Woy Woy South Public School

Term 3, Week 5 - Wednesday, 19th August 2020

Respect | Responsibility | Relationships

A message from our Principal

 Important COVID Restrictions Update

Today you will receive information regarding the tightening of restrictions passed down by the NSW DoE and NSW Health earlier this week. These updates will trigger some fairly extensive changes to our pick up and drop off procedures and it is very important that we communicate this effectively to you, so that you in turn can effectively communicate this information to your children. Up until this point, we have tried to work with the guidelines to provide a suitable response based on our available spaces, however the time has come, in line with other local schools, to make some necessary changes. Please keep an eye out for important notes, Facebook and Skoolbag App notifications. We are aware that this will take some time to run smoothly over the next couple of days and we very much appreciate your understanding in what is a difficult situation to manage.

Athletics Carnival

Last Thursday, all WWS students K-6 attended the school athletics carnival at Adcock Park. Despite the dramas we have faced this year with postponements and cancellations, this was a fantastic day (and given the latest restrictions we were lucky to have it at all!). Our children looked amazing in their sports uniforms and the behaviour and participation was outstanding. One of the highlights of the day was the presence of amazing house spirit and support for others doing their best. Special thanks to Miss Mulligan, Mrs McNeill and Mr Waight for their organisation and to all the staff who assisted in making the day a great success. On a disappointing note, new restrictions will see an end to plans for a zone carnival in 2020.

Science Day

Today we celebrated Science Day at WWS and marked the occasion by wearing blue – the colour of the sea. This year’s Science Week is titled – Deep Blue: Innovation for the future of our oceans. The theme embraces the ground-breaking technologies and skills needed to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability of our oceans. Thanks to all the students for getting into the spirit of the day.

Have a great week everyone and thanks for your patience in these changing times,

Matt Barr



Athletics Carnival 2020

MS Readathon

 Woy Woy South PS is participating in the MS Read-A-Thon this term. The MS Read-a-thon inspires kids to read as much as they can, for a great cause. Students can read whatever they like, as much as they like, in August. This year’s MS Read-a-thon begins on August 1st and wraps up on August 31st. 

Some WWS teachers have signed up their classes and students can register to join their class through https://www.msreadathon.org.au/register/2020/child. If your student’s class has not registered yet, you can still join our school through this link and help us promote a love of reading, whilst supporting a worthwhile cause.

So far we have raised over $2000. A huge congratulations to the 39 students who have signed up and started receiving donations already. What amazing selfless students we have at WWSPS!  

Thank you for your involvement, Happy reading!



Happy Science Week from KW!

Jeans for Genes Generosity off the Charts!

Thank you to all our wonderful students who contributed to Jeans for Genes day last Wednesday. We raised a fabulous $701 for sick children! Lots of stylish fun and a great day. Well done everyone!

In School Cross Country Friday 25th September - Training Fridays 8AM

We are planning to finish the term with a Cross Country carnival here at school for all students in grades 2-6. The event will be organised slightly differently to previous year in order to adhere to social distancing and health requirements. More information will be communicated closer to the event.

Training is available each Friday Morning 8AM in front of the canteen for any interested 2-6 students. We will be jogging around the school getting used to the challenge and fun of Cross Country running. Hope to see many keen faces there! 


Upcoming events

 Like us on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPublicSchool/

Like Woy Woy South Public School P&C https://www.facebook.com/WoyWoySouthPandC/

Friday, 18th September
Pirate Day "Dress up like a pirate"

P&C News

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our Body Shop at Home fundraiser. It’s been a tough year for fundraising so far and we really appreciate your support.

We are happy to report that with $815.00 in sales we raised $163.00 in cash donations and we have $235.00 worth of products that will be raffled off at Christmas time! 

Bluey’s Snack Shack

This week’s recess special is Frozen Fruit Pop. Only 50c each and available each day until Friday 21st August.

 $1.50 garlic bread and $1.00 pizza melts are just some of our recess treats. Or why not try one of our canteen cooked meals for lunch, such as Nachos, fried rice or pasta. Each one a yummy and healthy lunch option.

 Quickcliq is our preferred method for ordering your school lunch. Orders may be placed up until 9:15am each day. Lunch orders may also be placed by your child in the morning at the canteen, however breakfast items will not be sold at this time.

Thank you to those who have reached out to help in our canteen. We are still looking for volunteers. Please contact Amanda and Jacqui if you are able to lend a hand.

Volunteers for the week ahead are:

Thursday 20th - Michelle

Friday 21st - Ellen and Tahnee

Monday 24th - Vanessa

Tuesday 25th - Leah

Wednesday 26th - Jacki + Volunteer needed (9:00-11:30am)

 We ask that all volunteers please remember to sign in at the front office before heading to the canteen.

School Banking

The rewards available so far in 2020 include:

  • Terry Denton’s Activity Book
  • Mini soccer ball (size 2)
  • Treetop stationary set
  • Treetop handball
  • Tomato seed kit
  • Magic mist drink bottle

Once students deposit 10 times and receive a reward’s sheet, they can redeem them for an exclusive school banking reward in recognition of their regular savings habits.

How to redeem your tokens:

Complete a rewards card slip by writing in your details and ticking the item you would like to redeem

    Place slip in your yellow Dollarmites wallet with your 10 Dollarmites tokens

    Hand it in with your school banking deposit on school banking day

    Thank you for supporting the school banking program and remember school banking is every Friday.

Uniform Shop

Uniform shop orders that are placed through Quickcliq can be collected the same day! All orders are packed and ready to go from 8:30am. Amanda and Jacqui in the canteen can assist you with picking up the order and where possible we ask that you send your child to collect, due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.

 Low stock – Size 8 everyday polos. New polos should arrive next month.

 Quickcliq is still our preferred method for purchasing all your uniform needs. Please sign up if you don’t already have an account. Once you have signed up and added your children’s profile you can not only place uniform orders but lunch orders as well.

If you need to contact the Uniform Shop, please email us directly at wwspandcuniformshop@gmail.com

 Entertainment Book

Purchase your new Entertainment Book – Digital Copy and you will be helping us raise funds to go back to the school. Purchase your book today by pasting this link into your web browser https://www.entertainment.com.au/orderbooks/3q4713

Please ‘Like’ our Facebook Page to keep up to date with all things P&C, Woy Woy South Public School P&C.


For the latest information, Kindergarten Ready for School 2021, 'Make a Payment' link and NSW Department of Education news, please go to our website.

Select the button above to go to 'Quickcliq'

Log into your account – go to “Add Credit” and then select “Direct Deposit”.. Save the bank account details into your online banking account and make weekly or fortnightly deposits into your Quickcliq Account…