For parents/caregivers who park in the surrounding streets, please be aware of the signed parking restrictions. Local residents very often ring to complain about illegally parked cars. Our advice always is to photograph the offending vehicle and send the details to Council so the vehicle owner can be issued with a fine.
To help foster community spirit within the school and to increase our fundraising capacity, we encourage every family to do their best to Volunteer in the School Canteen at least once this year - this is open to all parents, grandparents and carers.
The full 2020 Canteen Volunteer Roster is now open and available at
To sign up please click on the link and just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do and you won’t regret it!
Each week is allocated to a different year group each semester - this is only a guideline to encourage class groups to volunteer with parents they know. If your availability differs from your class’s allocated week - please go ahead and volunteer on the day/week that suits you best.
Without your support the Canteen wouldn’t be as wonderful as it is!
For all questions on Volunteering please email Shannon at: and for more information on what is involved please see the skoolbag 'Canteen Volunteering’ folder.