Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We hope you have had a successful start to the school year. It has been really positive to see students return to school happy and ready to start their year of learning. We are looking forward to working closely with you all throughout the school year.
New staff
A very warm welcome to the following staff to our school community:
- Our new Deputy Principal, Ms Robyn Physick who has been very busy meeting families in the yard before and after school.
- Ms Tiffany Varghese as Pastoral Care Worker. Tiffany is working with our school Wednesdays and Thursdays and has been busy meeting many children and visiting all classrooms in the first couple of weeks.
- Mr Jason Brown as Grounds person. Jason is working Mondays and Wednesdays and is busy catching up on the many jobs around the school at present.
Acquaintance Night
Our Acquaintance Night will be held on Tuesday 13th February between 5:30 and 6:30pm. This year, students will have a passport to complete of their classroom and school community which will include key places to visit and staff to meet. Class teachers have prepared an information sheet about your child's classroom for you to take away and read at a later point. We look forward to seeing many of you on the night.
Governing Council AGM
Our Governing Council Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th March at 7pm, which is in week 6 of the school term. We have a number of vacancies on council so please consider nominating for a representative role on Governing Council. Please look out for further information about nominations which will be available through Audiri.
Student Free Day
Our first student free day will be held on Friday 1st March. Staff will use this day to engage in professional learning about The Resilience Project as well as further work on our improvement priority tied to Effective Learners.
Student Leadership
Today we interviewed a number of year 6 students for the role of Lighthouse Leader at Hallett Cove East Primary School. The Lighthouse Leaders are important student representatives and leaders for our school community. Students write an application and attend an interview for this coveted position. I am always impressed by the caliber of students we have and the skills they possess. There are a number of other leadership positions for our year six students that are designed for students to have an authentic voice on key areas of the school.
We will be holding a special student leadership assembly on Friday 16th February at 2:15pm where we will announce all student leadership positions and present students with their certificate. Parents are most welcome to join us for our first assembly of the year. We will highlight the important role that each leadership group plays in our school community, through the newsletter at various stages throughout the year.
Playground Reminder
Just an extra, friendly reminder that school playground equipment is not available for child use before or after school due to no teachers being on duty. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
With regards
Matthew Chapman