Congratulations to everyone on such a wonderful colour run last Friday. Every student participated with enthusiasm and the smile on their faces were a delight to see. Thank you to Mrs Bath and the SRC for organising the event, thank you to staff for promoting and participating in the event and thank you to parents for helping fundraise for the event. Mostly though, thank you to the students for having such a great time.
I would like to thank the P&C for their donation of $5000 to purchase new sports uniforms and to Wingham football club for $1000 to purchase new rugby league jerseys. The uniforms have been ordered and delivered. We were able to purchase rugby league jerseys, soccer shirts, singlets for track and field, shorts, socks and netball dresses.
Our school promotes healthy eating and good nutrition in the school environment. We would like to remind parents that lollies are not permitted at school so students quality learning experiences are enhanced.
Rita Pittman