St Michael’s Catholic Primary School

Newsletter Volume 2 - Week 1, 27th April, 2023

Vision Statement

St Michael’s Catholic Primary School is a welcoming community, embracing the Gospel values of faith, hope and love. We provide a Catholic education that nurtures the development of all children to their full potential. Through Christian witness, we offer a safe and supportive learning environment for the families in our school community.


We would like to acknowledge the Aboriginal people and their ancestors who are the Traditional Owners of this land. May we and all Australian’s, Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal, continue to be committed to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation

Parish Priest Fr. Jess

PH: 9729 1699

P O Box 33, Harvey. WA 6220


Sunday Mass Times

1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the Month 10:30am

       2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month  8:30am

Prayer for the Week

A Prayer for ANZAC Day

Gracious and loving God, the cross of Christ is the sign of your desire for justice and peace for all.

Open our minds to your vision as we remember all who suffered through Australia and New Zealand’s involvement in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

Grant all servicepersons who sacrificed health and life for the good of all, the gift of your deep peace.

May we who inherit the freedom for which they fought become instruments of your peace in our homes, workplaces and world. We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.



2023 Sacramental Dates

Enrolment Mass            28th May 8:30 am

                                          4th June 10:30 am

First Reconciliation        Wed 21st June

Confirmation                  6th August 10:30 am

First Eucharist                10th September 10:30 am

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Staff and Students,

Welcome back to all our families from the Easter break and holidays. We hope all our students and staff had a well deserved break and are ready for another busy term.

We thank all our students who have settled in quickly as we commence term two.

Florence Longford and Angus Donaghy represented our school at the Brunswick ANZAC memorial service on Tuesday. It was great to see students and parents supporting the service given the wintry weather. Thanks Gus, Florence and students. We will hold a short ANZAC service after our Friday assembly.

The Principal appointment process will commence tomorrow with the vacancy being advertised. Our school community should be notified of the new appointment for 2024 on the 6th of June (This date may change)

Our canteen is still looking for volunteers. Parents who may be able to help even for just one Thursday a term are encouraged to contact Lyn Byrne in the school office. Canteen, at this stage, will be on the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th week of term two. A Special Italian canteen day will also be added later in the term. We greatly appreciate our parent volunteers.

God bless,

Phillip Rossiter

P & F News


Warren Freebairn has kindly donated a load of firewood to St Michael's P & F. The firewood will be raffled and tickets will go out to families next week. Thanks Warren.

Canteen Menu Term 2

Scholastic Bookclub

Your child will bring home a Scholastic Bookclub order today. You are welcome to order online at, create an account and then you are ready to order and pay online. All orders are sent to the school and will come home with your child.

If you would like to order with cash, please return the order form and correct money to the school office by 5th May 2023.

Mother's Day Photo Shoot

Dates to Remember

Friday 26th MayYear 3/4 Assembly
Sunday 28th MaySacramental Enrolment Mass 8:30am
Monday 28th MaySAC Meeting 6:30pm
Sunday 4th JuneSacramental Enrolment Mass 10:30am
Monday 5th JuneWA Day Public Holiday
Thursday 8th JuneYear 5/6 Assembly
Wednesday 21 JuneFirst Reconciliation
Friday 30th JuneLast Day Term 2
Monday 17th JulyFirst Day Term 3

Term 2 Calendar

Harvey Hockey

How to Access School Uniform Order

Download the MySchoolConnect App

Click into school uniform to make/pay for your order.


Please see attached PDF of ST MICHAEL'S UNIFORM PRICE LIST 2022
The SkoolBag app is the easiest way keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.

St Michael's Catholic Primary School

St Michael's Catholic Primary School is a welcoming community, embracing the Gospel values of faith, hope and love. We provide a Catholic education that nurtures the development of all children to their full potential. Through Christian witness, we offer a safe and supportive environment for the families in our community.