Term 2 Week 9

What's Happening?

Term Dates 2022

Term 22nd May to 8th July
8th JulyLast Day of Term 2 - 2:05pm Dismissal
Term 325th July to 30th September
1st August 

Barossa Golf Clinics & KO Boys Football

13th AugustTrivia Night
15th AugustBarossa Golf Tournament
17th AugustState Soccer
22nd August Book Week - Roald Dahl performance
26th AugustYr 5/6 Boy & Girl Barossa Basketball Comp
29th August

Swimming Week-Gniel, Tempest/Hearnden, Goudie/Shields, De Leonardis, Darmody

5th SeptemberSchool Closure
6th September Pupil Free Day
19th-23rd September

Swimming Week - Irwin/Hearnden, Hall/Argent, Burne, Schultz, Taylor

29th SeptemberSports Day
30th SeptemberLast Day of Term - early dismissal 2:05pm
Term 417th October to 16th December
21st OctoberBack Up Sports Day
30th Nov - 2 DecemberYear 6 Aquatics Camp
5th Dec - 7th DecemberMiddle Primary camp
3rd  DecemberYear 6 Graduation
16th DecemberLast Day of Term - early dismissal 2:05pm

From the Principal

Dear Families,

Despite all the COVID interruptions with student and staff absences, we are going to finish the term next Friday knowing we have made progress with teaching and learning. Next Friday students and staff will be able to go home for a well-deserved break, catching up on sleep, spending time with family without the routine of school, before returning on Monday 25th July for Term 3.

 Pupil Free Day

Tuesday 14th June was a Pupil Free Day. Staff spent the day participating in professional learning covering the Teaching and Learning Cycle/Learning Sprints, and Teacher Clarity, with a particular focus on the importance of Feedback, Learning Intentions and Success criteria to support students to meet their goals.

 Next term our pupil free day is on Tuesday 6th September with a school closure day on Monday 5th September. Our school closure day aligns to all schools in our partnership including Nuriootpa High School. 

 Week 5 we celebrated National Reconciliation Week – Be Brave Make Change. Students spent time in classrooms learning about our First Nations people and unpacking the theme of reconciliation. We are using the Reconciliation Week activities as a platform to begin authentic conversations and learning in relation to First Nations people as reflected in the Australian Curriculum, and in particular History. We are starting with an edible indigenous garden to complement our cooking activities. Obviously this will all take time but right now we have consulted with a local gardening group, students and staff. We have Kelvin Jean and a parent volunteer Kristy Meyer also working with students to create the space which will also include a small fire pit to act as a gathering place/storytelling space just outside the library. Art work will also be a feature. We are really looking forward to seeing this project evolve to support teaching and learning.

 Angaston Primary school has been selected by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) to participate in this year’s NAPLAN Item Trial. The purpose of the Item Trial is to evaluate potential NAPLAN test questions (‘items’) for use in future NAPLAN tests.

About the Item Trial

·         The Item Trial is being held in approximately 700 schools across Australia between Monday 25 July and Friday 26 August 2022. The trial test starting date will vary across each jurisdiction; however, the trial test completion date will remain the same for all jurisdictions.

·         Schools are carefully selected to ensure that a range of student backgrounds and abilities is represented.

·         The Item Trial is about testing the questions, not about testing the child or their ability. The child’s results are not reported.

·         Children will sit two Item Trial tests. These will be, for example, a Reading and a Numeracy test, a Writing and a Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) test, or two Writing tests.

·         All selected students are expected to participate in the Item Trial, unless they have been exempted or withdrawn from NAPLAN tests. 

Angaston Lions Club $500 donation.

Last week Wendy and Peter Pech from the Angaston Lions Club visited our school and kindly donated $500 for the purchase of library and or IT materials. The generosity of the Angaston Lions Club continues to be appreciated.

Members of the Student Leadership Council with special guest Cooper Pech, accepted the cheque, and thanked Wendy and Peter on behalf of students and staff.

SLC will discuss how best to spend this money by consulting with students via class meetings.


Barossa Co-op. We would also like to thank the Barossa Co-op for their recent donation of $500 to the school. The money will be used to support student needs.

Kickstart – breakfast program. The school has re-registered with Kickstart, and we are hoping to have breakfast club up and running early term 3.


Mid Year Reports. Teachers are currently completing mid year written reports. These will be sent home in sealed envelopes on the last day of term. Yr. 1-6 students will be graded in all curriculum areas with a written comment for English and Maths, and a general comment. Teachers use written comments to provide information about students’ engagement and progress against the achievement standards.  

There is no requirement for schools to assign A to E grades when reporting on Reception students. Teachers use the Foundation (F) year Australian Curriculum achievement standards as a reference point for reporting on student progress, including written comments for English and Maths, as well as a general comment.

Since the last newsletter we have had two whole school assemblies which were well attended by families. It is great to see you back in the school.

Week 7 Assembly was hosted by Mr Burne’s Year3/4 class who shared some interested maths facts, and Mrs Tempest/Mrs Hearnden’s class shared their Recount writing in relation to Reconciliation Week activities. They were great assembly hosts and we enjoyed hearing about their maths activities and favourite reconciliation week activities. Thank you. 

Our last assembly for the term this morning was hosted by Mrs Gniel’s Reception class and Mrs Goudie/Mrs Shields Yr 3/4 class. They did a fantastic job hosting the assembly as well as sharing their Little Red Hen performance, and beautiful art work. Thank you.

Congratulations to the follow students who received Encouragement Awards at the last two assemblies.


Week 7

Week 9

Charlie Evans

Leia Parsons

Oliver Hughes

Bella Rudiger

Bailin Gibson

Liam Morrish

Orson French

Shelby Browning

Lachlan Elson

Adele Scragg

Archie Kubisch

Jordan Dahlitz

Sophie Lavis

May Taylor

Asha Gabel

Asuka Shepherd

Henry Barnett

Patrick Gadsby

Thomas Gregory

Hamish Baker-Kain

Poppy Wales

Phoenix Baldock

Henry Wheeler

Anna Calley

Lolly Cook – German Award

Fin Webster-Payne – German Award

Flynn Wheeler – German Award

Joan Fiegert

Charlie Van Dissel

Flynn Wheeler

Curtis Kasotakis

Flynn Gerhardy

Jayda Kruschel

Tilly Bode

Flynn Clarke

Frankie Standing

Xavier Tempest

Emily Woolley

Levi Dahlitz

Olivia Joyce

Leif Parsons

Cooper Pech

Amity McPherson

Hunter Viney

Rani Tempest

Arthur Hampton


Gracie Calley – German award

Louis Logan – German Award

Zoe Karger – German Award



A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in! Robert Orben

Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Nuriootpa High Pupil Free/School Closures

Nuriootpa High School has a Pupil Free Day on the 19 August. On the days the NHS has a closure not all of their buses are in service, please remember to make alternative arrangements on this day.

School Closure on 5th September 2022.

M & S 2022 Rebate

The State Government has provided a $100 rebate to all eligible parents and caregivers that have paid or are responsible to pay their child’s Materials and Services Charge. The $100 discount will apply to each of the 2022 and 2023 school years. Any students who are approved for School Card in 2022 will not receive the rebate.

All eligible parents/caregivers should  have received a statement which clearly shows the $100 rebate.

There are two options in regards to the rebate:

Option 1: Leave the $100 credit on the system and apply it to any future expense eg, uniforms, camps, excursions, book club ,SAPSASA etc. If you wish to apply the credit to any expense incurred you need to notify us that you wish to do so. This can be done in person, over the phone or by simply writing on an invoice that you have received “please apply the credit”.

Option 2: If you wish to receive the rebate as a refund please email the school at:  with the following details:

Account Name:


Account Number:

Email Address for remittance:

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact  Kim Oag in Finance on 85642215..

 Kind Regards

Kim Oag


Angaston Primary School.


Year 5/6 Darmody making snowflakes in a production line for Design and Technology.

Term 2 SLC Fundraising

Student Leadership Council (SLC) are running a fundraising event on Friday 8th July (last day of school) to raise money for children living in the Ukraine. SLC are encouraging students to wear yellow and or blue and bring a gold coin donation. If you would like to donate online we have registered our school on the SchoolAid website

Please feel free to share this link with family and friends who may wish to contribute to this fundraising. SLC thank you for your support with fundraising for children’s charities.

Update from Term 1 SLC Fundraising

SchoolAid (the not for profit organisation we donated through) contacted us recently to inform that the money raised from last term went to supporting children from Cabbage Tree Island Public School. The school is located in northern NSW and was damaged in the floods earlier in the year, they are still not back on their own site. The school has shared how touched they are with all the public support from around the country.

Thank you to families for your contribution towards this cause.

Nat's Notes

Winter is well and truly here and it’s cold, bitterly cold (or is it me getting older?). 

Nothing is better than snuggling down with a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate on those really cold days with a big pot of soup bubbling away on the stove. 

The Year 6’s in Hang 6 have been working on Positive Affirmations and Friendship Soup, warming their hearts with kind words of what friendship means to them and the qualities of being a good friend. 

The kitchen has been a beehive of activity with kids cooking Sausage Rolls, Apple and Cinnamon Muffins and Mrs F B’s favorite a winter warming Apple Crumble Slice. Working together, reading recipes and enjoying their spoils.

The  SLC harvested their first haul from the APS Veggie Garden with the help of Mr Jean. Capsicums - which they sold with the proceeds going to their nominated charity Ronald McDonald House. Thank you Fynnan, Flynn and Dillion for the yummy produce - we made Capsicum and Pepperoni pizza - It tasted amazing - great capsicums! Looking forward to more spoils from the garden. 

A big thank you to Miss D’s class for their work on plastics and the effects on the environment and our animals - the statistics and arguments they highlight are very  confronting and have encouraged me to rethink my own practices. I have swapped out my habit of buying water in bottles to using a water bottle from home and being dedicated to taking my own bags to the shops rather than leaving the bags in the boot of the car. Well done guys for encouraging change. 

As we heading into the school holidays next week have fun, rest up, stay safe. rug up and stay warm. 


Nat x 


State Cross Country Championship

On Thursday of Week 6, 6 of our students represented the Barossa and Light Sapsasa District at the annual State Cross Country Championships held at Oakbank racecourse.

Our students put in a fantastic effort in cold and wet conditions and represented the school and the Barossa extremely well. There was around 2000 students from across South Australian involved and it was great experience for all involved. All of our students ran 3km which is a huge effort and you should all be proud of yourselves. Great work by T. French, O. French, Harvey W, Ruby H, Cohen M and Flynn C. A special shout out to T. French who finished in an incredible 2nd position for his age group in the state and has been selected to trial for the state cross country team for his efforts. Well done mate well deserved.

 Well done to all involved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts. 😊  

State Cross Country Team Announcement

On behalf of everyone at Angaston Primary School we’d just like to offer a huge congratulations to our very own T. French who has been selected in the South Australian Under 12 Cross Country team. T. French had to trial for the squad and has been picked to represent our state and compete against others students from across Australia at the National Cross Country Championships which will be held in Adelaide from Friday 26th to Monday 29th of August. This is a huge honour for T. French and a just rewards for all the effort, time and commitment that he puts into his running.  

Well done mate well deserved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts. 😊 

Yours in Sport  

Mr Matt Bradley  

Health/PE Teacher 

Knockout Football


Well done to our Angaston PS knockout boys footy team for representing our school in round 1 of the State wide knockout Football competition on Thursday of Week 7.

Our boys played 2 games winning both of them. Matches were against Gawler and District and Virginia schools at the South Gawler Football Club.

Our boys put in fantastic performances, learnt alot, and made some amazing memories but gritting out wins. We won against Gawler and District 92 to 0. And Virginia PS 25 to 23 in a fantastic game of wet weather footy. Well done to all involved, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts. The boys now go through to the second round. 

Yours in Sport

Mr Matt Bradley

Health/PE Teacher

State Hockey Carnival

A huge congratulations to a couple of our Angaston PS boys for representing the Barossa and Light SAPSASA District team at the State Hockey Carnival held over 3 days in week 9 down at Grange Reserve. Cohen M and Jack M were our reps and put in fantastic performances, learnt a lot, made some amazing memories and mates. With non stop action and 9 games played over the 3 days it’s a huge week for all involved. Our Barossa boys finished in 6th position overall out of 10 teams. Well done to all, everyone at Angaston PS are extremely proud of your efforts.

Trivia Night

 August 13th 7:30pm Angaston Town Hall

$100 a table up to ten people. Every table comes with the cheese platter, BYO food only. Drinks to be bought on the night.  Bookings and payment at the Angaston Primary Front Office. Join us for a fun night

Instrumental Music

Saxophone and clarinet reeds are available from the front office. Alto saxophone size 2.0 reeds are $5.50 and clarinet 2.0 reeds are $4.50.


Thank you to those families that have paid the Materials & Services charge of $303 for 2022. The Materials and Services charges are now overdue and need to be paid to avoid debt recovery action by Department for Education. Applications for School Card assistance are still able to be made so please apply online at under the heading Education, Skills and Learning. Please contact the Front Office if you require any assistance.

Payment can be made:

·          via the school bank account BSB 105-021 Account number 104147940 - using your family code or invoice number as the reference.

·          via Cash, Cheque, Eftpos or Credit Card at the Front Office between 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30- 3.30pm.

·          via Credit Card over the phone between 8.30-9.30 and 2.30-3.30pm.

Any current Direct Debit Payment Plans will continue.


Please contact Kim Oag on 85642215 if you require any further assistance.

School Card 2022

 School Card applications for the 2022 school year are now open.

School Card A This is the most commonly used school card application. Use this form if you are liable for your child’s school fees and you're not:

  • self-employed
  • a migrant who arrived in Australia after 1 July 2019
  • receiving Veteran’s Affairs benefits
  • applying for a foster child in your care.

School Card A – apply online

School Card Eligibility 2022


The Department for Education administers the School Card scheme.

School card assistance is available to:

  • dependent students from 4 years of age receiving full-time schooling at a government school
  • independent full-time students in years 10, 11 or 12 at a government school
  • adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SACE.

To be eligible to apply for school card assistance, the applicant:

  • must be liable for their child(s) or their material and services charge
  • must have a combined family gross income within the school card income limits (in the table below).

Eligibility is not dependent on any family member receiving any Centrelink benefits or Family Tax Benefits.

Number of dependent children

Combined gross family income limit for the 2020/21 financial year

Gross weekly school card income limit
















Each additional dependent child



Combined gross family income for both partners, if partnered on 30 June 2021, includes all the following:

  • gross salaries, wages and allowances from their employers
  • taxable Centrelink pensions, benefits, allowances
  • non-taxable or tax-exempt pensions, benefits, allowances (eg Disability Support Pension, Carers Pension)
  • gross interest and dividends
  • benefits from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs
  • supplementary income as identified in the supplementary tax return
  • fringe benefits (eg provision of a car, entertainment expenses)
  • foreign income including pensions and employment
  • business or partnership income from self-employment (includes depreciation).

Combined gross family income does not include any amounts received for:

  • Family Tax Benefits Parts A and B
  • child maintenance payments
  • the TPI component of Veterans Affairs benefits
  • carer allowance.
When applicants are approved

Parents, caregivers or independent students who are approved for School Card assistance are not required to pay the materials and services charge.

Eligibility for School Card does not automatically roll over each year. Persons seeking approval for school card assistance must apply each school year.

The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


Principal: Lynda Fitzpatrick-Brown

Deputy Principal: Sokhan Greenwood