Dear Parents, Staff and Students,
Welcome back to all our families from the Easter break and holidays. We hope all our students and staff had a well deserved break and are ready for another busy term.
We thank all our students who have settled in quickly as we commence term two.
Florence Longford and Angus Donaghy represented our school at the Brunswick ANZAC memorial service on Tuesday. It was great to see students and parents supporting the service given the wintry weather. Thanks Gus, Florence and students. We will hold a short ANZAC service after our Friday assembly.
The Principal appointment process will commence tomorrow with the vacancy being advertised. Our school community should be notified of the new appointment for 2024 on the 6th of June (This date may change)
Our canteen is still looking for volunteers. Parents who may be able to help even for just one Thursday a term are encouraged to contact Lyn Byrne in the school office. Canteen, at this stage, will be on the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th week of term two. A Special Italian canteen day will also be added later in the term. We greatly appreciate our parent volunteers.
God bless,
Phillip Rossiter