Weekly Awards

Congratulations to the following students -

“Striving for Excellence” Award – (for a student who has exhibited academic improvements and / or has been applying themselves to the very best of their ability)

Logan M - Year 2- For approaching challenging tasks in Maths this week with enthusiasm. Well done!
Dusty G - Year 2 - For clearly explaining your mathematical thinking to others. Well done! Keep striving for excellence.
Luke C - Prep  - For always approaching your learning with a positive attitude. You have been making meaningful contributions to our classroom discussions.
Kiah B - Year 4  - for your eagerness to work towards your mathematical goals. Well done for the positive attitude you have towards improving your times tables facts.
Kaitlyn L - Year 4 - for your eagerness to work towards your mathematical goals. Well done for the positive attitude you have towards improving your times tables facts.
Noah G - Year 4 - for your eagerness to work towards your mathematical goals. Well done for the positive attitude you have towards improving your times tables facts.
Alannah L - Year 6 - For always approaching learning tasks with positivity and a hard working attitude. Well done for consistently striving for excellence!

“To Love is to Serve” Award – (for a student who has consistently displayed leadership qualities)

Abby deV - Year 3 - For the constant effort you put into your learning. You are a great role model for the class. Well done!