St Bernadette's Primary School Dundas Valley

Newsletter 2020 Term 4 Week 4


Dear families of St Bernadette's,

The past fortnight has seen many great things happening at St Bernadette’s. We have raised money for our mission project, continued with Drama literacy in Stage 2 and have started our Gymnastics classes across all grades.

For me my week has been brightened with a call from a lovely member of our wider community. She took the time to call me and share a lovely encounter that she had with one of our Year 4 students. While walking at Curtis Oval she met one of our students on his scooter. Ruth was so impressed with this students manners and depth of knowledge that she felt compelled to ring the school and retell this story.

Once again I’m given the opportunity to celebrate our students with pride. She was unable to give me the students name so I visited Year 4 to share this good news story with them. During my visit Lachlan W was able to remember this encounter and tell me more. How amazing that I was able to relay that a simple conversation brightened a person’s day.

Keep up the good work St Bernadette’s!

Stay well and take care.

Love & Light

Lisa Gerrard

(on behalf of the St Bernadette’s staff & students)

 Attendance Rate:  86.7%  - To unpack this a little more, this means that 85.1% of our students have an attendance rate of 90% -100%. 

From the Assistant Principal...

Student Learning reports

Our teachers have begun preparing Student Learning reports for Semester 2. This Semester, you will find that our Reports have a slightly different format and this is due to our Reports now being aligned to our Student Information System, Compass, and being consistent with other schools in CEDP. 

Your child’s report will now show individual grades for strands in Mathematics and English. It is important to note that although teachers assign a grade to different strands, not all strands carry the same weighting. Some strands may be much larger than others, for example, in Mathematics, Statistics and Probably only has two outcomes whereas Number has eleven. 

It is also important to understand A - E gradings on our reports. A ‘C’ grade means that your child is achieving at their grade average and has a sound understanding of the work that has been completed. An ‘A’ grade means that your child is working well above the average in that grade and an ‘E’ grade means that your child requires assistance in that area. The grade your child receives will change as they progress from Kindergarten to Year 6 and even each Semester, depending on the outcomes that have been assessed. 

This Semester you may notice that Science or HSIE has not been assessed for your child. This is due to earlier in the year, when we were not at school full time due to COVID-19, some teachers made the decision to move their Science / HSIE units to later in the year to accommodate more ‘hands on’ activities. This decision was made to maximise learning experiences for our students and is in line with NESA allowances for the disruption to schooling. 

Our teachers work very hard preparing an accurate picture of your child’s learning. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report or their learning in general, please don’t hesitate to contact their classroom teacher. 


Sunday 08 Nov 2020

REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate

The Hour and the Time

Israel was often portrayed as a bride in Jewish scriptures. So, the question was: ‘When would the Bridegroom – the Anointed One of God, the Christ – appear?’ Jesus’ warning is to the attendants of the bride: ‘Be alert, be vigilant, be prepared.’ Some (the five foolish attendants) did miss the moment: the earthly ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.

But his warning is also for the Catholic Church which is the new Bride of Christ. We are the attendants to the Bride and the imperative applies to us also: Be alert, be vigilant. Be prepared for the eruption, the intervention of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, into our history, into our moment of time.

For example, is Christ coming to meet us in the modern movements which demand to hold authority accountable, or which press for just recognition of women? We can foolishly remain in the dark or we can wisely try to throw light on these questions. Only then we will be able to discern whether indeed it is the Lord who is approaching.

We could pause to pray that we be ready when the Bridegroom responds to the ancient prayer: ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’

Faith in Action

Water droplet

Year 2 Mission Month

Year 2 has been learning about Mission in the first few weeks of Term 4. We have discussed what ‘love’ means and how Jesus loves everyone no matter what. Year 2 could recall many scripture passages where Jesus showed love to others, especially those who were sick or poor. 

During his time on Earth, Jesus spent a lot of time with the marginalised in society, and especially made a point of associating with sinners. At first this surprised the Year 2 children, just as it did the Pharisees all those years ago. There are several scripture passages where Jesus spends time with sinners, namely tax collectors. One such scripture passage is the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was disliked by many during his time as a tax collector due to the poor choices he made. However, Jesus’ simple act of love encouraged Zacchaeus to change his ways and follow God.

The children came to realise that by reaching out to sinners, Jesus was loving those that were perhaps the hardest to love. His example in doing this should also encourage us to love those people in our world that are hard to love. Maybe someone has hurt us in some way and it has been difficult to let go of. Forgiving others is a selfless act of love.

Mission and love are inseparable. The mission of love excludes no one. It involves sharing the Good News on a daily basis. Jesus’ mission was to show us how to truly love one another, especially those that need it the most. Therefore, it is our mission from the time we are baptised, to do the same.

We hope you enjoy our Zacchaeus pictures.


Important Dates for your diary

Term 4, 2020:

Students Last day of Term: Tuesday 15 December 2020

Term 1, 2021

Staff development day: Wednesday 27th January 2021

MAI Years 1 - 6: Thursday 28th January 2021

First Day for Years 1 - 6: Friday 29th January 2021

MAI Kindy: Friday 29 January 2021

Kindergarten First Day: Monday 1st February 2021

As a community of learners

Year 2 has been working on a project to bring awareness about the need to reduce the use of soft plastics. You may have seen a letter come home challenging our students and staff to have a ‘Nude Food’ day each week. This is an exciting challenge and it will be interesting to see the impact this initiative has on the amount of rubbish we collect each week.

Stage 2 sent our groundsman Mr Lincoln & myself letters to suggest ways which we can reduce soil erosion around the school. These letters presented compelling arguments which we are investigating.

Gentle reminders

Sending sick children to school: 

Please remember when your child is unwell, especially with cold or flu symptoms, that they will be sent home and can return to school once cleared by a doctor or when Covid test results are negative. These protocols are in place to protect all students, their families and staff.

Picking children up in the afternoon:

It has come to my attention that the following is occurring:

  • Children are being called up from the pick up area outside Kindy to a parent waiting across the road. On one occasion a child subsequently ran across Cox Crescent while the drive through was in progress! A staff member actually had to jump out into the street to ensure the students safety. Should this continue the children involved will be asked to wait in the office for their parent to park and escort them safely to their car.


  • Parents pulling up in the drive through queue, then one parent jumps out, retrieves their child and overtakes all other cars. Should this continue the children involved will be asked to wait in the office for their parent to park and escort them safely to their car.


  • Parents coming to the Hall to pick up their children. This not only causes congestion and a lack of social distancing but it causes unnecessary interruptions and slows down the afternoon pick up process.

The safety of your children is paramount and we would appreciate your cooperation.

Zoom Assemblies

We are unable to have a zoom assembly this fortnight as our Year 5 and Year6 students are on their virtual tour of Canberra excursion at school.

P&F Annual General Meeting

Just a reminder that the AGM will be held on Monday, 16th Nov 2020 at 6.30pm. A note with the nomination form and feedback form was previously sent home to all families and can also be viewed online:  

We invite and encourage nominations for P&F Committee positions. Please note that for your vote to be counted, you must be present on the night.

Please send in nominations for yourself or someone you think would be a good representative.

For any feedback, comments and/or concerns that you would like to discuss at the meeting, simply fill in and return the feedback form.

The meeting agenda was posted on Skoolbag app earlier this week and can be viewed online:

There is a motion to dissolve the P&F in the agenda, which will be discussed and voted on during the AGM amongst those who are present.

To help with meeting planning and ensure we follow COVID-safe guidelines, please express your interest to attend the AGM via the online form on: 

We invite and encourage parents/guardians to attend our meetings, as it provides a forum for discussions and for parents/guardians to come together and voice ideas on various matters.

Please feel welcome to provide feedback and suggestions on

P&F Committee


Today the winning house for the first few weeks of Term 4 was announced. Congratulations to Clare for winning the second time this year.


Happy Birthday

22/10 - Daniel J

23/10 - Lachlan W

26/10 - Jackson D

26/10 - Tyana N 

28/10 - Aaron S 

31/10 - Ella T

1/11 - Andre N 

5/11 - Alexander H 


Community Health Advice

St Bernadettes Primary School

St Bernadette's Primary, Dundas Valley is a community focused, Catholic parish school catering for boys and girls from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school strives to build a Christ-centred community where faith is integrated with daily life. We provide learning and teaching experiences which enable the children to deepen their faith understandings, investigate, solve problems and explore their learning. We recognise the importance of creating a learning environment that provides opportunities to develop 21st century learning. Technology is integrated into the learning at St Bernadette’s in all Key Learning Areas.