Marsden Road Public School Newsletter

September 2022

What's On

Tuesday 20th September - Stage 3 Incursion

Wednesday 21st September - Stage 3 Incursion

Thursday 22nd September - Public Holiday - school is closed

Friday 23rd September - Last day Term 3

Monday 10th October -  Students return for Term 3

Wednesday 12th October - Kindergarten 2023 Transition begins

Friday 14th October - 3 -6 Athletics Carnival

Friday October 21st - K-2 Athletics Carnival

Principal's Report

 Dear parents/carers,

It has been lovely to see so many of you attending and supporting recent school events. The Book Parade showed the creative and innovative ideas our students (and parents) have here at Marsden Road. 

This is the last week of Term 3 with our final day being Friday 23rd September. Please note that school will not be open on Thursday 22nd September due to the National Day of Mourning Public Holiday.

Children are expected to be in full school uniform everyday, this includes black school shoes.  If you planning on purchasing new uniforms during the break, please make sure that you are buying the right uniform. We will continue to support families who need help with school uniforms. Please contact the office for more information. 

Finally as we move into the school holiday period, please know what your children are doing if engaging with online platforms. It has come to our attention that some students are staying up late at night playing games during school days.  If children are allowed to do this during the school vacation, there is a possibility that they may find it extremely difficult to return to routine once school reopens.  It is recommended that parents and carers take time to discuss online activities and use of devices with their children. Agree to a reasonable time and ensure that your child follows through with this agreement. It is also suggested that you discuss social media issues with your child, especially if they are in years 5 or 6. We have had many issues this year with children engaging inappropriately with each other using 'chat groups' such as Discord. Making  bad choices on social media may result in grave consequences in some cases. Encourage your child to talk to you if he or she is facing any issues on social media or comes across something that is concerning. 

Following are some suggestion to ensure your child's safety when using social media:

  • When on device, ask you child to be in your vicinity.
  • Ensure your child does not log into other students devices or share their passwords with friends
  • Set clear boundaries around device use

For further information on some popular social media platforms and their risks please visit the following esafety guides:

Instagram - 






Emma Meddows

Relieving Principal

Attendance Matters

Sydney South West Primary Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to the following students who represented Marsden Road PS as part of the Liverpool Zone team at the Sydney South West Primary Athletics Carnival last week. They did themselves and our school proud with outstanding results.

  • Kitiona Tamara -   1st Place 9 Years Boys 100m - Kitiona has qualified for NSW State Athletics Championships
  • Kitiona Tamara  -  14th Junior Boys 200m
  • David Kalokoh  -   22nd 8 Years Boys 100m
  • Ali Souleiman  -     9th 13 Years Boys 100m
  • Peniel Tovia  -        6th 11 Year Boys Shot Put

We wish Kitiona all the best for the NSW State Championship which is being held early next term.

Tell Them from Me - Parent Survey

Every year our school participates in the annual Tell Them From Me survey which involves students, parents and staff. Your participation gives our school valuable information on how our school is travelling and where we can improve moving into next year.

The parent survey is available now to complete

Enrol Now for Kindergarten 2023

We are now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2023. Enrol early to ensure your child accesses our Transition to School program.  Please refer to the link below to start the enrolment process:

Marsden Road Public School Online Enrolment

Stage 3 Canberra Camp

The students in Stage 3 thoroughly enjoyed the 3-day overnight excursion to Canberra from Monday 22nd August to Wednesday 24th August where they undertook an education tour of the national capital. Students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy which supports the learning currently taking place in our classrooms.

It was an early start on the first day with many hours spent travelling on the bus. The students visited Parliament house, the Museum of Australian Democracy and Questacon before departing for our accommodation at Berridale. It didn’t take long for the students to settle into their rooms for the next few days. On day two of the excursion, the students woke to snow before having breakfast and departing for a fun day of snow play and exploring the Kosciusko Education Centre. It was a very early start for our last day, as we needed to be packed with all our belongings and students on the bus ready to depart at 7am. Our last day saw students visit the National Museum of Australia, the National Arboretum Canberra, and the Australian War Memorial.

This overnight excursion was not possible without the support of Ms Meddows, the attending teachers Mrs Surplice, Mr Verey, Miss Bui, Miss Tai, Miss Zhang and our lovely office ladies. I would also like to note the Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards the cost of the overnight excursion. The rebate will be paid directly to the school and was already included in the costing information provided to families.

Please ensure you check out the photos posted on the MRPS Facebook page to see the fantastic time students had.

Mrs Surplice

Stage 3 In school Camp

In Week 6, Stage 3 students participated in in-school camp. They learned about the responsibilities of local, state and federal governments, formed their own political parties, and worked together to create a campaign to persuade other students to vote for them. They learned about the process of preferential voting when The Greens and Golds won the election!

 They also participated in other fun group activities. They tested their knowledge in trivia, explored the school during orienteering, and engaged in friendly competition in Minute to Win It. We hope they had fun and made some fond memories during the three days!


Miss Chea, Miss Atkinson, Mrs Dayoub, Mrs Ford, Miss Pugh and Mrs Ridgewell

Book Week Fair, Parade and Author Visit

Marsden Road Public School had a very successful book week with over $3000 spent at our annual Scholastic Book Fair. I encourage all parents to look at the new Book Club advertising as you can start thinking of bargains for Christmas like the Bad Guys Series for $95. This set of books is the most popular series being read by students in our library. Very popular book series fly off our shelves so purchasing a copy for your readers is always beneficial. Ours students across the school but especially in Years 3 and 4 are borrowing so many books at the present. We love this.

The Book Parade was a success and so many students dressed as well-known book characters. There were two parades (K-2 and 3-6) and they were both successful in so many ways. From ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘Where’s Wally’ and ‘Harry Potters’, we also had very competitive teachers dressing up in team competitions, trying to win Mrs Wee’s amazing Toblerone cheesecakes. All of them deserved to win as they all gave 100% to their costume ideas and parade walks.

Finally, Catherine Jinks, an award winning author, visit each stage group for an hour over one day. Her expertise in using different ages to brainstorm stories was clever, and her ability to use music to encourage the students to picture actions or characters was inspiring. The Stage 3 students are already reserving her books from the library, so if you are interested in encouraging them to read- purchase her ‘Unusual Pursuit’ trilogy. This series of books is about monsters who hunt children in Victorian London and is satisfyingly creepy. She was also able to read her children’s book ‘Barney’ to the delight of the younger students.

Overall, the whole week was hugely successful, and we at Marsden Road are so grateful for the effort parents and the community made in contributing to these events.

Mrs Clark and the Book Week Committee

Kindergarten Incursion - Surfing Scientist

On Wednesday 17th August, Kindergarten celebrated National Science Week by watching amazing demonstrations and experiments by ABC’s Surfing Scientist, Ruben Meerman. We watched experiments that used liquid nitrogen to cool down objects and learnt that things get smaller when they get colder. Kindergarten were mesmerised and had an amazing time learning lots about science!

Ms Bouma

Stage 1 - Sydney Zoo Incursion

Zipping off to the zoo! Stage 1 were super excited to attend Sydney Zoo in week 4. For some students it was a first-time experience riding on the bus and visiting a zoo. Their brains were filled with fun facts and knowledge about various animals, their habitats, and diets. Stage 1 created habitats using natural resources for endangered Australian animals. This helped them link what they were learning in class to better support their understanding. Stage 1 got to see the whole zoo; no time was wasted. Everyone got to see every animal on show. They even got to pet a snake and a lizard! We do not know who was more tired, the students from walking around all day, or the animals from the excitement of the Stage 1 students. All in all, it was a fantastic day!

3 - 6 Green Team

At the end of last term, we formed our super 3-6 Green Team! Students have been meeting each week to tackle new gardening tasks. These jobs have included filling our garden beds with fresh soil, planting new vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruit trees, as well as weeding and watering our gardening area. Students have worked alongside the Community Hub, as well as received special advice and training from a gardening expert from the Botanic Gardens.

We have seen amazing motivation from our members. We are certainly very proud of their efforts and enthusiasm towards all tasks they have been given so far, and we can’t wait to see what we can achieve as the year goes on.

Well done super 3-6 Green Team!

Year 5 Liverpool Girls High School Science Experience

On Monday 12th September 2022, Year 5 girls participated in a science experience at Liverpool Girls High School. This event took place to give the students an understanding of what high school will be like and to make connections and partnerships with our local high school. The students went on a tour around the high school, completed three science experiments as part of a lesson and ate lunch in the courtyard. It was a great day for our students.

Thank you,

Mrs Surplice

Aboriginal Education

We celebrated NAIDOC week with a formal assembly and smoking ceremony on August 4, which also coincided with National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and school leaders recently worked with Aunty Carol to update and personalise our school's Acknowledgement of Country. Our updated Acknowledgement of Country will form feature in of one of our new murals that students will design alongside artist Michael Fardon and Aunty Carol. Staff have also been developing their knowledge and understandings of Aboriginal Histories and Culture, participating in targeted professional learning throughout this term.

NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program

We had an overwhelming response to the recent NSW Health Primary School Mobile Dental Program visit with 420 students returning their consent forms. Our one van, one week program quickly became a two van visit for more than two weeks! Whilst here 408 students were seen by them team. It was wonderful to hear the students speaking so positively about their experiences in the van.

Parents should have received a letter detailing the results of your child's dental assessment and growth assessment result. The dental team will also be in contact with families to make appointments for any students who were identified as requiring further dental treatment.

Marsden Road Community Hub

Community Hub operates each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

All are welcome to attend.

Current programs on include:

  • Community Garden
  • Basic Computer Skills with English Lessons
  • Playgroup
  • Citizenship Course
  • Read to me
  • TAFE Floristry Cert II
  • Coffee and Chat
  • Stay and Play Health and well being workshops

All programs/activities are ongoing and operate throughout the school term. 

Free childminding on site for courses

For more information call Nivek 0436 920 972 or email  

Before and After School Care - MORE PLACES NOW AVAILABLE

Marsden Road Public School has enlisted Kids United OSHC to run an Outside School Hours Care Program from the school hall. This includes before and after school care as well as vacation care.



Telephone:      0403 UNITED (0403 864833)


Mornings             6:30am – 8.30am

Afternoon            3:00pm – 6.00pm

Vacation Care      7:00am – 6.00pm

Please select the link below for further information about the service and enrolment procedures.