Term 1 Week 9 2023

Important Dates Term 1

27th MarchPupil Free Day
28th - 31st MarchParent Teacher Interviews
31st MarchAssembly 9am Hall: SLC
6th AprilReception Easter Assembly
7th AprilGood Friday
10th AprilEaster Monday
13th AprilSports Day
14th April Assembly 9am Hall: Hosted by Rooms 4 & 11
14th AprilLast Day of Term 1 Early Dismissal 2:05pm
1st MayFirst Day Term 2

Dear Families

We are nearing the end of term with only two short weeks to go thanks to the Easter long weekend.  We will continue to focus on teaching and learning until Sports Day on Thursday 13th April.

We said goodbye to Claire Morichaud-Shields on Friday who spent three weeks as the Deputy Principal at our school. I know Claire really enjoyed her time with us. Thank you Claire for supporting our staff and students, and of course we will continue to see Claire on a Thursday each week in her role as Autism Lead Teacher.

Mrs Greenwood returned from her long service leave on Monday, and had a wonderful trip to Japan with her family. 

Parent Teacher Interviews took place this week. It was great to see so many families taking the time to meet with teachers. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you were unable to attend and would still like the opportunity to make a time to meet.

Last week our Year 3 & 5 students completed NAPLAN. Over two weeks students completed four tests; Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. The Writing test required students to write a narrative using a prompt titled The Key.  Conventions of Language covers spelling and grammar. Our students managed extremely well with the online testing platform, and I am pleased to say we had no technical issues what so ever. Thankfully we had very few absent students which made ‘catch up’ testing much smoother than previous years. Now we just wait for the results which are scheduled to arrive in July.

Brightpath was the focus for our Pupil Free Day on Monday. Brightpath is a research-based writing assessment and improvement tool that uses typical classroom writing tasks to help teachers develop assessment skills, differentiate learning and identify teaching points based on how they have assessed their students’ writing samples. Since Monday teachers R-6 have been busy working with students to collect narrative and in some cases recount writing samples so we can begin using the Brightpath assessment platform. Visiting classrooms this week I saw students using visual prompts and text to support their writing. In week 1 of next term teachers will work with the Brightpath facilitator to moderate the writing samples and plan next steps in learning.

The Governing Council Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 14th March. At the meeting a number of reports were presented including the school’s annual report. This report will be made available on the school website early next term. Our Governing Council membership this year has not changed too much. We farewell Shari Davidson who has retired and thank her for many years of service, and particularly for her role as Governing Council secretary. Our Governing Council members for 2023 are Daniel Killey – Chairperson, Leon Pendergast –Treasurer, Kylie Farey, Adam Forbes, Kate Thorn, Kate Gabel, Carly Clarke, Rob Blythman and Alina Gransbury.


Harmony Week was celebrated at Angaston Primary School last week with students spending time in class learning about diversity, inclusion, respect etc for the many different cultures that call Australia home. We had food from around the world to taste each lunch time including pretzels, croissants, rice and damper. We finished the week with a sausage sizzle at lunch time. Students enjoyed a picnic style lunch with their buddy classes, and dressed in orange/traditional dress connected to their own cultural background. We had a wonderful display of paper hands surrounding a world map. Students decorated the hands with symbols, colours etc connected to their family backgrounds and we are more diverse then we initially thought. Thank you to the many students who made a gold coin donation. We raised $316.15 for Save the Children.

A big thank you to Nat for organising our Harmony Week activities, and to Claire and Mrs Hueppauff for cooking the BBQ on Friday.  


Our whole School Assembly in week 7 was hosted by Room 7/Burne, Room 1/Irwin Hearnden and Room 2/Tempest Hearnden. We were treated to a wonderful maths/art display from the year 3/4 class showing us their optical illusions as well as time lapse videos of how they completed the drawing. A very clever connection between maths and art. The JP classes treated us to a video demonstrating all the learning that has taken place so far this term in their classrooms as well as a very catchy song about Being Kind. It was a very entertaining assembly. Thank you.


Congratulations to the following students who received an Encouragement Award for all their hard work in relation to our school motto of Be Safe, Be Kind, Work Hard at the week 7 & 9 assembly:

Hugh Wheeler

Chase Pedder

May Kearon

Charlie Kirtlan

Holly Trappman

Archie Donohue

Savannah Hueppauff

Bella Rudiger

Amelia Farey

Charlotte Brumfield

Samia Strugnell

Ruby Hughes

Oliver Giles

Ivy Merkel

Fin Webster-Payne

Saxon Taborek

Olive Chaplin

Olivia Irvine

Ginevra Slujagic

Sienna Anthony

Hudson Moore

Seb Meyer

Hazel Graetz

Lachlan Pendergast

Hannah Fleet

Xavier Tempest

Celeste Deakin

Sophie Schiller

Jeremy Dowsett Moore      

Zoe McGrath

Mirella Mason

Ethan Barnett

Miley Fridd

Tyson Mulholland-Gill

Arlo Logan

Edith Dayman-Hall

Jessica Bartsch

Toby Foreshaw

Thomas Gadsby

Ben Kraft

Marcella Zanker

Dillon Lade

Charlie Schiller



Amelai Zanker                   Louis Manuel         Archie Clarke        Josie O'Shea

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

Roald Dahl

Have a lovely Easter weekend, and enjoy the extra time off.


Student Leadership Council

We inducted our SLC leaders at the week 9 SLC Assembly. The students have already started their various roles as Peer Leaders and Breakfast Club leaders. You can see the growing connection and relationship between the mentors and their mentees are strengthening over the course of the term. The mentors are keen to support their mentees to help them be the best leaders they can be.

We are very lucky to have dedicated and hard working students who are willing to work to make improvements and support students at our school. 

Student Leadership Council members 2023

PCW Harmony Week Display

During HASS lessons last week, we celebrated Harmony Week.  Our Junior Primary students read books about getting along and belonging.  They made a 'quilt piece' to represent Belonging.Our Middle and Upper Primary students worked on a Harmony puzzle.  They learned about Diversity, Harmony and Multiculturalism before creating a puzzle piece that formed part of a larger puzzle for display in the Library.  Our Year 5/6 students will follow this learning up by researching multicultural groups who have migrated to Australia, for example: the Afghan camaleers, Japanese pearl divers, German Lutherans, Ten Pound Poms, Chinese on the Gold Fields or Vietnamese after the Vietnam War.  We have had some wonderfully meaningful discussions about our place in our school, community and country and the importance of Belonging.

Harmony Week In The Library

On Friday Week 5 the Barossa and Light Sapsasa District Swimming Carnival held at Nuriootpa Pool. We had 2 students Kenzie Morrish and Amelia Manuel who represented Angaston PS and the girls put in a fantastic effort and had a great day. Well done legends! 

 On Wednesday 29th March the annual Barossa and Light Sapsasa District Athletics Carnival was held at Lyndoch Oval. It turned out to be a great day despite the early morning rain as we had 37 students represent our school extremely well. Students competed in various track and field events which saw over 360 students from 16 schools involved. Special shout outs to the following students for their achievements. 

Lewis Lehman for taking out the 100m 11 year old boys as he finished in first place. Lewis also took out 3rd place in the 11 year old boys Long Jump. Cohen Myatt for finishing in 2nd place for the 12 year old boys 800m. Julia Harris for taking out the 12 year old girls Discus in first place, finishing in 2nd place for the 12 year old girls 200m (by .03 of a second) finishing in 3rd place for the 12 year old girls 800m. Ruby Hughes for finishing in 2nd place for the 12 year old girls Long Jump. Lachlan Georgeff for finishing in 3rd place for the 10 year old boys Long Jump. Caidy Rosenzweig for taking out in 1st place the 11 year old girls Shot Put. We also had a number of students finish in 4th place for their events to. 

Well done to all our place getters and all our Angaston Primary team members on your efforts. Angaston ended up in 4th position overall out of 16 schools which is a fantastic achievement. 


Yours in Sport Mr. Bradley Health/PE Teacher 



Thank you to those families who have paid the Materials & Services charge of $319 for 2023. The Materials and Services charges are due by Friday 14th April 2023 and need to be paid to avoid debt recovery action by Department for Education.

Applications for School Card assistance are able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education, Skills and Learning. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

· via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

· via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

· via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.

Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform shop is open Monday & Tuesday 8:45 to 9:00am and Thursday 2:45 to 3pm. Purchasing of uniforms outside of these hours during the term is not available, including hats.

Order forms are also available from the Front Office.



Angaston Newsagency Colouring Competition

Miles Newspower would like to invite Angaston primary school students and their siblings to participate in their colour to win colouring competition. 

Students can enter the competition at their Newspower newsagncy. Each participating Newspower store has two 'Rascal The Rabbit' Prize bunnies to give away. Both store winners will enter a national competition where they have the chance to win a $100 'Bunny Bucks' voucher, valid at the Newspower store their entry was lodged.

If an APS student is one of the state winners the school will recieve a $500 'Bunny Bucks' voucher.

Lou in the front office has entry forms, drop in to grab one so your children can enter.

Nuriootpa High School Open Day