Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 2 Week 8 2020 : 19th June

Key Dates

 Tuesday 23rd June 

Last day Vinnies Winter Appeal 

Friday 3rd July

Last day of Term 2

Monday 20th July Frist day of Term 3

Gospel Reading

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew

Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not be afraid. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the house-tops.

‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.

‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’


The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus-  June 19th

(The following reflection has been taken from the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart webpage)

On this day, we celebrate God’s creative love bursting forth into the heart of creation, into the heart of humanity. It is a day to reflect on the boundless love that God has for each person. In essence it speaks of the great tenderness of a God who stoops down and lifts us up when life is filled with challenges and suffering. God’s love reaches out to us, invites us, and draws us into the very heart of God where our lives are transformed into being the hands and feet, the gentle voice and the listening ear of Christ in the world today.

Sometimes we hear the expression ‘I am holding you in my heart’ meaning that we care deeply for a person and for their reality. This is what Jesus says to us on this feast day:

I am holding you in my heart. I love you and care for you deeply. Go now and be my heart for others for this has the power to change lives.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

This year we will again support the Vinnies Winter Appeal.  We will be hosting a “Winter Woollies” day to raise awareness of the plight of the homeless on Tuesday 23rd June. The children are being encouraged to “Set their hearts on fire with the love of Jesus” and are encouraged to accessorize their uniform by wearing something  red, orange or yellow, for example- socks, beanie, scarf etc.. They will participate in a class based liturgy during the day as part of this outreach activity.

We understand that this year has been an extremely difficult year for many in our community, however, if you are able to assist in supporting our least vulnerable it would be greatly appreciated. To help maintain the dignity of those who will receive these items we ask that all items donated be new and in the packages in which they were purchased.  The children can bring these items to school between 1st - 23rd June. 

This is a great opportunity for the children to spread the Good News and to show that the church is really alive.

Rebecca Boidin

Religious Education Coordinator


Suggested list of item for the Vinnies Winter Appeal

Suggested list of items:

· Kindy: Children's socks or scarves

· Year 1: Children’s gloves and beanies

· Year 2: Beanies or socks for adult men

· Year 3: Gloves or scarves for adult men

· Year 4: Beanies or socks for adult women

· Year 5: Gloves or scarves for adult women

· Year 6: Socks or Beanies for adult men or women


Next Friday 26th June, your child's semester one report will be sent home.Due to the challenges to learning and time spent away from the classroom from Covid-19,  reports will only focus on the Key learning Areas of Religious Education, English and Mathematics.

The K-2 report will  list concepts and skills that students are able to do and a list of some concepts they are learning to do.

The Years 3-6 will indicate how students are currently working with various concepts and skills for their particular grade.

The students may be marked as:

  • Working Towards- still learning to do and consolidating.
  • Working At- Are able to do consistently.
  • Working Beyond- Are able to do at a high standard.

We will not be holding Face to Face Parent / Teacher Interviews. If you would like to discuss your child's learning after receiving the report, please email your child's teacher to arrange a phone or zoom meeting.


At this time of the year many people begin to show cold and flu like symptoms. As a precaution doctors are sending people for a Covid test. If one of your children or a family member is required to have this test, it is important that all sibilings are kept home until a negative result is returned to you. This is to keep everyone safe and avoid the spread if the test is positive.

WiSE-respiratory Clinic , offer a free service for testing https://www.wisemedical.com.au/respiratory-clinic/


Thank you  for the patience and smooth way most people are dropping off children in the morning before school. Please be considerate and remember to move up the road towards the end of the church to make room for others. Please drive carefully and be aware of the safety of our children. A driver performed a three point turn in front of the school this week. This is extremely dangerous and could cause an accident. 


Some parents have indicated on enrolment forms that they do not want a photo of their child published. On some special occasions and at times when children receive awards we like to place a photo of these children in our newsletter. Please be aware that this is why your child's photo may not appear in the newsletter with other student's to recognise their achievements. If you would like to change your status please email the school office.

Scholastic Book Club

This week the students all received a Scholastic Book Club brochure. Orders are to be done online or using the LOOP app. (Please see below) All orders will be delivered and distributed at school by the end of Term 2. All orders must be in by Monday 22nd June.

If you have any questions please contact Mrs Neylan.

 tellus, malesuada sed venenatis vel, aliquam a diam. Cras vitae arcu orci. Etiam volutpat lectus nec risus tincidunt, nec iaculis ligula ullamcorper. Praesent bibendum dictum turpis, non fringilla nisl tincidunt non. Donec rhoncus odio ut libero dictum, et ullamcorper nisl condimentum.

2020 School Fees

Those families who are not directly financially impacted by Covid-19 we appreciate your continued support in paying your fees (school fees are generally due 30 day from the date of the school tax invoice).  CEDP have not included a due date on instalment 2 fees as some families require some flexibility with school fee payment.

 If you would like to organise a flexible payment plan for your 2020 school fees please phone or email Dianne Attard at 

 Please click on the following link for Covid-19 school fee relief if required 



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