BIDWILL Public School

Term 4, Week 7


As we enter week 7, there are a lot of special events and assemblies.  Please make sure you consult the calendar so you don't miss any events.


As staff at Bidwill Public School, we work hard to inspire, encourage and promote a love of learning.

One way of doing this is to encourage your children to read. The school is spending a substantial amount of money to purchase resources in all Key Learning Areas but primarily reading materials.  Mrs Cootes and Mrs Lewis are ensuring our students are experiencing a variety of literacy aspects throughout the school.  Thank you


Next year a parents/caregivers reading box for borrowing will be located in the school foyer.  It's purpose is for parents/caregivers to borrow books to read and share with their children at home. 


Mrs Cootes has started 'Book Club' at lunch times where students can come to listen, read and talk about books.


Throughout the year, the school organises unique experiences for all children to participate.  We as a school, do not want one single student to miss out on attending excursions and performances etc.

If for any reason your child cannot attend please contact the school to arrange for this to happen.  We will gladly assist but please let us know.

Contact the school for ANY reason why your child can't attend.


Please remember that the $50 credit for students attaining 100% attendance can be used for excursions, uniforms, equipment and anything else school related.

Congratulations to those students who have already received their credit.


The Year 6 annual FUN DAY will be held this Wednesday.  We are all excited about this wonderful event.

A BBQ will be available and notes will go out today.


Due to the smokey conditions of late the Colour Fun Run had to be postponed.  As a result, it will be held this Friday. A BBQ will also be available.

As you are aware this is the school's biggest fundraising drive for the year.  Thank you for participating and supporting the school.

Thank you to the staff for organising this wonderful event.

Yours in education,

Janine Macky




26th      Variety Club Christmas Party

27th      Bidwill Fun Day

29th     Colour Fun Run (New Date)  


2nd     Year 5 - Speeches for Leadership

3rd      Parent Helper Morning Tea

4th       Year 6 excursion to Manly

5th       Kindy Orientation

9th       Concert - Southern Cross Nursing Home

11th     Presentation Assembly

12th     Preschool Graduation

13th     Year 6 Graduation and Farewell

16th     Celebration Assembly

Kindergarten Orientation

Starting school is a significant event in the life of children and their families. Strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood settings and schools help support a child's successful transition to school. Find out all that we have to offer your child in 2020 at our Kindergarten Orientation days which commenced on the 14th November, 2019. Meet our friendly teachers and staff, and visit our learning and play areas. 

The following resources may be helpful in getting your child ready to start school.

Getting ready for primary school – a booklet with tips and checklists to help parents prepare their child for Kindergarten.

Daisy's First Day – a children's book about Daisy the koala on her first day at primary school.

A Special Place – a children's book showing what it's like to go to school.

Preschool Orientation

The idea of preschool can be a bit daunting for many parents. You may feel like your little one is growing up too fast. Don’t worry! Preschool is a time when your child will have lots of fun with children their own age. We look forward to welcoming new and existing families to our Bidwill Preschool community. Find out all that we have to offer your child in 2020 at our Preschool Orientation days which commenced on the 14th November 2019. Meet our friendly teachers and staff, and visit our learning and play areas. 


Other School News

In Line, On Time, By 9


There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving on time to school. Arriving on time ensures your child doesn’t miss out on the important learning activities that happen early in the day when they are most alert, it helps them learn about routines and commitment, and it makes children feel good about themselves! 

This term we continue to make it exciting to arrive on time. Every child who is in line, on time, by 9 will receive a ticket to go into the weekly and end of term draw for some amazing prizes! But remember - they need to be in line, on time, by 9 if their name is drawn to receive the prize.

Week 3 - Daniel K-6D, Week 4 - Tinorei 3/4M, Week 5 - Perize 2/3P

No Hat, No Play

As we launch PBL (Positive Behaviour for Learning) next year, we will be starting off the year with no hat, no play unless in the shaded area.

We are putting a plan together to subsidise the cost of all hats!

I will inform you of this next newsletter.

PBL is coming to Bidwill in 2020


Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an educational process that brings together the whole school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. In our efforts to establish Bidwill Public School as a safe, welcoming and purposeful learning environment we will be launching PBL at the start of the new school year to actively encourage students to achieve their academic potential while also adhering to behaviour expectations.

Bidwill Public School’s three values are to be safe, respectful and a learner. From the beginning of 2020, students will be actively involved in learning what these expectations mean and look like in all areas of our school. In addition to this, staff members will recognise and reward students for adhering to the school expectations and displaying better-than-expected behaviour.


Reward Systems

Bunya awards will continue to be issued each week to students who are safe, respectful learners. Please see the Bunya Award System below.

Bidwill Buddies will be handed out regularly throughout each school day, in all settings of the school, by staff members who observe students in the act of demonstrating the focus behaviour of the week. Buddies will be added to the whole school collection box. All students will receive a reward as whole school targets are reached.


Author visits at Bidwill Public School


We have recently started a Book club at Bidwill!

The Book club, for students in Years 3-6, has been running for 4 weeks. During this time, numbers have increased to 12-20 students who happily chat about books they have read and recommend these to others.

Students are discovering new authors and books and sharing these with their classmates.

Remembrance Day Assembly

On the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, 2 minutes’ silence is observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect our nation. Thank you to all who joined us to commemorate this special day. 

Click here to view more photos in our gallery.

Stage 1 Music Excursion - Sydney Symphony

It was a great day for Stage 1 Bidwill P.S students to experience the radiating sounds of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Seymour Centre. 

Students and teachers were taken on a musical journey as the musicians and their instruments told the story of "The Composer is Dead".

Some of the students' favourite and most memorable instruments mentioned were; the string instruments like the violin, viola, harp and double bass, the wind instruments like the flute, clarinet, bassoons, the brass instruments like the trumpet, saxophone and french horn and the percussion instruments like the gong, cymbals and bass and snare drums.

A special thank you to Mrs Piotrowski our school music teacher, for organising a wonderful excursion.

Click here to view more photos in our gallery.

Stage 2 Excursion - Taronga Zoo

Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) had an incredible day at Taronga Zoo last Thursday. Students were able to explore the zoo and saw many, many different animals from all over the world. They learnt about the importance of natural environments, sustainability and the impact that people can have on environments.

On Thursday, 14th November, Stage 2 went on the best excursion to Taronga Zoo. Almost everybody in Stage 2 came on the excursion and we had an incredible day.

We left at 9am so we could get to the zoo in time. I sat at the back of the bus next to the window, next to my friend Elizabeth. It was approximately a one hour drive and lots of us were falling asleep.  

When we got there, we split up into class groups. I was with my teacher Miss Marlow. One of the first things we did was go to see the chimpanzees. They acted a lot like humans! 

We were then lucky to see a seal show. The seals we saw perform were called Murphy, Diego, Marlie, Bondi and Pepper. The show was fascinating. 

We got to see Asian elephants, Sumatran tigers, different species of birds, a python, frogs, monkeys, gorillas, giraffes, turkeys and many other animals during the day. 

The excursion was a blast and I hope I get to go another time. Thank you to Mr Birdee for organising a great day. 

By Summer 3/4M

Click here to view more photos in our gallery.

Taronga Zoo - Mr Birdee

Reading Matters

Kids Helpline Apps, games and Social Media Program

Students Stage 2 & 3 have participated in the Kids Helpline Apps, Games and Social Media program.                

This program teaches students to understand the positive and negatives of using apps and games, to recognise the signs of addiction and the ABCD strategy to manage their usage.

Online Safety

Your children’s online world is as much a part of their life as offline, so it is crucial that you are as involved in supporting their online well-being as you are their physical health. 

Help your children safely navigate their digital world and educate them to avoid harmful online experiences. Your support and guidance can give your children the confidence to make sound decisions online — and ask for help when they need it.

Learn the basics of online safety here.

School Infrastructure, Greater Western Sydney


The NSW Government has committed the largest investment in planned maintenance at public schools in the history of NSW. A record $1.3 billion is being spent on an ambitious delivery program, focused on employing local businesses and contractors across the state.

To assist in addressing regional school maintenance issues and at the same time provide work for local trade’s persons and suppliers across the Greater Western Sydney region encompassing South Western and Western Sydney, over $100 million is being invested to upgrade and maintain our school infrastructure.

 Given this record spend by School Infrastructure NSW, you are invited to an Asset Management Unit industry breakfast briefing. This will provide information to existing and new contractors on how you can get involved.

To find out more by attending our Industry breakfast register at or contact your AMU on 8867 9201.

The Enrolment of Students in NSW Government Schools policy is in place to assist schools to meet their obligations under the Education Act 1990 - to ensure that every student has a place at their local school. The policy also communicates to staff and the community a transparent enrolment process

The Joan 2020

Join us for a year of surprises, laughs, magic and imagination. The Joan’s 2020 Kids & Families season explores what it means to be human; and to connect with the world around us. It’s filled with journeys of friendship and rites of passage. Surprises and laughs. From the internet and video games, to inventions, technology, magic and imagination. We explore what it means to belong, how we make sense of the world, and how to find our place in it. We keep fun squarely in the picture; with plenty of hands-on opportunities to build, discover, invent and create, because a little bit of alchemy adds a whole lot of magic. In 2020 we have three robots – two of them girls, and the third created by a girl as well as a play inspired by kinetic art and new ways to use everyday objects in the show Loose Ends. We also move into absurdity with Just Live on Stage! – based on the Andy Griffiths books, and a serious journey for the imagination. And we end the year on a whimsical note with Edward the Emu, using puppetry to bring this classic to life, and again focusing on identity and belonging. This year, we have a 6 show subscription pack, 4 show subscription pack and family passes (four tickets: two adults, two children) to whichever shows you'd like to see. Not only will you save money, you'll also have a great bunch of shows to look forward to throughout the year!