals, or playing worship one night a week instead of watching a T.V. show.Below is an article on how to build Godly confidence if you would like a further read. 

Kind regards,

Lorin Ripley

School Counsellor


Year 7 2021 Experience Day 2

Tuesday 25 August

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccinations

Monday 31 August





Friday 25 September 2020


Tuesday 13 October 2020



Some Year 5 Poems on Learning about Empathy


I saw her sitting by herself 

  Wandering what i should do

Should i tell her to come play with us

  Or should i tell her she's not one of us i said to her your so weird

  Then i realised it was mean 

   Her face turned red

 What  have  i  said

I got up out of my chair

  Said sorry then sat down next to her

  She smiled and then we became friends so then i realised it’s not just me … Empathy is standing right next to me.


What can I do?

 I wish I could sit here forever

 By myself to watch the weather

 But I think will the Ants bite me

 Will someone come to fight me

 Then I think how better off I am then someone in Oman

 Sitting   Watching    Listening

 As the sun is glistening

Feeling so helpless for all those people who actually need help

 What could I do 

 I need to do something 

 I can’t sit here forever (: (: (:

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Happy Birthday Ms Bulmer!

Kayley and Sophie used the skills they learned in Food Tech last year with some help from April to make a surprise horse cake for Ms Bulmer’s birthday this week. It tasted as delicious as it looked!


Piano and Vocal Tuition

Jaylene Fergus has a Bachelor of Music degree with a major in both ‘Performance’ and ‘Music Education’. For all inquiries regarding piano or vocal tuition please phone Jaylene Fergus 0401032440 or email



Racecourse Café will continue to provide a lunch canteen Monday to Friday in Term 3.

Bring your orders into the School Office before school or by 10.30am.
Please write the name and order on a bag or envelope and enclose the exact money. 

Note: No Change will be given as orders go straight to the Racecourse Café.