Our Lady of Lourdes Primary Newsletter

Term 4 Week 7, 25th November, 2022

Key Dates

Monday 28th November to Friday 9th December  Kindergarten to Year 4 Swim Program
Monday 5th December

Band Perfomance 6pm

Christmas Concert 6.30pm

Tuesday 13th DecemberEnd of Year Mass 9:30am
Wednesday 14th DecemberGraduation Mass 7pm
Thursday 15th DecemberLast day for students
Friday 16th DecemberStaff Development Day
Friday 27th & Monday 30th January 2023MAI Testing
Tuesday 31st January 20231st Day for All Students


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept all away. It will be like this when the Son of Man comes. Then of two men in the fields one is taken, one left; of two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left.

‘So stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming. You may be quite sure of this that if the householder had known at what time of the night the burglar would come, he would have stayed awake and would not have allowed anyone to break through the wall of his house. Therefore, you too must stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.’



What are some things you look forward to?

How do you get ready to prepare for them?

Today we begin Advent – a time where we prepare for the coming of Jesus.

Jesus asks us to live properly. How can we live properly?

How can we make Advent a time of preparation this week?

Historical Context – The Advent Wreath

One of the major symbols of the Advent season is the wreath. The encircling wreath is symbolic of God without beginning or end and the green foliage represents our hope in God. There are usually five candles in the wreath, a central white candle representing the light of Christ that came into the world and then four outside candles that are usually purple and rose coloured. The first candle is generally symbolic of Hope and Expectation. The third candle – the rose or pink candle – celebrates the Joy that is anticipated in the coming of Christ. The progressive lighting of the candles marks the journey towards the Nativity.

© Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd

Christmas Hampers

Once again we will be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal in conjunction with the OLOL Parish.  Please see note attached. Thank you to those who have already sent in their food donations for the hampers.

OLOL 2022 Christmas Celebration

This year’s Christmas concert will be on Monday 5th December commencing at 6:30pm. Children will need to be at school by 6.15pm

The P&F BBQ will commence at 5.30pm, where food can be purchased.

The school band will perform at 6pm

Students in all grades will be performing a special Christmas song and dance. The children are excited to be celebrating the Christmas concert live with you this year, after the past couple of years being restricted due to COVID. 

The Nativity story, the reason for the season - The Birth of our Saviour, Jesus, will be presented at the conclusion of the grade’s performances.

The children have been asked to wear the following clothes to the performance on Monday night.


Congratulations to the children who received their First Holy Communion over the past two weeks. We pray that their friendship with Jesus and spiritual journey continue to grow and deepen as they participate more fully during Eucharistic celebrations.

K-4 Swimming Program

Kindergarten through to Year Four will commence their “Swim and Survive” program on Monday 28th November and this will continue each day until Friday 9th December. 

A few reminders regarding the swimming program:

  • Students are to wear their swimming gear underneath their school/sports uniform to school with a change of underwear and socks in their school bag.

  • Students may wear crocs or sandals that offer support around the whole foot. Thongs are discouraged as students will not be able to play safely on the playground. They can change back into school shoes at school. 

  • Swimming caps will be supplied by the swim school (after students have been graded during the first week). Students are required to wear these at every lesson. 

  • Students are to bring in a separate small bag their towel, cap, goggles and a t-shirt or dress to wear over their swimming gear to and from the venue. All items (including their school uniform) must be clearly labelled. 

  • Students must wear something over their swimmers to the pool that is NOT their school uniform. 

  • Students will return to school in their swimming gear and will be changing back into their uniforms at school (students must be able to dress themselves independently). To assist with this, students have the option of wearing their sports uniform everyday. 

If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Rawlings at school. 

Sport Capatins 2023

This week we finalised our voting for sport captains for 2023.

Congratulations to the students who were elected as sports leaders:

Red :         Sophia Lines and Sebastian Bardella 

Green:      Lily Eyles and Joel Oboubisa-Nyampong

Blue:        Jayda Isherwood and Paul Hassarati

Gold:        Laura Deehan and Sebastian Martignago

The students will be presented with their badges at the end of year mass on Tuesday 13th December at 9.30am in the church. Parents of the new leaders are invited to attend.

Christmas Card Competition

Congratulations to Aaron Chevalier who won the 2022 Baulkham Hills Christmas Card Competition. Aaron was presented with a $100 gift voucher and award from David Elliot MP. His drawing of "No room at the inn" will feature on David Elliot's Christmas cards this year.

Last Uniform Delivery For Whole School 2022

Last delivery to the school is Friday 9th December 2022.  All orders must be placed by 4pm Wednesday 7th December.

First delivery back to the school is Tuesday 31st January 2023.

A friendly reminder that all orders are to be placed on the QKR app by MasterCard. Please download the app, search your school and follow the prompts.

Please place your orders prior to the dates above to ensure you have a uniform to start the 2023 school year.


Any concerns please email elle@ozfashions.com.au

Baby Congratulations

Congratulations to the Zada family on the birth of a baby boy, little brother to Jacob in KO. 

Download Semester Reports

Sport News

Infants Sports Carnival

On Friday the 18th of November, Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 participated in the Infants Sports Carnival at Yattenden Oval. 

The students participated in 300m and 100m races, as well as a dance battle between coloured houses and novelty events to finish. 

Congratulations to all the students on their efforts and participation! 

I would like to thank all the Teachers, Teacher Assistants and Colour House Captains for their assistance on the day.

Sporting Congratulations

Congratulations to Aaron and Jayda who competed at School Sports Australia Championships in QLD. 

  • Jayda came 3rd and received a bronze medal in the 10yr Girls High Jump. Although it wasn’t her highest jump she overcame her nerves, did her best and came away with a medal. 

  • Aaron competed in discus and also the tetrathlon combined event. The combined event is where athletes compete in 100m, 800m, shot put and long jump. Points are accumulated based on their results from the 4 events. Aaron was a finalist in the individual discus event and finished 8th overall. He came 11th in the combined event.

It was a great experience for both students . Well done to Jayda and Aaron on a fantastic effort.

2023 CEDP Primary Sport TEAM Registration


It is that time of the year again with nominations now OPEN for the final sports for the 2023 Parramatta Representative team sports.

Sports of AFL, Football (Soccer), Hockey, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, and Softball are OPEN and will close Tuesday 7th February 2023. These sports trials will be held in Term One & Two in 2023.

2023 CEDP Parramatta Diocesan Team Sport Trials are OPEN 

P & F News

P & F News

As we come closer to the end of the year, we are hosting our final function. We will be having a Christmas barbecue during the end of year Christmas concert celebrations.

Please see the flyer attached for all the details. If you would like to help out on the night, please click the following linkThank youhttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094EA4A92BA6FEC52-olol

P & F Committee 2023

This week elections were held for our 2023 P &F committee.

Congratulations to:

President : Belinda Hanna

Vice President : Dona Bazouni

Secretary : Rob Fallins

Treasurer: Elias Chidiac

Thank you to the 2022 committee for their hard work this year.

Parish News

Children's Rosary Movement

Children’s Rosary participants gather together to pray the Rosary every Monday during the school term. Parents need to accompany children. 

Bring your Rosary beads and spend some time in prayer.

Where: OLOL Church

When: Monday (school term only)

Time: 3:30pm

Contact: anitamolina@hotmail.com

Community News

Ambrose School Age Care- Staff Development Day

Dear Parents and Carers,

Friday 16th December 2022 has been confirmed by the school as a Staff Development Day. Ambrose School Age Care Our Lady of Lourdes Baulkham Hills therefore has tentative full-day care planned on this day. If you require full-day care please ensure you complete and return the form by the due date. Based on demand this will be reviewed and confirmed on Monday 12 th December 2022. 


School Band Program

Enrolment in the school band is now open for children currently in Years 2-5!  Please use the QR code to register an Expression of Interest for your child. Please contact TSA at enrolments@teachingservices.com.au  or on 9651 7333 for more information on the school band.

No Parking Zones