Scarborough Primary School Newsletter - The Link

Issue 18 – 2 December 2022

Upcoming Events and Reminders

  • 5 December - Year 6 Activity Week
  • 6 December - Kindy G1 Concert 2:00 pm
  • 7 December - Surfing Gala Day - 9:00 am to 12:30am
  • 7 December - Rm 4, 5 & 9 Awards and Concert 2:00 pm
  • 8 December - PP, Rm 6 Awards & Concert 2:00 pm
  • 9 December - Kindy G2 Concert 2:00 pm
  • 12 December - Rm 2, 11, 12 & 14 Awards and Concert 2:00 pm
  • 13 December - Graduation in library 9:00 am
  • 15 December - Christmas Deck your ride parade
  • Last Day of Term 4

Term Planner 2023


Principal's Message

Dear Community

As this is our last formal newsletter for the year, I’d like to take the opportunity to say a few words about the year that was 2022. This has been our third year of having COVID impacting what we do, and in many ways, the most challenging so far – it was the first time we had to deal with cases in our school and navigate the ever changing mandates when dealing with them. We have worked through this as we always do at Scarborough – together. Because of this, despite restrictions and uncertainties, we have still managed to provide a fantastic range of amazing learning opportunities and experiences for all of our students. For this, I would like to pay credit to our outstanding staff who have shown an outstanding degree of flexibility and patience, continually going above and beyond to make many of these opportunities possible.

Our staff work tirelessly to ensure that they are providing excellence in curriculum content and delivery in our classrooms each day, but beyond this, they also but a lot of thought and effort into creating broader, experiences for our students such as running club, choir, taiko, camp, incursions and excursions. My thanks extend beyond just teaching staff who are present in classrooms each day, but to all staff from our cleaners (especially this year!), gardeners, office staff, library assistants and everyone else in between. We all truly work as a team to provide the best we can for our students. Everybody’s input in invaluable. So thank you!

I’d also like to acknowledge our students and the amazing efforts that they have put in this year. Their resilience and flexibility in a time of uncertainty has been outstanding. This time each year I get to do one of the favourite parts of my job, which is reading through all of our student’s reports. I genuinely enjoy reading about the progress that has been made by everyone, from our kindy students who have been discovering sounds, letters, numbers and the joys of learning to navigate a classroom environment with lots of new friends, to our Year 6 students who we have been nurtured over the years academically, socially and emotionally, to ensure they are ready for the adventures that high school holds for them. Well done everybody!

Finally, to our Scarborough Primary School community, you are amazing. You are engaged, positive and proactive and have been so supportive as we have rolled with the punches this year. We appreciate the support that you give us in doing the best for your children; from the tireless efforts of our P&C and Board, to everyone who has volunteered their time in classrooms and throughout the school, to the way you have engaged with our classroom teachers to ensure the best for your children. You inspire us to strive to do our best every day and are such an important part of our cultural fabric.

On that note, I’d like to wish you all a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday break and look forward to seeing you all again in 2023.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.

COVID Update

COVID cases have risen sharply in our community over the past week with cases reported in the following classrooms:

  • PP
  • Rm 6
  • Rm 2
  • Rm 14
  • Rm 12

Thank you to everyone who has reported positive cases to the school. It is much appreciated as it gives us an opportunity to look after ourselves and each other as required. Whilst we are no longer required to report cases to the Department of Education, this latest wave serves as a timely reminder of guidelines developed from current health advice and to be vigilant when monitoring your family for symptoms.

Testing positive to COVID - to reduce the risk to others it is recommended that staff and students:

  • stay home until symptoms have resolved. The infectious period for COVID-19 varies. A minimum of 5 days is a useful guide, but it can be 10 days or longer
  • register RAT results
  • if you must leave the house, wear a mask when indoors and on public transport
  • avoid large gatherings and indoor crowded places.

COVID-19 positive cases and close contacts cannot visit public hospitals for 7 days.

Close contacts  - a close contact is a household or household-like contact, or intimate partner of a person with COVID-19 who has had contact with them during their infectious period.

Isolation for close contacts is no longer mandated, but close contacts are encouraged to test daily for 5 days and only attend school following a negative RAT result.  

Close contacts may choose to wear a mask.

2023 Planning

We are well underway with planning our class and staffing structures for 2022. As we are a highly transient community, with people continually coming and going, we won’t be able to finalise our class structures or teacher placements until the end of January. However, there are a couple of things that you can do to help us with this process.

  • Please let the front office know asap if you intend to move schools next year.
  • If you have any requests that you would like considered for next year, please email me at or make an appointment for a meeting or phone call.
  • Please note that whilst all requests will be carefully considered, they may not be able to be granted. Please make requests directly to me, not through classroom teachers, to ensure they receive appropriate attention.

Booklists and Contributions and Charges.

You should have received the 2023 Booklists through your children. If you did not receive them, please contact the front office for copies.

Just a reminder that booklist orders need to be submitted before 9 December to receive free home delivery. Orders can still be placed after this date but will be charged a late fee of up to $5.00 for delivery.

Alternatively, you may choose to visit the Campion store in Canning Vale or Malaga for a "while you wait" collection service. Further information can be sourced from the form sent home with your child recently. 

As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate 

Sarah Dawson


From the Chaplain

Salvation Army Christmas Appeal

Christmas is a time for joy, however, for those doing it tough – it is often challenging, heart-breaking and isolating. The Salvation Army provides food hampers and gifts to families in need.

Please put your donations under the Christmas tree in the front office. We will be delivering the hampers to the Salvation Army on Wednesday 14 December.

Thank you to all the families who have already donated to the appeal and for supporting this worthy cause.

Nikki Harvey

School Chaplain

Library News

The Library is now closed for the year.

Some students still have not returned all their books.

It would be appreciated if parents and caregivers could please help their children to remember to return their books. 

Thank you for your help and support throughout this year.

Collection of RAT's

We have oral and nasal RAT tests for collection at the office for each family. We require a parent/guardian to collect these, or you can pick these up on another parents behalf.

Each child has been allocated an initial set of 20 free tests (these were oral tests) and we have now received another delivery of nasal RATs of which each student is entitled to an additional 20 tests. As we have plenty of stock of both tests we are happy for you to collected your allocation as either oral or nasal tests.

Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Hours

The uniform shop will be open on the following days during the school holidays:

  • Monday 30 January in the morning 9:00 am -11:00 am, and
  • Tuesday 31 January - 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Parents can pre-order and pay online as follows:


Payment details:

Scarborough Primary P&C Uniforms

BSB: 066122

Account: 10017967

P&C News

Happy Friday everyone

Thank you to all the families that completed the survey for the P&C. We are discussing the results at next week’s meeting and we will use them to help shape our planning for the 2023 projects. 

The final P&C meeting of 2022 is being held on Tuesday 6th December at 6.30pm in the ART ROOM.

Stuart Aubrey will be joining us at this meeting to learn about our P&C. And to celebrate the end of the year we are planning to have a drink and some dinner from Brooklyn Burger Lounge. Please come along if you can and help us start planning 2023. 


The Uniform Shop is stocked so come and pay us a visit on Wednesday mornings for all your uniform requirements from 8:45 am to 9:15 am.

If anyone is looking to save a few dollars, the uniform shop currently has a large number of second-hand uniforms available. Please come and have a look on Wednesday or reach out via the email below.

Order forms can be collected from the front office.  Emailed orders will be either delivered to your child’s classroom or available for pick up from the front office.

Contact Carrie via


We are always looking for canteen volunteers. So, if you or anyone in your immediate family (aunts, uncles, grandparents etc) have any Friday mornings available, Laura would love some assistance in the canteen.

Helping out in Canteen means that you come in and support Laura for 2 hours, usually between 10:00 am - 12:00 pm or 11:00 am - 1:00 pm; whatever works for you! Duties consist of washing dishes, prepping pizzas, handing out lunches, etc.

Email us at the P&C or speak to Laura on Fridays in the canteen if you are keen to help.

Please also note that all canteen orders need to be placed via QuickCliq prior to 8:30 am on Friday. Cash is not accepted.


We continue to fundraise through the Entertainment Book. When you purchase the Entertainment Book, a portion will go to the P&C.

Order your membership here


We will continue to fundraise through the Containers for Change initiative. The Containers for Change bins can be found at the school entry at Hinderwell Street near the Room 9 Heritage Building. Keep on bringing those empty cans and bottles to support the P&C!

Scarborough Primary School

Address: 60 Hinderwell Street, Scarborough WA 

Phone: 08) 9222 9200   


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