Gatton State School Newsletter

Term 1 2020 / No.4 12th March 2020

Gatton State School

Gatton State School can trace its history down through two centuries and look back with pride at its contribution to education in the Lockyer Valley. Established in 1876 Gatton State School has a long and proud history in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Carers and members of the Gatton state school community, 

At the time of publishing this edition of Gatton State School’s newsletter there will be fifteen school days until the Easter holidays! During my (brief) twenty days at Gatton State School I have witnessed genuine teaching and learning, tremendous community engagement in partnership with the school and amazing acts of kindness among students. In all, a very busy, yet rewarding twenty days.

Want to know more about what’s happening in your school . . . . visit the school’s web site


Respect our staff, respect our school

Respect our staff, respect our school 

A key priority of state school staff, parents, carers and families is to foster a safe and healthy learning environment for all Queensland students. As a parent or carer of a school-aged child, there may be times when issues arise that affect your child, for example a playground incident or a matter within the classroom.

How these issues are handled can make a significant difference to the learning and development of our students, and the positive environment we aim to create and nurture. Please take a few minutes to read the attached Department of Education information sheet on how to ‘resolving issues respectfully at school’. Thank you in anticipation of working together to ensure that we can focus on every child, every day.

Resolving Issues Respectfully at Our School

A Special Message for Parents & Caregivers – novel coronavirus COVID-19

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I am writing to update you on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

As you would be aware, last month the Australian Government announced new measures that specifically address travel restrictions from mainland China.

Over the weekend, the Government announced updated restrictions which now include travel from Iran.  This is consistent with the travel restrictions in place for Australians returning from mainland China.

Students or staff cannot attend school or childcare centre if they have:

•left, or transited through mainland China in the last 14 days (they must isolate themselves for 14 days from leaving mainland China)

•left, or transited through Iran on or after 1 March (they must isolate themselves until 14 days after leaving Iran)

•been in close contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 14 days (they must isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case).

These are important preventative measures that have been put in place in the interests of public health.

I do not expect that these travel restrictions will significantly impact upon any of our day-to-day school operations and I want to reassure you that we will continue to work to ensure any disruption is minimised.

Anyone who has completed the self-quarantine period of 14 days and shows no symptoms of illness is eligible to return to work or school.

If your children are unwell or show symptoms of illness, they should see their doctor.

As always, the health and wellbeing of your children, and our staff, remains our number one priority.

We continue to take advice from Queensland Health and the Department of Education in relation to this matter and the latest information is available at novel coronavirus on the Queensland Health website.

Again, thank you for your understanding and attention to this important matter.

Kind regards

Warren Merchant


Washing your Hands

Gatton State School is Proudly a PBL school


sing a whole-school approach to promote positive behaviour across a school is the most effective way to develop a safe and supportive learning environment.  In a whole-school approach, the school community (students, parents and school staff) work together to establish the expectations for behaviour. The expectations are simple, clear and explicit. 

Parents and the wider community play an important role in creating a safe and supportive school environment. Parents are valuable partners in supporting the school and their child's learning and behaviour. Parents have valuable insights about how to best support their child's behaviour and learning. 

We are extending an expression of interest for people to join the PBL committee and attend 4-6 meetings per year.  We are looking for a commitment over time to be involved in the selection of focus behaviours, rewards days for the end of term and assisting with the running of our events.  If you are interested in joining our committee please leave your contact details with the front office staff.   ​

Behaviour of the Fortnight

 Each fortnight we have a specific focus on a selected behaviour.     Over these two weeks we are focusing on 

“I walk quietly and safely around the school” .

 This week we are focusing on the behaviour “I walk quietly and safely around the school”. Students are being taught to ensure that when they are moving around the school to do so quietly so as not to disturb other classes. We will also have a special focus on walking on hard surfaces. If students forget and in their enthusiasm begin running on the paths and undercover areas, they may be asked to “Stop and give me 20!” We have not become a boot camp! This simply means the children must stop, sit or crouch and count to 20 to reinforce the safe walking message. This has been very successful and well done to all those safe walkers in our school.


Special Harmony Week Parade 2020


We will be celebrating “Harmony week” at a special assembly on Monday 16th March beginning at 1:50pm.  All students are encouraged to wear orange as this colour is used to symbolise Harmony.  We are extending an invitation for all to join our school community at this celebration.



Gatton State School is a Sun Safe School. This means that all of our students are required to wear a school hat or legionnaires cap for all activities out in the playground including PE lessons and playtime.  Please ensure your child comes to school with an appropriate and named hat every school day.


Crazy Hair Day


Crazy Hair Day

When: Thursday 26.3.2020

Cost: Gold coin donation

    Bring a gold coin with your hair done or get it sprayed before school or 1st break by the student council.

    All donations go to Shave For A Cure.


Crazy Hair Day

MM and MW News

MM has been studying the three phases of matter in science.

Oobleck (or slime) is a non-Newtonian fluid; it has properties of both liquids and solids. If you slowly dip your finger into it the Oobleck feels like a liquid, but if you squeeze it, it will feel solid. To test if this was true, MM and MW made oobleck. (The name oobleck comes from the Dr Seuss book, “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.”)

After the oobleck, MM and MW used chocolate to demonstrate the phases, solid to liquid and liquid to solid, with great success. What a terrific science lesson! MM and MW can hardly wait for the next science lesson.

Year 6 Campers Farewelled

Year 6 Camp

We farewelled our year 6’s this morning as they departed for camp. They will spend 3 days and 2 nights at Murphy’s Creek Retreat. We know they will have a fabulous time and look forward to hearing all their stories when they return around 2:30pm on Friday afternoon.

School Dental Van

Extra Swimming Lessons

Monday Classes: 1A, 1C, 1O & 2M


Students from the classes indicated have now had 6 swimming lessons. Your child’s class has completed his/her prepaid swimming lessons. We are able to have one additional lesson in normal swimming time next week (Week 8 Monday 16th March). This lesson will be used for swimming skill evaluation.

You will be required to pay a $5.50 fee for this lesson. Please ensure your child brings his or her togs on their swimming day. A note is required for those who do not attend swimming. This will be the last swimming lesson for these classes this term.

Year 4 -6 Swimming Carnival.

Date:                   Friday 3rd April

Time:                  9:15am (Start); 3:00pm (Finish)

Venue:                Lockyer Valley Aquatic Centre

Cost:                   ALL children in year 4 - 6 pay $5 on Friday morning 3rd April to their teacher. Children will walk to the pool in class groups.

Bathing Caps:    House coloured bathing caps are available from the office for $3.00 each.

Programs:          On sale for $3.00 from the school office on Thursday 2nd April. Children in 50 metre and 25 metre events have their name in the program.

Uniform:            Children should wear their school uniform and a hat.  Bring; togs, towel, sunscreen. Don't wear togs to school in the morning. (Children will change into togs at the pool.)

Lunch:                Children should bring a packed lunch. The pool canteen will be open during the day.

N.B:                    Every year children ask if they can stay behind at the pool after the carnival. No child will be permitted to remain behind at the pool after the carnival. Children may go home with their parents if the parent sees the class teacher.

Helpers:              We will require a number of parents to assist as timekeepers. If you can help in this regard please contact Mrs Scott or leave a message at the office. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

 Program overview:

Each child will swim up to five swims. One event from each block.

Champion Events - A trophy will be awarded to 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs champions for girls and boys with medals for 2nd place in each age group.

For 10-12 year olds, the fastest heat (last heat) of 50m events marked * below will be considered for Championship points.  For 9 year olds, the fastest (last heat) of 25m events marked # below will be considered for Championship points.


Age Level

Block A


Block B

Breaststroke, Relay

Block C

Backstroke/Back kick

Block D


Block E



Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Noodle kick

Short board Relay

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke #

25 metres Backstroke #

25 metres Freestyle #


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle


50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle


50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *


Freestyle Relay

15 metres short board kick

15 metres Back kick

15 metres Freestyle

25 metres Breaststroke

25 metres Backstroke

25 metres Freestyle

50 metres Breaststroke *

50 metres Backstroke *

50 metres Freestyle *

* Championship events for 11-12 years plus 50m Butterfly.  * Championship events for 10 years plus 25m Butterfly

# Championship events for 9 years plus 25m Butterfly.

Cricket/Kanga/Softball/T-Ball Carnival

Cricket/Kanga/Softball/T-Ball Carnival

The annual Cricket, Kanga, Softball, T-Ball Carnival will be held at the end of Week 9, this term.  Students who have been selected to participate should have received a permission note from school.  Please return the note & money as soon as possible, along with any pre-ordered lunch forms.  If your child is unable to attend, please let the school know so that a replacement can be organised.

Date:  Friday 27th March.

Starting Time:  Cricket will be at Cahill Park 8:45

Softball will be at Gatton SS 8:50

Kanga will be at Redback soccer grounds 9:00

The bus for Kanga and Cricket will depart at 8:35am. Spectators are welcome.  This carnival is part of our school sport program that follows the School Sport Code of Conduct.  Copies of this policy will be available if required.


Gatton State School Lockyer Zone Representatives

Azariah Zillmann, Imogen Griffiths, Kaleb Myers & Jacob Whittle represent Lockyer Zone at the Darling Downs Trials


On Wednesday 4th March over 300 swimmers from the Darling Downs Region attended the Darling Downs Regional Swimming Carnival at the Lockyer Valley Aquatic Centre.

Azariah Zillmann, Imogen Griffiths, Kaleb Myers & Jacob Whittle represented the Lockyer Zone at the trials. Azariah swam in the 50m Backstroke whilst Imogen, Kaleb & Jacob swam in the 50m Freestyle.  Although not selected in the Darling Downs team all four students swam extremely well.

Special thanks goes to our four School Captains who worked tirelessly throughout the day to help Mr Vaughan keep the carnival running smoothly.

Darling Downs Swimming

Lockyer Tennis Assoc



Saturdays at Gatton Club Courts

  • ANZ Hot Shots - 9am to 10am

For all beginners wanting to learn to play tennis

Children aged 4 +   $3 per day

All equipment including tennis racquets are provided.

Bring water, sunscreen, hat and wear joggers

  • Muster and grading days for team fixtures 29th February and 7th March

-12:30pm-2.30pm for new junior players and junior players from 2019 

  Gatton Club courts

  • Weekly Fixture team competition starts Saturday 21st March  12.30pm- 3:30pm

                       No fixtures will be played during the school holidays.



  • Tuesday Night tennis fixtures start 3rd March 7pm -10pm

    Names in by 25th February- All standards welcome

  • Wednesday Night Open Court Sessions Social Tennis- register online

For more information contact Brad Heck,  Ph.0435562578 facebook- Lockyer Tennis

Friday Sport Term 1

Friday Morning Sport Term 1.

This term students in year 4-6 participate in Friday morning sport. Children are divided into teams from a variety of sports.  In Term 1 students can play Softball, Cricket, Basketball, T-Ball, Kanga, Newcombe and general games.

This term sport will be played in the mornings in order to avoid the sometimes extreme afternoon heat.  Games will be played from approximately 9:45 to 10:50am with travel time required in addition to this.

Softball, T-Ball, Cricket, Newcombe and Kanga are graded so that they have an inter-school and intra-school component. A draw is created so that a number of the children can play against other schools including Withcott, OLGC, Peace and Lake Clarendon. 

Teams are sometimes required to travel during the term for games.  When teams play in town (eg. Cahill Park or Redbacks) the bus price is $4.00, when a team travels out of town (eg. Withcott, Lake Clarendon etc) the price is $6.50Note: Every effort is made to have teams play only two or three out of town days in the draw.

Teams that travel in term 1 are:

Softball A and B                     T-Ball A and B

Cricket A                                 Newcombe A and B (possibly)

Kanga A and B

Important note about messages to students

It can be difficult for office staff to contact children during sport. Only ask the office to contact your child in an emergency.  Please ensure you tell the office staff what sport and team your child is in.

Some sports also have a weekly court hire cost.

Basketball:                    $1.00

*(Basketball is played at the Lockyer Valley Sports Centre.  Students walk to this venue)

Overview of draw:

31st January                               Gatton Team Selections

7th February                               Gatton practise games

14th February                             Interschool games – Peace & OLGC

21st February                             Lockyer Zone Swimming Carnival

28th February                             Interschool games – Peace & OLGC

6th March                                   Interschool games – Withcott

13th March                                 Year 6 Camp – no sport

20th March                                 Interschool games – Withcott & Lk Clarendon

27th March                                 Lockyer Zone Softball, Cricket, Kanga Carnival

3rd April                                      Gatton SS Swimming Carnival

Students are instructed by their teacher and on parade each week about who is to travel, cost and venues of each sport.  Bus and venue money is to be given to the teacher in charge of the sport, on Friday morning before parade.

Parents are requested to ensure children bring correct money, their hat and a water bottle on all travel days.  Venue hire fees must also be paid weekly.

Schools Clean Up Day

Since 1992, schools across Australia have worked together and made a real difference to their environment and local communities through participating in Schools Clean Up Day. We have registered for this event and will be conducting our clean up on the 20th March between 2.30-3.00pm.  These sites make an immense contribution to the rubbish removed by volunteers - young and old! Schools Clean Up Day is a fun and engaging way to teach young Australians about the responsible disposal of rubbish, resource recovery and the repercussions of rubbish dumped irresponsibly in the local environment.

Introducing Mr & Mrs Twit by 4S

These 2 ugly people love to play tricks on each other. Beware they live at our school. 

Year 4 has studied THE TWITS written by Roald Dahl this term. We thought it was very hilarious and he used amazing words to convey his story. It was a very unexpected story. It was full of jokes.

Year 4S


P&C News



Welcome everyone and a big shout out to the wonderful volunteers who have come forward to lend a helping hand.


Volunteers are an important part of our Tuckshop. We cannot operate without volunteers.

The tuckshop is happy to always see new faces. It is a great place to catch up with others and contribute to the school. Students love to see someone they love or know in the Tuckshop during their breaks and any help is greatly appreciated. Our busiest time is in the morning from 9am – 11.40am Wednesday – Friday. If you have any spare time to help out, even 1 hour after you drop off the kids to cut up some fruit please contact the school office 54663333 or tuckshop 54663314.

New Tuckshop days and hours are Wednesday to Friday 8:15am to 1:30pm.

The School Tuckshop is run by the P&C Association, therefore all revenue earned through the Tuckshop goes back to helping purchase items to aid students learning.

The new Tuckshop Menu is included in this newsletter. We strive to bring your children a healthy range of reasonably priced food. The tuckshop menu is Smart Choice compliant and unfortunately due to factors outside of our control some menu items may at times be unavailable. Tuckshop hours are as above, however please note that trading hours and menu prices may change. In these circumstances any changes will be advertised in the School newsletter and on the School website.

To place a tuckshop order please ensure you provide a suitably sized paper bag with the following information-

Students Name

Students Class

First break or Second break (a separate bag for each break if ordering for both first and second break).

Menu items ordered

Total cost of the order.

Tuckshop orders should be placed in the class tuckshop box prior to 9:10am.

Unfortunately the Tuckshop does not provide credit! Please ensure payment is included with your child’s order.


The P&C recently catered for the Darling Downs swimming carnival with an estimate of $1000 profit. Thank you to everyone who helped with the catering.

Red Food Days

The next Red Food days will be held on

Monday 30th March – Year 4 - 6

Tuesday 31st March – Year Prep - 3

Red food days are where students can order items that cannot normally be purchased at a school tuckshop. The menu contains something to eat, a drink and a choice of a sweet treat. All items must be pre ordered. You may still order normal tuckshop on Red food days if you would prefer.

Menu for Red Food days will be sent home with your students soon.


Volunteers are needed to help man the Canteen at the Gatton Speedway on March 21st from 11am to 9pm. If you have an hour or two to spare please contact the school office 0754663333.


The Tuckshop is taking layby's for uniforms. To help families with the expense of uniforms you now have the option to layby uniforms. Please contact the office or Tuckshop for a layby order form.


Easter Raffle

Easter Raffle

The P&C are once again having an Easter raffle. We are requiring donations of Easter Eggs, decorations etc…to go into our raffle. Donations can be left at the office. Tickets will be sent home soon. All tickets sold or unsold to be returned by Tuesday 31st March.

Multi Draw

Tickets $0.50 each Drawn Wednesday April 1st

Mother’s Day Stall

Mother’s Day Stall 

Thursday 7th May 

Hall Meeting Room 

Gifts from $0.50 - $10                 

Tuckshop Menu 2020

Pop up Cricket Blast for Boys and Girls

Cricket Blast for Girls

Free Netball Clinics

Light Up The Lockyer Chaplaincy Fundraiser