Huskisson Public School

Husky Star Newsletter Week 3 Term 4 2020

It is action stations here at Husky this week, with new kindy enrolments having interviews with Miss Lovell, filming in Stage 2 and our Year 6 children building up their excitement as end of school activities are planned. Who can believe that next week will be Week 4 already. 

Earlier in the week school photos went home. I am sure you will agree with me, that these photos were some of the loveliest ones we had seen in many years. So far we have received a lot of great feedback from parents about how beautiful their children looked. 

This week, Stage 3 students also took part in their first week of Stormbirds. All companions were super excited about the level of enthusiasm each child had while undertaking this first session. We spoke about our expectations during our sessions and how we can all be respectful listeners. Next week we continue our journey with our companions and Koel, the Stormbird. 


Leadership Program

Yesterday the students reflected on their leadership goals. In pairs, they presented a short speech to the group. I was very impressed with the quality of these speeches. The students used gestures, lots of eye contact and sizzling starts. The students also thought about three of their leadership skills. Lastly, they worked in pairs or groups of three to start organising a mini project they will run at lunchtime for the other students. 

Mrs Watson

Our first Kindergarten Orientation will take place on Thursday. We are super excited to see our new little students at school. Parents are reminded that only one parent may be onsite for drop off and pick up and this time should be limited to less than 10 minutes. If you know a new kindy family please remind them to check out the school newsletter each week, which is published in SkoolBag and our website. 


Only 6 sleeps until our first Kindy Transition!!!

Kindergarten Orientation Thursday 5 November, Thursday 12 November & Thursday 19 November


Thank you to our wonderful canteen volunteers. Our children are able to access the canteen on Wednesdays at recess time and order their lunches. We appreciate the support and are very grateful for the correct money and enthusiasm. We have attached the most recent menu for your records. If you have some spare time and would like to volunteer, please let us know via the school office. 

If you have ANY questions or inquiries about the upcoming camp please fill in the attached form. 


Huskisson Leadership Team

Together, we are Stronger and Smarter

National Bird Week

A big thank you to Noah from 3/4 whitesands and his family for donating natural nesting boxes to our school for National Bird Week. We hope that lots of birds are attracted to these. 

Stage Three Poetry


A ray of sun reflects into my room,             

Making me as hot as a ball of fire,            

The sun's sparkles make me feel enlightened,         

A sprinkles of warmth come over me constantly,              

But,there is nothing new under the sun.

From Evie.S

Free Verse Poetry Topic:

Bee’s Buzz, buzz, buzz oh no it’s the sound of the irritating honey bee,

The bee was like a sun in the sky,

The bee sprinted across the field of flowers,

The bee was drinking up the pollen like a vacuum cleaner,

Bee’s hearts are made of happiness.

Madi M

After what has been a slightly cooler week, it is lovely to read such poetry reminding us that Spring has sprung. Thank you for sharing such inspiring words!   Miss Lovell

Library News

On Location with Stage 3

"Quiet on the set!" means be very quiet while a scene is being shot. It is nice to see our older students taking charge of their filmmaking and I was equally thrilled to see the many and various filming techniques come into play during the shooting of their Bushfire readiness movies. Students in Stage 3 have been experimenting with using the “green screen” as well as doing live shots around the school grounds. Filming will continue to take place during library times over the next week, followed by editing using iMovie.  Keep up the great work Stage 3!

Stage 3 Filming Shots

Crime Scenes in the Library

Do you want to know what life was like in England in the late 1700s and 1800s or what despicable acts of crime were committed to feed starving families? The students in Stage 2 have been busy researching the life and times of some of first English people to arrive by boat to Australia and have discovered that some of them really did lead a life of crime.  Now they are re-enacting those scenes in front of the green screen and are well and truly on their way to producing some interesting mini-movies. Here is a taste of what is to come!

That explains all the mud and dirt on some faces we saw on Friday!! Actually, we can't wait to see the final product. The photos have come up so well, but the clips the students are creating will take their learning to the next level!   Miss Lovell

Stage 2 Crime Scenes

Charli Sheds her Skin!

Our beloved spiny leaf eater is growing up and has shed her skin! Students watched with great interest as they noticed her exact see-through replica hanging on the leaves beside her. Did you know that these insects will moult at least six times before they are fully grown? And, they recycle the protein in their skin by eating it! Charli took just a few hours to munch away on her own skin before it disappeared.  What a healthy insect we are growing! On a side note, both Charli and Chilli have gone on tour to Sanctuary Point PS where the students in Year 1 are doing an insect study over the next week.  We look forward to their safe return soon!

I know that the students at Sanctuary Point PS will love having these special visitors, just as much as we have!! Great to share the learning with our community.   Miss Lovell

BIG Thanks, Miley and Family!

I cannot express my gratitude to the great supporters of our library. This week Miley King and her family donated a generous number of books and some brand new Aboriginal resources for our literacy and numeracy boxes.  Thanks for your generosity to our library. We look forward to using all that you have given to us.

Thank you Miley - your generousity is so greatly appreciated. I know that our students will enjoy borrowing these soon!   Miss Lovell

Gardening for Sustainability Week 3

Over the last two weeks the children continued to plant seedlings into the garden and with those hot days some of the plants really looked quite sad. With all the rain this week the vegetable garden is full of life. The children were excited to discover some ripe strawberries and baby peaches and nectarines beginning to take shape.  The pictures below show the growth of our summer veggie plots.

Thinking of water, Nick, our school GA and I have being discussing water and how we can improve our efforts to catch and store it for use around the school. We are thrilled with the plans to put in an additional gravity fed water tank near the office. The students will be able to use the water collected from this to water our new office garden and biodiversity garden near the library. We are also pleased that the water tank near our vegetable garden will get a pump so that we can use this water in our vegetable garden without having to use town water. A focus on water with the students leads to discussions in science and mathematic lessons on water conservation. We will keep you updated on the progress of this project.

We also began our Environmental club this term and we have had a terrific response from students in Years 3-6 who are keen to be involved and get their hands dirty during their recess break. Thank you to all the children who are coming along. Many hands make light work!

 Mrs Norris

The work our students have put into our new garden area outside the library footpath has really paid off! This has been well-planned and budgeted by our Stage 2 students, guided by Mrs Norris. Well done kids in designing how best to use a new area of the school.    Miss Lovell

Stage 2 Convict Study

Stage 2 White Sands have been learning about what life was like in the last 1700's In England. After completing research they have written a diary entry of what it would be like to be on a voyage to Australia as a convict.

By Myles

Dear Diary,

I am seasick everyday. It's terrible, stinky and disgusting. I'm chained in a cell with this old, rude, mean man who has dragon breath. I haven't showered and eaten in days I'm starving.

 I have only had one piece of bread. I had to mop the mangles deck for hours and hours.I hope I can go up to the top deck without doing any horrible jobs I wish. I should've thought about it before I murdered some people. Now we have to go to the horrible jobs,  we have to repair weapons.

We are going to bed. We have to sleep in our horrible, ragged clothes. There are cockroaches, rats, spiders and heaps of spider webs. I'm trying to go to sleep but I can't sleep because this old man is snoring and drooling all over me. I should try to go to bed, good night diary.

By: Peter Bowers

By Amelia

Convict Diary Entry

Dear Diary

I have been on this disgusting dreaded  bout for almost 254 days. I am 12 years old and this is horrible. The reason I am on this bout is because I stole clothes. The beds are horrible. They are like sacks and if I am lucky I get to go out to the outside deck and have 30 minutes outside in the fresh air. We are having 5 stops and we are going all the way to Australia. Every stop all of the convicts have to clean the bottom of the boat. I hate leaving my family. We have a bucket next to our beds. We all have bunk beds and they are so smelly. all rats,spiders and cockroaches are in this boat. Nearly all of the kids and adult convicts in this ship are so nice but the people up on the nice,amazing and clean deck are all really horrible. All I want is to have my family with me right now. At least I have some friends here with me. My life is not good at all. Would you like to have my life? I would not! I don't think you would like to be given only one bottle of water and one piece of cheese that is all I get for 3-4 days. Oh now back to the bucket on the side of the bed the bucket on the side of the bed is used as a toilet and if we are really lucky we get to go outside to empty the toilet. you have to dump it off the side of the ship and sometimes it gets on you it is disgusting I would much rather have a normal toilet. I  am like the servant on this boat. This is the worst year of my life on this boat. I don't think anyone would like to have my life right now or anyone else's life on this ship. I hate my life.

Regards Amelia Savige xoxo

By Thomas

Dear Diary ,

I'm stuck in this filthy, inadequate, pitch black cell sitting and waiting for food. We'll probably get cold porridge again. I wish that I could jump out of the boat and just swim away but we're in the middle of nowhere and even if I did I would be the shark's  lunch. Being so far away from home is like a  calf being a long way away from the herd.And with no food I starve to death in this horrid cell. 

Well we just arrived at the island of Tenerife. Were finally out of the hull and searching for food. I overheard some kids saying that Thomas Drake was planning an escape attempt. 

Today we found out that Thomas drake failed. They caught him sneaking away and stopped him right away, so now escape attempts are impossible because they surrounded the camp  and  captain arthur phillips made an announcement that if any one was caught they would have 60 strokes of the whip lash and like that he gave thomas drake the 60 strokes in front of our eyes it looked horrible.

Well I haven't had any food for 2 days. I feel like a lion  stuck in a lifeless cave. Beside that having no friend is like a cheetah with no spots. Here comes dinner. I ate like a starving lion. It was both satisfying and  stomach-churning at the same time.

Well good news  today I was finally allowed on top deck, bad news the convict bullie is up on top deck to. For some reason he targets me. He walked over to me and I punched in the nose. Did I mention that  I'm a convict for murdering some who poisoned my grandpa ? though he was convicted for punching some man for food. The guards didn't stop us cause they like seeing a fight. I would like to cause you need a little entertainment when you're working 24 hours a day. He punched i dodge and delivered a one hit , knock out, uppercut.

I’m lucky because I'm not chained with other people.everyone else is, ithink it's because they think I'll kill them. Well it looks like it's time for work. Hopefully I'll get off this yucky vessel  soon.

 See you tomorrow . 


You have captured some of the most challenging aspects of this time in History so well! I very much enjoyed reading about how you've described these struggles - except for the parts about bugs. That was absolutely horrifying!!!   Miss Lovell

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We Are Husky Stars

We are Safe - We are Tolerant - We are Achieving - We are Responsible

P&C Update

Annual General Meeting 

Wednesday 11 November 6.30pm

All positions will be declared vacant.

  • provides leadership
  • chairs all general and executive committee meetings of the association.
  • acts as a spokesperson for the association
  • reports to Parents and Citizens Association meetings about the activities of the P&C
  • supervises the functions of other office bearers
  • ensures adequate and efficient communication exists between the members of the association and the members of the school board
  • encouraging parents to participate.
Vice President
  • Steps into the role of the President should they be unavailable and undertakes tasks to reduce the workload of the President.

The Vice President needs to:

  • be familiar with the operation of the P&C
  • be acquainted with the duties of President
  • understand meeting rules and procedure
  • draws up, in consultation with President, the meeting agendas
  • keeps full and correct Minutes of the P&C’s proceedings
  • acts upon decisions as directed by the meeting
  • attends to the correspondence of the association
  • looks after the association's documents
  • maintains a register of financial and ex-officio members if applicable.
  • responsible for all funds received and expended by the association
  • prepares regular reports to P&C meetings
  • holds ultimate responsibility for all funds, including all subcommittee accounts.
The Huskisson Public School P&C also has:

Grants Officer

Executive members

Uniform Coordinator

Canteen Coordinator

and more if necessary.

Community Resilience Information for Bushfire Recovery

Song Writing Club for Adults

We have a new program running for adults “Songwriters club”. Each week you will learn the craft of writing a song and by the end of term we will have all written our masterpieces and be ready to record. This will be a great way to meet some fellow musicians and to get creative in a fun and social environment. 

 Your first session is free! 

 When: Thursdays at 6pm

Where: Jervis Bay Maritime Museum Classroom

Cost: $25 (first session free)

Spots are limited

 Few things compare to the pride and satisfaction of writing your first song! Looking forward to seeing you there : )


 Jervis Bay School of Music

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